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Grass mower: design features

Grass mower is a very useful tool for the owners of holiday villages. However, it is not so easy to acquire it. The fact is that there are a lot of different models of these devices, and in such an abundance it's easy to get confused. When choosing a tool, first of all it is necessary to determine whether it should be mechanical or run on gasoline (from the power grid).

Let us consider the first type of apparatus in detail. So, the mechanical drum mower for grass works on the principle of scissors. All the details of this device are made of lightweight materials that are robust and reliable. In addition, the cost of such equipment is low enough to be available even for the most modest budget. In its design, the tool has movable and fixed knives. In the first case, the elements are bent along the guide drum. Due to this, the length of the cutting surface is significantly increased. Such a grass mower is moved by means of wheels.

This tool has certain advantages: low cost and low weight, it does not need additional sources of energy, in addition, it effectively copes with grass of medium height. You can use the equipment in any weather, even in the rain, because the knives can cut both dry and wet greens.

The grass mower is very user friendly. Some models may have additional bags for harvesting greens, so that it will not have to be raked afterwards. But it is necessary to consider the shortcomings of the device. First of all, it can only be used on flat surfaces. Do not use the mower in those areas where there are plants with solid stems. The fact is that it takes a lot of effort to mow down them, and there is no guarantee that you will succeed.

If the area is growing dense greenery, the mower for high grass "chopping" type is ideal for work. It is able to clean even dead wood and small bushes. The grass is crushed, so it can not later be harvested in hay.

In addition to the mechanical devices, there are also gasoline and electric appliances. The main working body in such constructions is an acute metal plate (disk or thick fishing line). Such a hand grass mower works using an additional power source. The advantage of this device is high performance. In addition, for them it does not matter what terrain the terrain has. The cutting part in the device can be changed, so you have the opportunity to mow not only the grass, but also bushes, and even small trees. One of the drawbacks of the device is that it can not have a bag for gathering greens (by design). In addition, the device is noisy enough and vibrates strongly.

There is another hand tool called a trimmer. Thanks to him you can quickly and easily take care of lawns, and you do not need to make great efforts.

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