
Ground-cover rose "Fairy": description, cultivation

Rose "Fairy" - an aristocratic garden flower, one of the most popular and favorite ground cover varieties in the world, recognized for its abundant flowering and unpretentiousness in growing. Sprawling branchy bushes in the flowering period are abundantly covered with delicate pink flowers, under the continuous cover of which there is practically no visible small green leaves. The average height of the plant is about 60 cm, width - about 1.2 meters; While the rose bushes look very compact and smart.

The charming charm of the garden

Collected in air brushes (10-30 pieces each), terry pale pink flowers, a dense wall located on powerful hanging shoots, are associated with a light cirrus cloud and are a bright accent in the design of any garden. Small in diameter (about 2.5 cm), they look very lush and rich. The flowering period lasts long enough - from the middle of summer to the onset of the first frosts - and is accompanied by a light apple flavor.

Ground-cover rose in landscape design

"Fairy" is a rose that is widely used in flower gardens, mixborders, rock gardens, rockeries, and also as an independent garden unit. Ideal for the formation of low curbs along the garden pathways, as well as the decoration of flat surfaces. Due to the dangling stems, covered with caps of pink inflorescences, it looks chic in vases and on raised flower beds.

Rose (sort "Fairy") is combined with all kinds of roses, is effective in combinations with perennials. As partners, lavender, geranium, daylily, bells, ornamental grasses are best for it; Most expressively manifests its decorative properties in the neighborhood with the owners of silver leaves - wormwood, santolina, carnations. The disadvantage of the variety is the tendency of the flowers to burn out: the latter acquire faded pale pink shades and look unattractive. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant a rose fairy next to yellow or orange flowers, against which the garden beauties will look dirty and messy.

Rose "Fairy" groundcover: where to place?

The choice of location, preparation of soil, application of fertilizers are important factors for the qualitative growth of any garden culture. Rose "Fairy", considered an example of lushly flowering varieties, prefers to grow in well-lit areas. Optimal access to sunlight will ensure the quality formation of buds and long continuous flowering. Shrubs located in the penumbra, for lack of lighting will react with the buildup of green mass.

The optimal place for planting a rose bush is considered to be the western and southeastern parts of the site, where in the first half of the day the plant will receive the necessary portion of ultraviolet light, and at noon it will be under the shadow protection of a number of trees and bushes located nearby.

The most comfortable the fairy rose feels in a fertile, easy-to-texture and well-permeable soil. For container specimens, it is recommended to use a special substrate for flowering plants.


Rose "Fairy" is a groundcover culture that will please with abundant, long flowering, provided that the planting is properly done, before which it is recommended to feed the soil, spreading as much mineral fertilizers and mature compost as possible on its surface. Then, in the area where the rose will be planted, it is necessary to dig deeply the soil and carefully choose stones, large breasts and rhizomes of weeds. Planting of rose bushes, the distance between which should be at least half a meter, should be carried out in individual well drained wells, the depth of which is formed on the basis of the length of the rhizome with 10-20 cm of reserve. The seedlings need to be cut long roots, and the stems shortened to 10-15-centimeter length. In the process of planting it is recommended to layer-by-layer watering of the soil, which prevents the formation of voids. At the end of the process, the top layer should be compacted, watered and watered abundantly.

After reaching a young growth on a bush 5-centimeter length, it is recommended to cover up with a layer of bark (3-5 cm) or wood shavings occupied under the rose area. The fulfillment of this condition is very important, since among the spiny branches growing weed control of the weeds is very problematic. On properly prepared and covered ground, the dense growth of rose bushes in a couple of years will ensure complete victory over weeds.

Trimming activities

Rose The Fairy is a fairly unpretentious plant, adapts well to cold winters, is able to please with flowering even in the absence of constant care. Perfectly tolerates molding, so garden culture can easily be given the image of a neat bush, restraining its growth in width and height. If necessary, to ensure good ventilation and light, bushes are recommended to thin out. In the first year, the stems should be shortened in order to activate tillering, then the annual spring pruning is sanitary in nature and consists in removing old, diseased and dried branches. Every 5-6 years the ground-cover rose "Fairy", reviews about which are positive and induce to acquire such a pretty plant on their own site, needs rejuvenation: all the whips need to be cut short, leaving 20-30 cm. In the process of this procedure, cuts larger than 1 Cm, it is advisable to cover with a garden sauce, and treat the bush with a solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid.

Many experts do not recommend cutting the ground-cover of the "Fairy" rose in order to preserve its natural form. In this case, it is important to plant the plants in such a way that they do not interfere with each other.

How and when to water?

It is very important to provide abundant watering to the rose during the dry periods, as well as at the bud formation stage and at the beginning of flowering. Depending on the size of the plant, the volume of water under one unit is from 10 to 15 liters. Producing this procedure is better in the morning, directly under the bush, using only warm water. For young plants, the moisture supply should be made at least once a week for a good rooting. In the autumn months, the number of irrigation needs to be reduced. In undocumented plants there is a reduction in flowers and a fairly short flowering period.

Conducting dressings

From April to October, it is required to carry out feeding activities: in the spring (2 weeks after the appearance of leaves) - with mineral and organic preparations, during the bud formation (one month after the first fertilizing) - with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. In the autumn season, for the purpose of good ripening of shoots, it is recommended to feed potassium preparations.

Rose "Fairy" is sufficiently frost-resistant - the plant is able to easily survive the winter under the snow cover, while retaining the leaf crown. However, in conditions of snowless and harsh winters, a light lapnik hide will not interfere.

Rose Fairy: Reproduction

To reproduce a rose, which annually surprises with uninterrupted flowering and retains its appeal even with minimal care, can be layered. To do this, in spring it is necessary to choose a one-year-old long stem, conditionally divide it into several sectors. Each of them should have 3 kidneys: 2 - for the development of shoots and 1 root, over which it is necessary to accurately produce an annular incision of the cortex. Stem immersed in a pre-prepared groove, pinned in such a way that the incision made was located on the bottom. Continuation of the whip should be lifted above the surface of the soil, then similarly pinned in place of the next root kidney. As a result, the pinned shoot will have a W-shaped appearance with protruding sections above the soil. The last 2-3 kidneys should be left free and not covered with earth. The groove should be gently covered with fertilized soil and very often watered. It is recommended to leave the layers for the winter with the mother plant and not touch it until the spring. On a permanent place of growth, deep-seated cuttings can be planted after a year of growing.

Cloudy-pink decoration of the site

According to the reviews of many flower growers, the cultivation of the "Fairy" rose is an enjoyable occupation and does not cause any particular trouble. Winter resistance, ease of care, resistance to diseases are optimally combined with the external - pink-cloudy - plant species. Ground-cover roses for any site will be a worthy decoration and will fit optimally into its landscape.

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