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Actress Dana Delaney: movies, biography, personal life and interesting facts
Dana Dilani is known to many for her scandalous roles. In movies and serials, she plays strong women with a very complex character. And what kind is she?
Dana was born in New York in an English family. Her mother and father are of Irish and English descent. That's why she has a British accent, though a little Americanized.
While still a child, Dana participated in various performances, always was in the forefront among those wishing to get on the stage. The childhood dream began to be realized when she graduated from the Phillips Academy. She was offered a role in the musical "South Pacific". Later, Dana graduated from Wesleyan University and went to work in New York. Not everything is as smooth as it could be, but it's Dana Delaney! Her biography has many ups and downs. Many prophesied to her until the end of her life working as a waitress in a cafe, when she ran for small episodic roles in the intervals between serving tables.
However, not in the spirit of Dana surrender, so she continued to sharpen her skills. In the 80's, her career began to gain momentum. And it was a breakthrough. Thanks to the roles she was given at that time, we know her now.
Roles in TV shows
Speaking of the roles on the screen, you can not fail to mention her most important series. If you look for information on "Dana DeLaney: Movies", then you will definitely stumble on the drama series "China Beach". After all, it was with him that began a long career Dilani in 1988.
When she came to audition, she was refused. Dana did not understand why she did not pass, and who knows how everything would turn out, if not for the friendly advice of director Paul Schroeder. He suggested that she cut her hair into a short bean and take samples again.
That's exactly what she did - and got the part. After a while, Dilaney said with a laugh that she did not like the creators of the series, because she was not beautiful enough, but in the past, if not for her character, she could have completely abandoned the career of the actress.
"China Beach" tells of a young nurse who worked during the Vietnam War. This dramatic, full of suffering and fear of the series opened the world to a new theater star and a movie called Dana Dilani. The filmography of the actress at that time was very small: episodic roles, a couple of serials. After the "Chaina Beach" critics so praised the young actress that the offer fell down hail.
Dana was nominated four times for Emmy and twice won this award.
Fresh roles in TV shows
A talented and smart actress still does not slow down, it's Dana Delaney! Films (full-length) do not often come across in her filmography, but she has more than enough serial roles.
The most popular modern series are "Desperate Housewives" and "The Corollary to the Body".
In "Desperate Housewives" Dileini played Catherine, who returned to the city after a long absence. Despite the fact that the actress joined not from the first season, her role is difficult to call episodic. Although the fans would like to have more screen time.
But in the "Corollary for the body," her role was paramount - Dr. Megan Hunt. The owner of a tough character, strong personality and - most importantly - a keen mind. Such a woman does not miss. On the very first day in the new job she established her own order, built everyone around her, including her superiors. The series is 100% revealing the heroine, which initially contains many secrets.
Personal life
Another question that worries many is who is Dan Daleyni in love with? The personal life of the actress is kept with seven seals. She reluctantly answers questions, avoids the topic of personal life in an interview and hides her family in every possible way.
However, in some interviews she was able to share the most intimate. In 2006, Dana Delaney admitted that, after crossing the line in 50 years, she is ready to marry. To the astonished questions of journalists, she said that there are no candidates yet, but now she began to treat this much easier. Although, most likely, it was a momentary weakness, after a year Dana again returned to her old version that she never plans to get married.
Dana always loved freedom. There were many men in her life, but they all could not wait for her hand and heart.
A novel with Steve Martin
Steve Martin completely revised his views on life. Prior to working with Delaney, he seemed to be a self-sufficient man who knows how to entice any woman with him. He was proud of his own loneliness, he did not like the "thrashing" of children and the wedding. However, having clung to Dana's languages, I realized that this was his destiny. It was the longest novel in the life of Delaney.
But no matter how many flowers he gave to the actress, no matter how much she cared, she could not say yes to him. After another quarrel on this basis, Dana broke off relations.
Later she talked a lot about their novel. That she could not imagine a man next to her until the end of her life. And she never planned to have children. Too expensive is freedom to change it to a family.
The former bridegroom could not forgive Delaney and wrote her a lot of offensive letters in the mailbox, and soon, when he found his real destiny and became a father, he felt sorry for Dana.
Dana Dileini gives the impression of a freedom-loving selfish nature. But in fact it is a woman with a big heart.
- Dana actively participates in the search for drugs for scleroderma, and also sponsors all studies. She has a whole site where she shares her thoughts on this matter and supports the sick with this ailment.
- The actress is co-president of a human rights organization.
- Supports family planning.
- Participates in activities to protect LGBT people.
This is only a small part of what makes Dan for people around the world.
Did you know that ...
If you are first reading about Dan Delaney, you certainly would like to learn some interesting facts from her life.
- Dana can decide at some moment to go somewhere. Instead of work to go to another continent? Easily! Perhaps, that's why she does not start animals and does not approach people.
- In 1991, the actress was in the top 50 of the most beautiful women in the world.
- Delaney has been practicing yoga for more than 30 years.
- She's a bookworm. She prefers any hobby to stay at home and read a book.
- For the role in the series "Consequence on the body" actress received 150 thousand dollars per episode.
- Dana refused the role of Carrie Bradshaw in the series "Sex and the City" and does not regret it.
- The only time Dilany made herself a shot of Botox and after that she promised never to do this. One of her eyes was bigger than the other. Since then she is for natural aging.
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