Education, History
Grigory Potemkin: biography and interesting facts from life
In the history of our country there are enough odious personalities, the attitude towards which remains ambiguous to this day. Grigory Potemkin also belongs to such. When you mention the name of this person, the first association that occurs in the average Russian is "Potemkin villages". It is customary to think that this is a synonym for the grandiose historical farce and showy, by which Gregory "dusted" the Empress Catherine and her foreign guests. But few people know that this, to put it mildly, does not quite correspond to the truth.
Historical contradictions
History - the "lady" is capricious and unfair. Just think: the same Pyrrhus, a talented and intelligent commander, remained in the memory of descendants only as a careless commander who "piled up the enemy with meat." And no one remembers at the time that Pyrrhus himself was of little opinion about his victory. So is Grigory Potemkin. Despite all his actions for the glory of Russia, he is remembered only in scabric anecdotes.
Immediately remember his love affair with Catherine, craving for luxury and all the same ill-fated villages ... In fact, Grigory was one of the most talented organizers of the time with an undeniable gift and abilities in the field of public administration. Simply put, he was a really great man. Uneasy, with its quirks, but all its shortcomings were a logical continuation of its undoubted merits. So is it true, as the languages of some historians echo, the monument to Grigory Potemkin was placed undeservedly? Of course not. The prince really deserved all his honors and regalia. To make sure of this, you just need to know the main milestones of his biography.
How it all began
He was born in the Smolensk province. Place of birth is a small village of Chizhovo. It happened on September 13 (24), 1739. His father was Alexander Vasilyevich Potemkin, a retired major. His character was, as it is now customary to say, "not sugar." That's what he did not regret for his son, it's beatings, which were a natural consequence of violent disposition and craving for booze. Fortunately, Grigory, all this lasted only up to seven years, and then his father was gone.
Mother, Darya Vasilievna, tried in every possible way to protect her son from the bad influence of her father and constantly interceded for him, which was why she was repeatedly beaten. Therefore, after the death of Alexander Vasilyevich, the whole family sighed with relief. Potemkin moved to Moscow, and in many ways it was due to the desire to give a better education to Gregory. Again, because of the boy's character, this desire did not quite come true. However, let's talk about everything in order.
From the youngest years, Grigory Potemkin had a very peculiar character: he literally ignited the idea that interested him and could work on it almost around the clock, but just as quickly cooled to it. However, most of his beginnings, he still completed. In particular, he made every effort for successful study. It was not in vain - in 1755 he became a student of Moscow University, and only a year later young Grigory received a gold medal "For success in studies."
At that time it was indeed an outstanding recognition of merit. All indicated that a new name could soon be added to the list of the luminaries of Russian science. If everything were really so, then, without a doubt, Potemkin probably could become an outstanding scientist. How to know, maybe we lost one more Lomonosov ...
A year later he was introduced to Elizabeth as part of a group of 12 best students. That's just all went wrong ... Just three years after that, he was expelled for "laziness and non-attendance of lectures." But in vain. After all, he had all the makings to become the luminary of science. Just at this time there was not a single authoritative mentor nearby that could point out the fallacy of his actions. At the same time, Gregory showed himself as an exemplary son: mindful of the suffering of the mother, who was acutely worried about his deduction, later he beat out for her the high rank of the state-lady. However, then this could not be a question. The army of the Russian State was waiting for the young "bezdar".
Ambition and pleasant surprises
All contemporaries said that one of the main shortcomings of Potemkin was pride, sometimes turning into open vanity and arrogance. However, this was not always a bad thing: calmly accepting his deduction, he immediately decided to take the military path. At that time there already existed a kind of analogue of the military department, and therefore yesterday's student was formally already enlisted in the troops and undergoing active military service. It was a good incentive for further career!
So, in 1761 he already had the rank of sergeant-major, without serving a single day. At the same time, the former student arrives in Petersburg and is in the location of the regiment. His appearance was so impressive that he was immediately made an orderly by General-Field Marshal Georg Ludwig (Duke of Schleswig-Holstein).
Despite the warm reception in the army, Grigory did not have any tender feelings for her tyranny commander, Peter III, who by that time had already given up the land, abundantly watered with the blood of Russian soldiers, his idol Friedrich. And it auknulos fully: the army of the State of Russia such a betrayal simply could not. Not surprisingly, Potemkin easily merges into the ranks of the conspirators. Day of the coup, June 28, 1762, became a turning point in the fate of not only Russia, but also the sergeant-major himself. Catherine II immediately liked the handsome handsome man.
Unlike their "colleagues" in the conspiracy, who were only made into cornets, the future statesman is immediately appointed as lieutenant. In general, this is the same as if today the senior sergeant became a major for the day. It is to this circumstance that the historians blame, for this very reason, he gets many enemies in a day. However, the future count himself does not see anything wrong in this, as his vanity tears itself from the realization of its own exclusivity.
Desperation and Courage
However, at that time Potemkin could not dream of the greater favor of the empress. The fact is that her favorite was Count Orlov, and he could not compete with him. Despite the regalia brought by the service and awards, Grigory gradually began to grow cold towards his occupation. At that time, almost an amazing incident occurred: Potemkin Grigory Alexandrovich almost became a monk! He conducted long theological discussions with the ministers of the church, striking them with his knowledge, and was seriously preparing to be tonsured. But then began the next Russian-Turkish war.
"Illiterate, but brave beyond measure"
In 1769 a young major-general (for nine years !!!) went to this war as a volunteer. His active nature simply could not pass by such an opportunity to manifest himself. Strangely enough, but the devoted fans and haters of Potemkin said the same thing: "As a general he is an empty place, but he is immensely brave and never loses courage in battle."
He climbed into places where there was absolutely nothing to do, and killed people, but he fought with them shoulder to shoulder and never hid behind the soldiers. Potemkin participated in almost all overland battles.
In 1774 Potemkin arrives at the court on the wings of glory. Orlov at this time is already in disgrace, and therefore at the court quickly appears a new favorite of Catherine. Gregory quickly receives the title of Count and rank of General-Anshef.
Historians are still arguing about how far the relationship between Potemkin and Catherine went. There is a version that even their daughter Elizabeth was born from their relationship.
Allegedly the girl was transferred for education to the next of kin of the newly-made count. Her name was Tyomkin, as the tradition of those years said that illegitimate children should be given the father's surname, taking away the first syllable from the latter. But were her parents Grigory Potemkin and Catherine?
"Was there a boy? .."
In the Tretyakov Gallery there is a portrait of this woman, so there is no dispute about her existence. Her father could well be Gregory, but did she have a mother Catherine? The fact is that by the time of Elizabeth's birth she was already 45 years old, which even for the present time is not suitable for procreation, and in those days it was something unthinkable. Whatever it was, but in those years the relationship between Potemkin and Catherine was the most trustworthy.
Here I would like to make one digression. The Empress had a lot of favorites and close friends in her life. But all of them, having lost the grace of the ruler, immediately left in the shadows and did not remind themselves of themselves. Potemkin, even being removed from the court, still played a crucial role in public administration, and therefore it is unfair to judge him only from the point of view of a talented courtier.
Construction of Novorossia
In 1776, the Empress's henchman received the task of national importance: to do the construction of Novorossia, Azov, and other lands in those parts. Virtually everyone agrees that Prince Grigory Potemkin of Tauris achieved incredible success in this field. Historians believe that he did more for the south of our country than Peter I for the northern territories (controversially, since Peter had to work in very difficult conditions). He founded a number of towns and villages where, literally, the nomadic troops raced past yesterday, and there was nothing but thickets of steppe grass.
Vanity and luxury
It would not be superfluous to say that the prince's craving for luxury was indeed a byword. In particular, his hat was so heavy from the decorations and decorations that she had to carry the orderly in her arms. Even at the time when Catherine and her guests preferred to appear in public in simple hunting jackets, Potemkin remained true to himself, blinding all present with the brilliance of gold and diamonds. This same character trait was clearly manifested in Potemkin's architectural plans: the same city Kherson was originally conceived on such a scale that even modern Moscow could envy him something. In practice, however, it was not possible to realize a tenth of what was conceived.
"Dust in the eyes" or reality?
In 1787, Catherine decided to honor the Crimea with her attention. Potemkin, who by that time had already received such a rank as the General-Field Marshal, could not miss such an outstanding opportunity to remind himself again. So "Potemkin villages", although not in the form that we are told today, really were. Once again, they were quite real, the peasants really lived in these settlements all the time, but without proper entourage and excessive luxury, Gregory could not do without. That is why the talks about the farce and the "unreality" seen by Catherine and her foreign guests went.
Few people know, but at the time of the visit to the Empress of the Crimea he created a special "company of Amazons", which was recruited solely from girls of noble blood. Naturally, after Catherine's departure, it was disbanded, because Potemkin perfectly understood the absolute uselessness of such a military formation in a real war. Still, he received the title "general-field-marshal" not only because of the sympathy of the empress. At that time, everyone recognized that the amount of work done by the favorite of the empress really amazes, and therefore easily forgave him an irrepressible craving for luxury and brilliance.
Positive and negative
A dozen large and twenty small ships arranged a grand salute, which was the apotheosis of Catherine's visit to the peninsula. This fleet, which appeared near the coast of the Crimea literally from the air, especially shocked the foreigners who accompanied the empress.
Many contemporaries and historians believe that the quality of construction of these ships was "ahovym." Yes, it is true, but during the next war with Turkey, these ships played an important role, despite all their shortcomings. It was after this Potemkin Grigory Alexandrovich, whose biography is considered in the framework of this article, officially received the title "Tavrichesky", which indicated his special success in the development of new lands.
Although Suvorov had reasons to respect his ill-wishers: it was thanks to Potemkin that the Russian army finally got rid of the ridiculous Prussian heritage in the form of wigs, braids and braids, which made everyday clothing more convenient and practical. This greatly facilitated the hard work of soldiers. Finally, with him the cavalry of Russia underwent its heyday, as he did a great deal to develop this kind of troops. This work brought fruit in 1812, when it was the cavalry who became the main striking force against the invading army of Napoleon.
Also, the great commander recognized that Potemkin was an excellent back organizer. With him, the army never knew the problems with the timely delivery of provisions, weapons and everything necessary. So Prince Grigory Potemkin really enjoyed the respect even of his enemies (which he started exclusively because of vanity and some arrogance).
Opal and removal
The career of a courtier is fragile. Our hero also learned about this when the young Platon Zurabov was approached to the court. This man was not only younger Potemkin, but also proved to be no less talented organizer. The days of the old favorite were numbered. Zurabov did not want to put up with the constant presence of an old competitor, and therefore insisted on his removal. In 1791 he was forced to leave Petersburg.
The Last Luxury
Already in January he arrives there again, having returned from the next Turkish war. Four consecutive months in the Tauride Palace, one after another, incredibly luxurious feasts were given, on which Potemkin squandered 850,000 rubles. For those times it was a grand sum. All this pursued only one goal - to return the favor of Catherine, but she did not retreat from her decision. It is noteworthy that even Zurabov understood the undesirability of removing Potemkin from state affairs, so that the aging prince was simply hinted that his continued presence in Petersburg was undesirable.
He actively participates in peace negotiations with the Turks. But all this was just a screen: vanity this time rendered Grigory a disservice, he simply could not survive his parting with Catherine. Nervously, he became seriously ill, but he still tried to participate in state affairs. Russia, the 18th century for which, at times, flourished and renaissance, soon lost one of the most odious and ambiguous of its sons.
Last day
October 5, 1791, the prince became ill directly in the carriage, which followed from Iasi to Nikolaev. His last words are known. He ordered the coach to stop and said: "That's all, nowhere to go, I'm dying!" Take me out of the carriage: I want to die on the field! "The accompanying retinue carefully carried their master to the autumn field. A few minutes later the prince was gone. He was buried in the Kherson fortress, in the cathedral of St. Catherine (which was built under his direction).
Thus died Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin (1739-1791 gg.). This ambiguous man left a deep mark in the history of our country, and therefore his role can not be forgotten in any case. Surely without him everything would be different.
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