Food and drink, Cooking tips
For those who do not know how to fry a chicken in the oven
Fried chicken is such a delicacy, of course, if it is properly cooked, that you will lick your fingers more than once. Sometimes you want chicken meat so much, that, in anticipation, you are salivating and you do not want to cook. What to do? Now we learn how to fry a chicken in the oven, quickly and deliciously.
To begin with, we'll buy a whole chicken, bring it home and start cutting it. No, it's a long time. Better take the legs or chicken, or thighs. Prepare spices immediately. Who likes what. You can take freshly ground pepper, basil, saffron and vegetable oil.
Chicken meat should be washed well, then cooked spices and salt rub into carcases. We take the pan, put the material on it, which will resist the burning, and lay out the hips on it. Do not forget to pour them with vegetable oil, so that during cooking, they do not dry out. So, how to fry a chicken in the oven, we almost figured it out. Remained nuances. We set the temperature of the oven to 200 degrees and fry the chicken meat until it is covered with a ruddy crust. And as soon as a transparent juice flows through the piercing, it means that the chicken is ready, if the juice with a reddish tinge, that is, with blood, you need to hold it in the oven for a while. This recipe is, so to speak, the legislator of all kinds of frying chicken.
Let's figure out how to fry a chicken in a microwave so that it is not any worse than from an oven. We need the following ingredients, except the chicken itself: salt, pepper, laurel, spices.
We take the whole chicken, clean it, wash it, and then dry it with a napkin. That is, there is a preparatory process. After the chicken carcass was rubbed with spices and salt, we inject the filling inside. It can have several cloves of garlic. Next, take the package, pack it in the chicken and the ends bend up. How to fry a chicken in the oven, it seems to be clear, but what is needed for a package when cooking in a microwave oven, not everyone can guess. First, there is formed a natural juice, and secondly, even though the chicken will lie on a plate, the formed juice, in the absence of a package, will be sprayed over the microwave. When installing a package of chicken on a plate, leave it in a small hole for better baking. And yet, the package should not touch the chicken. We set the temperature to the maximum and bake for 20 minutes a small chicken or 30 minutes a large chicken. After the chicken is cooked, drain the liquid from the package directly into the plate. The juice is hot, so you have to be careful. Make a hole at the bottom of the bag, and let the liquid drain. Everything, the chicken is ready, you can start eating. Now, knowing how to fry a chicken in the oven and microwave, we'll do the fish.
For example, take a river fish, for example, crucian carp or carp. Carp cook is not difficult, but what it will be delicious, only those who have already tried it know. So, how to fry the fish in the oven, we'll figure it out right now. First of all, we go to the store and buy a good carp, there are quite a few of them in the store aquariums. Of course, you can catch it on the lake. And if it's winter? And if it does not bite, but fried fish hunting? Then - to the store. Clean, gut the fish and divide it into two halves, not across, but along. Then cut into equal pieces, and cram them with bacon, better smoked. Add salt, spices, spices and put on a baking sheet over the potatoes, which we cut into round layers. From above, close the fish with tomatoes, chopped mugs, onions and paprika. It turned out a kind of fur coat. Then put in the oven and bake. In the middle of cooking, pieces of fish should be poured with a mixture of flour and sour cream. We bake on. The oven should not be very hot. The fish is tender, it can burn. And now, when the potatoes have stopped, the carp has reached the condition, we take it out of the oven and let it cool down a little. Then we proceed to dinner.
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