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Funny competitions in nature for a fun company.

What do you associate with the phrase "outdoor recreation"? Of course, with summer, river, beach, forest, shish kebab and good company. But how to make it so that the rest will be remembered for a long time? For this, to banal bathing in the river and eating shish kebabs, you can add funny contests in nature. This article is sure to help you spend your holidays with benefit for the soul and body.

Funny nature competitions

1. "Twister". This is probably the most popular game among young people, which is suitable for any company, regardless of gender and age. The rules are pretty simple, you just need a little skill. So, in front of you there is a rug with the applied circles of different colors. The leader twists the roulette and tells the players which sector they need to put their hand or foot in. Twister is able to "tie in a knot" even a few people. Standing and balancing is sometimes in very uncomfortable positions, from which everything becomes even more fun.

2. Darts. To do this, you will need darts and a target, which can be attached to one of the trees that are near the place of your rest. Further everything is simple - break up into several teams and conduct a tournament. Whose team will score more points, that and won.

3. Frisbee, in other words, a "flying saucer", can also be used by conducting funny contests in nature. Players are divided into two teams. The goal of each of them is to transfer the "flying saucer" to his player, and rivals must at any cost to stop this feed and grab the frisbee on the fly. Here you need to have good accuracy, agility and speed. Also a very good option for a holiday with benefit!

This is all that relates to active games. In contests in nature for young people, you can add pepper, for example, if vacationers gathered mainly in pairs.

1. "Contact". For this competition it is necessary to prepare in advance 2 sets of papers on which all parts of the human body (head, arm, back, etc.) will be listed. Then the players are divided into pairs - guy / girl. Each participant alternately takes a piece of paper and reads what is written there. For example, the girl pulled out a leaf with the inscription "Hand", and the young man - "Back". Now they must come in contact with these parts of the body. In the second round of the game, each pair again takes out a piece of paper. The bottom line is that young people, while maintaining their previous contact, must come in contact with new parts of the body. The pair that does not leave the race as long as possible can not win. Managed to stay in "contact".

2. "Sweet tooth-barabashka." Very cheerful contest. The game involves two people who take turns in the mouth of a candy and call their rival sweet tooth-barabashka. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated and ridiculous in this. But this is not so. In this game there is one condition - you can not eat sweets! And therefore, the more the player has sweets in his mouth, the harder it is for him to pronounce the phrase "Sweet-Toothed-Barabashka", since It turns out very funny and sometimes incomprehensible. Who pushes more candy in the mouth and at the same time is available to speak, he won!

3. "Pour into a glass of water." Any number of players participate in the game. Before each put a plastic glass (0.5 liters) and given a bottle of water, reminiscent of a spray (the lid in it with a hole). The terms of the contest are quite interesting. Players are encouraged to fill the glass as quickly as possible with water, without resorting to the help of hands. It's pretty funny to look at the participants. Victory goes to someone who, before all, will fill the glass with water. And to make it even more interesting to conduct funny contests in nature, you can think of some prizes with humor. Then the participants will have an additional incentive to win!

This is not all the funny contests in nature! You can come up with something different, based on the tastes of your company. Have a nice rest!

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