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Fish of the Lucians: description, features

If you want to know what kind of fish is the lucian, our article will help to find the answers to all the questions. Consider the features of the family, the habitat range and commercial importance of these fish, use in cooking and some other interesting facts. And illustrations will help to get the most complete picture of the snapper.


The Lucian family belongs to the detachment of the perciform class of ray - ray fish. It includes several genera. Our article is devoted to the genus of Lucians, numbering several dozen species. These fish are sometimes called lutyans, lucians or snappers.


Fish lucian refers to pelagic. It lives in the warm tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans.

All species of snapper are predators, while many also have large sizes. In the natural habitat, they do not lack food, and they have few natural enemies.

External Features

Fish lucians, the photo of which you see in the following illustration, has a relatively large head and developed mouth. The mouthpiece of most species is intended for hunting in the water column. Raising food from the bottom of the fish can also, but superficial nutrition is beyond its power.

For many representatives of the genus, a large size is characteristic. For example, gray lucians can reach one meter in length. But some species are small, no larger than the palm of your hand.

Fishing value

Red lucian is the fish most interested in fishing companies. Its meat is considered a delicacy. Hunting for this schooling fish, trawl vessels lead in deep-water reservoirs with a rocky-stony bottom. One individual by weight can reach 20 kg, but smaller ones, 30-40 cm, also fall into the net. On the shelves of Russian shops you can find exactly such a red snapper (sometimes called a sea perch).

Large fishing importance is also found in gray lucians, which have approximately the same dimensions.

Culinary value

Fish lucians are appreciated by professional chefs for excellent expressive taste, delicate texture, pleasant light shade of meat and a relatively small number of bones. Scales of fish are medium in size, but can be removed easily.

Some people consider dishes from this fish to be national and offer them to tourists in local restaurants.

Since the body of the fish is flattened from the sides, many cooks prefer not to cut off the fillets from the carcass, but to bake whole. A large triangular head with a powerful jaw and large eyes looks rather decorative, so it is often not cut off from the carcass. But on sale you can find and fillet, which is cut from the largest representatives of the species.

Dangerous toxin

Fish lucians, in whose meat is present tsigatatoksin, can cause severe poisoning.

In representatives of the same species, this toxin may or may not be present. Establish its presence can only be done with the help of sanitary research.

Some species of snapper are completely unsuitable for food. But they are of interest as an object of sport fishing. Under the terms of this sport, all the catch after the end of the competition is released back into the water. On the shelves of shops, he does not fall. But poaching can lead to the appearance of a dangerous product in the display case. Therefore, it is worthwhile to trust only shops with an impeccable reputation, which conduct the necessary analysis of the goods and have the appropriate certificates. Do not hesitate before buying to ask about the documents. Pay attention to the appearance: the scales of a quality fish have a metallic luster, the belly is lighter than the back, the tail and fins are whole, and the eyes are clear, without turbidity.

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