Food and drinkBeverages

Ginger Tea Recipe - Health in Every Throat


A few words about the history of ginger tea

  According to archaeological data, ginger was used in China already in the II century. BC. Chinese scholars and wise men, among whom was Confucius, noted his excellent gastronomic and medicinal virtues. Ginger, by the way, is also a natural aphrodisiac.

In the Roman Empire, ginger was known as hot spice, which has health-giving properties.

In the Middle Ages, ginger became particularly popular among cooks and doctors.

In Russia, ginger began to be used from the sixteenth century. As an additive to kvass, compotes, braga and cakes.

Today, the popularity of ginger in our country is largely contributed to sushi, which have firmly become fashionable and our culinary culture.

Ginger: useful properties

Ginger tea has a number of properties that distinguish it among other varieties of tea. This is a special taste, and, of course, its useful qualities, which are recognized not only by tea-drinkers, but also by professional medics and scientists.

Ginger tea is a real salvation for people seeking to maintain health and reduce excess weight. This tea is rightly called medical.

The root of ginger contains a whole group of vitamins - it's vitamins A, B1, B2, C. It contains various amino acids (methionine, tryptophan, leyzine, leisin, valine), which increase resistance to infections and viruses. In general, the effect of tea from ginger improves blood circulation and metabolism, digestion.

Ginger contains essential oils (about 1-3%) and active ingredients such as felandrin, camphine, cineol, citral, borneol, gingerol (1.5%). Ginger is rich in various salts of mineral substances (magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, zinc, potassium).

Ginger has on the body a diaphoretic, expectorant, analgesic and antiemetic effect. It nourishes absolutely all tissues and has a very good effect on the stomach, digestive organs and respiratory system. How to make ginger tea, you can read below.

The use of ginger as a medicine

Ginger is taken in the form of a decoction, infusion, powder as a medicine for colds, flu, indigestion, belching, vomiting, abdominal pain. In general, it lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. Ginger returns appetite, fresh complexion, mood, clear eyes. Ginger tea is the best. How to make ginger tea? For this, recommend 10-20 grams of ginger to brew a cup of water, putting a little mint and lemon there. By the way, in the morning such tea invigorates no worse than strong coffee. During the day, you need to drink tea in between meals.

A simple recipe for ginger tea to improve overall health

For cooking, you need a ginger root, scrolled through a meat grinder (about three tablespoons), 6 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons lemon juice and 2 liters of water.

In boiling water, add ginger, sugar or honey. Before you drink tea, it must be filtered.


The recipe for ginger tea for weight loss

Tea for weight loss is prepared as follows. 10 teaspoons of ground ginger root are brewed with two liters of boiling water.

The daily norm of ginger tea, which has the effect of reducing weight, is two compulsory liters per day. That is, all the brewed tea you need to drink, leaving nothing for tomorrow.

Recipe for ginger tea with milk in Indian

  Boil 350 ml of water, throw in a half or two teaspoons of black or green tea, a couple of spoons of sugar and fresh grated ginger - 5-6 slices (or 2 teaspoons). Boil a minute to get a brown tint. Add 200 ml of milk, cardamom and set aside the pan to make the tea full. Then again bring to a boil and strain through a strainer.

Ginger tea recipe for colds

  In boiling water (300 ml) add grated ginger (3 tablespoons), a pinch of black ground pepper and leave for 3-4 minutes. Just before turning off, add honey (5 tablespoons) and lemon juice (4 tablespoons).

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