HealthDiseases and Conditions

Heart Disease - Symptoms and Treatment of Angina

The heart is a hollow muscular organ that works like a pump. The heart wall consists of layers, there are three of them, but the main thickness is the myocardium, this weight is the main load. Myocardial fibers are contracted, thereby ensuring an uninterrupted flow of blood throughout the body. The ideal work of the heart is carried out continuously and without interruption, as the cardiac contractions alternate with relaxation. Moreover, the periods of relaxation exceed the periods of the heart, this is very important for a qualitative "recovery" of the body. During the rest, the coronary arteries feed the myocardium, and during the contraction the arteries are pinched. Angina is a form of ischemic disease and a clinical syndrome at the same time. If there is no change in the arteries, the angina syndrome is characteristic of the aortic defect. Very often, the cause of angina pectoris becomes coronary arteriosclerosis. Because of this, the arterial lumens narrow down and normal blood flow to the myocardium becomes impossible. Discomfort in the chest and pain in angina arise because the myocardium does not receive enough oxygen. If its delivery is insufficient, then myocardial ischemia appears, which is expressed in pain. The forms of this disease are divided into stable and unstable. Depending on how the patient is suffering physical stress, his pathological condition is referred to one of the four classes of CLS. Functional classes were determined for convenient observation of the course of the disease, for classification of prognosis and treatment.

If the pain with angina is caused by physical stress, then in humans the easiest kind of disease is the first. If the pain appears when walking unhurriedly or when climbing to one floor, this is the second class. The discomfort state at the slightest physical strain is the fourth functional class of the disease. Unstable angina is the average condition between a stable form of the disease and myocardial infarction. For a month unstable angina, most likely, will pass in the stable form or in a heart attack. Symptoms and treatment of angina pectoris. Symptoms of angina pectoris are discomfort and pain in the chest area. Diagnosis of this disease can be done with the ECG apparatus. With the help of ECG, it is possible to recognize the signs of the development of the disease. However, these symptoms may be absent in resting state, therefore Holter monitoring is used for effective diagnostics . Constant signs, symptoms and treatment of angina pectoris should be aimed at eliminating the causes that cause anginal signs, preventing seizures, and survival of a sick person. First of all, if symptoms and treatment of angina pectoris are necessary, it is very important to stop drinking alcoholic beverages, you should stop smoking, limit yourself in fat consumption, exclude increased physical activity. The obvious symptoms and treatment of angina include the use of antianginal drugs. In addition, to avoid possible seizures, it is necessary to avoid situations in which the myocardium will require additional oxygen: Eliminate physical activity, emotional shocks. Do not expose the body to even minor physical exertion in windy weather, in severe frost, immediately after sleep, after eating. Do not take certain pharmaceutical products.

Drug treatment The intake of medicines should be controlled by a doctor, with angina pectoris prescribed drugs that dilate the coronary vessels. The appointment is carried out by an experienced specialist, and all medical recommendations must be performed in accuracy.

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