EducationThe science

Function of the circular muscle of the eye and the circular muscle of the mouth

The greatest number of muscles is located on the face. Their main distinguishing characteristic is that they have only one fixed end on bone structures, and the second is woven into soft tissues, forming a mobile attachment point. The contraction of the facial muscles causes not only the work of the muscle itself, but, more importantly, it provides a skin shift, creasing and, around the natural apertures, provides for certain functions. What is the function of the circular muscle of the eye and the circular muscle of the mouth, we will consider in more detail in this article.

What is the muscle of the eyes?

Before proceeding to the consideration of the functions of this muscle, it is worthwhile to briefly dwell on its structure, since each of its parts ensures the performance of individual actions.

The anatomical circular muscle of the eye is represented by three divisions:

  1. Glazier.
  2. Lacrimal.
  3. The age-old.

Glasper part

The function of the circular muscle of the eye (its orbital part) consists in narrowing the entrance to the orbit by simultaneous and unidirectional contraction of the fibers by lowering the eyebrow and lifting the cheek. When the innervation of this area is affected, there is no muscle contraction and a typical appearance (a slightly opened eye and a lowered cheek).

The lacerated part

The lacrimal part is represented by a small number of muscle fibers located between the eye socket and the upper eyelid, which on their way round the tear sack. With the contraction of this muscle, a sufficiently strong pressure on the above bag arises, and tears are extracted into the nasolacrimal duct. The function of the circular muscle of the eye (its tear part) is better the closer the eye is closed.

The secular part

Judging from the name, this part provides the reduction of eyelids. The subtlety lies in the fact that one-moment closing of the lower and upper eyelids occurs, respectively, on average by 3 and 10 millimeters. The function of the circular eye muscle of this part also provides softening of the cornea with a tear.

As you can see, a rather small area and a non-muscle muscle performs a number of important functions that ensure the normal operation of the eye and gives our outward appearance certain features.

Circular muscle of the eye - innervation

The general innervation of the face, including the muscles around the eyes, provides the facial nerve. Neuromuscular conduction of this zone is mainly represented by two large branches: the zygomatic and temporal. Due to their large size and superficial location, they are often often injured and inflamed. As a result, the eye muscle of the eye can not perform its functions and becomes paralyzed altogether.

Stress of the zone around the eyes

The organ of vision is subject to heavy loads during the day. During the wakefulness of the person, the circular muscle of the eye experiences a sufficiently large tension. Working at the computer, watching videos and TV shows, reading and continuous visual load, bright light and a rapidly changing picture - overtax the organ of vision and the muscle around the eyes.

Scientists have proved a direct relationship between the work of this muscle and the one that provides a change in the curvature of the lens. Thus, if the function of the circular muscle of the eye is disturbed, there may be a disturbance of the lymph drainage and venous stasis, up to an increase in intracranial pressure.

Therefore, you do not need to test your body for strength. With increased visual load, it is necessary to carry out unloading and rest. The most effective method of relaxing the circular muscle is a simple contemplation of nature, when the view is not fixed on one subject, but perceives the general picture.

Reflex movements to relax the muscles of the eyes is their rubbing. Although there are more effective exercises aimed not only at removing the spasm, but also on the prevention and elimination of existing problems, which we will consider further.

Exercises for the circular muscle of the eye

Light exercises and a small gymnastics of the muscles that provide the work of the organ of vision will help not only to unload and relax them, but also to improve blood circulation in this zone, which will certainly appear in appearance, give it freshness, smooth out wrinkles and give the skin youthfulness and elasticity.

What is necessary:

  • 10-15 minutes of free time;
  • good mood;
  • Wash the hands;
  • Stand in front of the mirror;
  • Follow the following recommendations.

Exercise # 1

Stand in front of the mirror and visually imagine where exactly you have the circular muscle of the eye. Exercise to strengthen this zone does not require special skills and abilities. All that is necessary is to position your fingers correctly. On the outer edges should be index and middle fingers. It is not necessary to apply a great pushing force. All movements must be soft, clear and unidirectional. Now, as it were, fix your fingers on the skin so that during the exercise it remains immobilized. In this initial position, raise the lower eyelid as high as possible. If at this moment the tension of the muscle around the eye is strongly felt, then the technique of doing the exercise is correct. Strip tension with relaxation. Fixation of sight 5-6 seconds, relaxation - 2-3 seconds. It is necessary to make 5-6 such repetitions.

Be sure not to use other facial muscles. If you feel their work, then just open your mouth (this will help not only to distract yourself, but also to concentrate on the work of the desired zone).

Exercise # 2

The following actions are aimed at maintaining muscle tone and preventing the appearance of facial wrinkles around the eyes. So, let's begin: close your eyes and tightly close the upper eyelid to the lower one. When doing this exercise, in no case should you put pressure on the eyeball. Firstly, it is harmful, and secondly, you will involve other muscles. And we need only the eye muscle to work. The functions of this muscle are multidirectional, so the effect of the exercise will also be significant.

After you learn how to control yourself and close your eyelids correctly, place the two fingers of the corresponding hand in the corners of your eyes. The force of depression should be noticeable, but in no case painful. Simultaneously increase the pressure of the fingers with the increase in the lowering force of the upper eyelid. All actions should be smooth and pleasant. In no case do not shift the skin that is located under your fingers.

While doing the exercise, imagine what happens, how the muscles around the eyes are compressed and relaxed. Fix, stop, count in the mind to ten and also smoothly reverse actions. Repeat the exercise five times, withstanding small pauses (just a few seconds) between them. Watch your breathing. This will help to concentrate on the manipulations performed and will make the exercise more effective.

For complete relaxation, you can include beautiful, quiet music and combine business with pleasure. In order for the result to be noticeable not only for you, but also for others, the exercise should be regular. It is advisable to do them daily, alternating with each other.

Circumcular muscle of mouth

Omitting the complex structure of the circular muscle of the mouth, I would like to elaborate on the functions it performs. It's not a secret for anyone that thanks to our oral cavity we can not only eat, but also talk, sing, laugh, etc. By doing these familiar things to all, we do not even think how it all happens, which muscles are involved - all Occurs reflexively.

The main function of this muscle is the work of the lips. Due to its reduction, we can pull them into a tube, wrap, close or open. Also, the circular muscle of the mouth is a kind of external sphincter providing closure of the oral cavity. Well, no doubt, thanks to the work and this muscle, including, each of us has a unique smile that can change depending on the mood or wishes.

As you can see, the function of the circular muscle of the eye and the circular muscle of the mouth are equally important, so do not neglect their importance, but make the most of the opportunities that they work as expected.

Clamps of the muscle located around the mouth

If it is a question of functional clamps of the given area, then they occur quite often, but nevertheless can be corrected with diligence and correct approach. In contrast to organic lesions, when 99% of the cases have already been done, something will not work out.

Functional clamps of this area are directly related to the psycho-emotional state of a person, his dislike for anything, what is at stake. As a result, a person expresses a certain emotion with the help of his lips: resentment, disappointment, disgust and so on.

Exercises for the circular muscle of the mouth

In order to practice this muscle, it is only necessary, fixing the skin and not using any other muscle, to perform alternately all possible movements with the lips. After completing one action, for example, having extended the lips with a tube, fix for a few seconds in this position. Before proceeding to the next exercise, do a minimum of 3-5 repetitions. To enhance the effect of this exercise, as you draw your lips into the tube, draw air into the cheeks and alternately move the air from one side to the other.

Exercise is recommended in front of the mirror, as well as working with the circular eye muscle. This will help you concentrate on charging and perform it as efficiently as possible.

To prevent wrinkles around the mouth or to eliminate existing ones, perform the following exercise. As much as possible, squeeze the upper and lower lips, without grasping the teeth. With your index finger, make measured strokes along the median line of the lips. Then massaging the movements (without relaxing the lips), move your lips up and down. Do 10 such repetitions, alternating them with complete relaxation of the lips and circular muscle of the mouth.

Another available variant of the exercises can be a clear (with vivid articulation) pronunciation of vowels. It is not necessary to do this exercise aloud, you can only imitate the movement of the lips. This option is suitable for office workers, when you can do without being distracted from work. There is no limit to this exercise.


Now you have received the most frequently asked question: "What is the function of the circular muscle of the eye?" - the answer. All is simple enough: knowing where this or that muscle is located, you can determine its zone of action.

With mimic muscles, of course, everything is not so simple as with the muscular corset of our body, and not so much because of the size of the muscles themselves, but because of the features of the attachment and actions described above.

The function of the circular muscle of the eye and mouth is to ensure the natural acts and performance of the relevant areas. Knowing the minimum list of effective exercises and following clear recommendations, you can keep youth and health for many years, which we sincerely wish you!

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