
Mesenchymal tumors: classification, features, origin

Any neoplasms in the human body are pathological in nature. They arise because of various reasons and circumstances. There are a lot of varieties of them. The main classification, which influences the further development of events - is the goodness or malignancy of the tumor.


A tumor is a tumor that initially has a pathological nature, but it can be benign or malignant. This is the main difference that influences how to behave with it, whether to resort to taking measures to eliminate it, whether it has a negative effect on the processes in the body. Mesenchymal tumors are formed from mesenchymal tissues. These include such as:

  • Connective tissue, including bone, cartilaginous and fatty;
  • Muscle tissue, also cross-sectional and smooth muscle;
  • Nerve tissue - central nervous system and peripheral);
  • Hematopoietic tissue.

What is the main difference between mesenchymal tumors and neoplasms of any other kind? Mesenchymal are soft tissues, such soft tissue formations can arise in extra-skeletal tissues. They can be found in various internal organs of the human body. The main feature of tumors is their effect on the work of the body. When such neoplasms arise, normal functioning of certain organs and systems is disrupted. There are new formations of this species quite rarely.

Classification of mesenchymal tumors

There are several classification features, according to which the neoplasms are divided into several varieties. So, the influence on the work of the body as a system distinguish:

  • Benign - do not have negative effects on the body;
  • Malignant - neoplasms, which urgently need to be removed or treated, as they adversely affect human health, the work of the whole system or individual organs is violated.

By the type of tissues involved in education you can meet:

  • One-component - neoplasms, consisting only of one type of tissue, for example, connective or nervous;
  • Multicomponent are tumors that consist of several types of tissues.

There is also another type of neoplasm, which can be separately identified - it is a heterotopic tumor. Its main distinguishing feature is that it is formed in organs from tissues that are not characteristic of it.

Prevalence of neoplasms

Most benign tumors are not removed, although regardless of the nature of origin, the larger their size, the more dangerous it is for human health. In the modern world, neoplasms began to occur more often and at the same time benign tumors occur rarely. Thus, the forecast in such situations is not always appropriate.

The variety of new growths is so great that today in America, scientists have about 5,700 kinds of mesenchymal formations. If all malignant tumors that are known today are taken as 100%, then mesenchymal ones are only 0.8% of all malignant tumors. Mortality with such neoplasms is 2% of the total number of deaths.

When can mesenchymal tumors occur?

The etiology of tumor formations is still unknown, their occurrence is difficult to predict and predict the consequences. But at the same time, there are several main factors, which in some cases presumably had their influence. So, similar neoplasms can arise:

  1. After radiation therapy.
  2. After thermal burns.
  3. After a one-sided type of injury, in such situations, the tumor was formed from the opposite side.
  4. Some environmental factors have a negative impact on human health, resulting in the occurrence of good or malignant formations.
  5. There are cases when neoplasms are a consequence of disturbances in the work of the body's defenses, when immunity is weakened, some types of viruses can cause unpredictable consequences.
  6. There may be a genetic predisposition to the disease.

Definitely to determine the reason why there were mesenchymal tumors whose pathological anatomy demonstrates that they are not always dangerous, one can not but assume that it was a prerequisite for their development. In addition, the above factors do not necessarily lead to such consequences.

Localization of neoplasms

Any tumor is a pathology, but it is important to understand that not every one of them carries a danger to human health and life. In any case, its development is worth watching, not self-medication. Sometimes a tumor can disappear without affecting it. What are the most common? Conditional on the localization area, you can use this separation:

  • Slightly less than half of all cases are lower limb tumors, the most common cases are tumors arising in the hip region, accounting for about 40% of all cases.
  • Second place in the prevalence of tumors, which are located in the trunk and abdominal space, they occupy 30% of the total number of cases.
  • Neoplasms in the region of the upper limbs, they account for about 20% of all sarcomas.
  • There are also malignant mesenchymal tumors (the pathological anatomy confirms this ), which are localized in the neck and head region, they occupy approximately 10% of the total number of known cases.


Another important sign of a tumor is its shape. He also depends on the outcome and behavior of the neoplasm. What forms can a sarcoma have ? These are :

  1. Spindle-shaped form.
  2. Round is the most common.
  3. Polygonal.

When determining the features of mesenchymal tumors and their type, the form matters, but it does not play a determining role. In addition, it is important to understand the structure of the pathological neoplasm. What is the structure of the tumor? Distinguish:

  • Lymphocyte structure.
  • Bacilliform.
  • Epithelioid cell.

These parameters affect the diagnosis, but are inadequate and some types of analyzes are required.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnostic measures will help to determine exactly what type of tumor is present. These include:

  • Molecular genetic analysis.
  • Ultrastructural analysis.
  • Cytogenetic.
  • Data of immunohistochemical diagnosis.

After revealing the tumor and passing the mandatory diagnostic measures, we can talk about the stage of development of the tumor, which in the end will help predict future actions and approximate behavior of the sarcoma.

Stages of development of pathology

Depending on the size of the tumor, we can talk about the stage of development of pathology, and depending on this, we can make an approximate prognosis and prescribe or not prescribe treatment. Let's consider the basic stages of development of pathological formation:

  1. Stage T1, in which the tumor size does not exceed 5 cm in diameter, it can be smaller.
  2. Stage T2 is the period in which the size of the neoplasm in diameter exceeds 5 cm, but an important feature of the pathology is that neither bones nor vessels nor nerves are damaged, that is, not affected.
  3. Stage T3 is a pathology stage in which, regardless of the size of the bone formation, the nerves or vessels are already affected or involved in the pathological process.
  4. If the metastases are localized in the lymph nodes, then they have the designation N1.
  5. If we are talking about metastases that are distant, they are designated as M1.

Depending on the type of pathological formation and the stage of its development, a qualified doctor can make a prediction on the basis of which treatment or observation is prescribed.

What benign tumors can occur?

As already mentioned above, benign mesenchymal tumors are pathological neoplasms that do not have a negative impact on human health and clearly do not pose a danger to their life. But at the same time, changes in the functioning of the body as a system are observed. Mesenchymal tumors, whose benign pathogenesis is:

  • Fibroma - neoplasms of connective tissue. They tend to be small in size, they can appear anywhere. The most common are ovarian fibroids, and neurofibromas that envelop the neural stem are also common. What kind do they have? These tumors in the form of dense capsules of small size, in a cut they will have a grayish-white color.
  • Dermatofibroma - a neoplasm, which has the shape of a small nodule, most often it can be found on the lower limbs. There are several varieties of this pathology, they differ in prevalence in the cells of lipids or hemosiderin. In a cut have a yellow or brown color.
  • Leiomyoma is a benign tumor that develops from the perivascular elements. It occurs often enough, it is localized in the bladder, on the skin, in the uterus, in the genitals, in the gastrointestinal tract and so on. As for the form, it is usually a round tumor, but often it is plural. Its dimensions vary in a fairly wide range, it can be a small neoplasm or a huge one. Depending on the stage of the pathology, it may not carry danger, but in some situations, necrosis or calcification may occur.
  • Hibernoma - a tumor that occurs very rarely, it is a new type of brown fat. Outwardly it resembles a nodule that consists of several parts, lobes. These fractions can have a granular or foamy structure.
  • Rabdomioma is a tumor that consists of cells of striated muscles. Often it is a consequence of impaired brain development or muscle tissue, and other developmental defects may occur.
  • Abrikosov tumor is a small formation that looks like a capsule. Often this can be found in the tongue, in the esophagus or on the skin.
  • Hemangioma is a benign formation that can often be found in newborn babies. There are several varieties of this pathology, the cause of which is not reliably determined. It is suggested that this may be a defect in embryonic development or a true benign tumor.

The list of benign tumors can be continued for a long time, they differ in a variety of features, including the location, size, nature and speed of development.

Malignant mesenchymal tumors

They pose an immediate threat to life and health. Malignant tumors of mesenchymal origin, whose patanatomy is similar to benign formations, is called sarcomas. There are several types of pathological formations that are white in the section. Mesenchymal tumors with foci of necrosis are the most dangerous neoplasms that were not detected in a timely manner. The most common are the following types of sarcomas:

  • Fibrosarcoma is a tumor that is very difficult to identify because it is very similar to fibroma, a benign tumor. This is a capsule, which is a soft structure in structure. In the section it has a red color resembling meat of fish. They can be fast or slow growing. The forecast in this case is not very comforting. Because time here plays a crucial role. If at the time of diagnosis, metastases are detected, the lethality in such cases is 20 to 40%. And this happens within five years after the development of the disease. In half of the cases there are relapses.
  • Liposarcoma is a malignant tumor that grows at a slow pace, but its dimensions can reach huge parameters. There are several varieties of such neoplasms, they develop mainly on the buttocks, in the abdominal cavity, on the hips.
  • Leiomyosarcoma is the same leiomyoma, only of a malignant nature. It develops from smooth muscle tissues.
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma is a tumor that is formed from the transverse cavity muscles. The structure of the tumor is polymorphic. It is difficult to determine it by external signs, after the diagnostic measures it is possible to verify the tumor.
  • Angiosarcoma is a malignant tumor that affects people regardless of gender, age and lifestyle. It can be localized anywhere. Of particular interest is the liver tumor, which can occur as a result of the action of certain carcinogens. It is important to understand that there may be years between the time of carcinogen exposure and the appearance of a tumor. The forecast is rather disappointing. After diagnosis, the patient can live from several weeks to several years.

Tumors in the modern world have become quite frequent pathological entities. They are localized in different places, both on the surface of the body and inside the body. Be sure to adhere to the recommendations of the doctor when revealing the pathology, since the mortality in such situations is so great.

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