Spiritual development, Mystic
Guessing at the names of the guys. Guessing the name of the future guy
Sooner or later, any teenage girl tries to find out the name of her future husband. It is at this tender age that romantic relationships between the sexes are only beginning, so the young creature tries in every way to glance at tomorrow and speed up the pleasant events. One of the methods to lift the veil over the future is to guess at the name of the future guy, who will answer such an exciting and delicate question.
Guessing onions
Very popular with young people and affordable fortune telling. Find out the name of the guy will help an ordinary bunch of onions, which exactly one week before Christmas you need to buy in the nearest market. For the ceremony we select as many tricks as there are potential suitors, but not more than 5-6. On each bulb we write the initials of the applicants and place them in separate cans filled with water. We place containers on the windowsill, closer to the light source.
Guessing on the pillow
In the evening before Andreev in the afternoon, Christmas or Old New Year girl prepares four pieces of paper. On three of them he writes the names of the familiar young people, the fourth one is completely empty. Before going to sleep, the guessing one, already in bed, kneels in front of the pillow, pours out the papers on it, carefully mixes them and at random thrusts each into a separate corner of the pillow. Then she takes it in her arms, twists clockwise, saying: "Pillow-pillow of feathers soft, let me dream a sweet image." Whisper in my ear, I would like to know what kind he will be and how to call him! "
Guessing on the Golden Ring
It is better to take your own decoration for the rite. But if he is not, then you can borrow from a mother or sister. The main thing is that the person was blood relatives, not a widow or divorced woman. Through the ring we thread. Ideally, if it is red, which symbolizes love and passion.
Next, cut out the same shape and size of small pieces of paper. Their number can range from two to twenty pieces: it all depends on the availability in your life of potential gentlemen. On each scrap we write the name and surname, turn it over with a clean side up, mix it and unfold it in a row. To them we bring a ring suspended on a string. Slowly move the decoration over the surface.
This guessing on the names of the guys is a bit lengthy in time, as the girl must support the ring over each piece of paper, while observing the amplitude of his movements. That piece, over which the ring is maximally "active," we turn over and read the name of our future young man.
Guessing on cards on the guy (his love and name)
For the ceremony you will need an ordinary deck of 36 cards. We pull out jacks from it, lay them in a row with shirts up, while each one is called the name of one or another applicant for the hand and heart. The remaining cards shuffle horizontally: under each inverted knave should form a column. From it we choose pairs: two tens, ladies, aces and so on. We debug them on knights. This procedure needs to be done three more times, after which you can turn jacks and see which pairs of cards fell on them.
If six people are on the opposite side of the hidden guy, it means that he is on his way to you, sevens - waiting for the meeting, he needs you, eight - expect an important conversation, nine - love, dozens - interest, ladies - rival, kings - jealousy with his Hand, aces are a huge passion. In complete silence, in the evening and at candles it is better to conduct this divination on maps. The name of the guy, opposite which there were two or more pairs of aces, may belong to the future husband.
"Heart guessing"
It is better to do it on February 14 - on Valentine's Day. The holiday of lovers is ideal for precisely because in the center of fortune telling is the heart. With his left hand, draw a piece of paper on the sheet. The size is arbitrary, but not too small. Then cut another 33 small squares from another sheet. They should be approximately this size, so that 4-5 of them freely fit into the heart. On each of the pieces write one letter of the alphabet: from A to Z.
Guessing on the first counter
Suitable only for the most courageous and desperate. In the evening, when it gets dark, write on paper the phrase "What's the name of the future guy, tell the passer-by", crumple it and hold it in your hand. Then go out into the street, walk exactly 300 steps from the threshold (entrance) and stop. The first stranger of the opposite sex, which you will meet, you need to ask: "What is your name?" In this case, be sure to believe that he says not his name, but your betrothed.
Guessing the names of the guys in this way was carried out by our ancient ancestors. They believed that a casual counter-person was the embodiment of otherworldly forces, a demon or a demon. Therefore, during the divination, you need to remove your own cross from yourself. When you get the answer to your question, cross your face and, without looking back, go home.
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