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Fish neon iris: breeding, feeding and compatibility

Recently, the neon iris has become one of the most popular aquarium fish. Suitable lighting allows this inhabitant of the underwater world to flare bright blue and blue shades. It is for the sake of this unusual effect that many aquarists create iris-lovers of neon. Under natural conditions, these fish inhabit the waters of the Mambero River, which is located in Indonesia and communicates with the Pacific Ocean. In Europe, neon rainbows were brought only in the 1990s, after which they became frequent inhabitants of domestic aquariums. Dimensions of fish in such conditions reach about five centimeters.

Description of neon iris

This fish has a small flattened head and large enough eyes. On her back there is a characteristic high hump, which is more pronounced in males. Dorsal and anal fins, usually paired. In females, one can observe a full abdomen, while in males it is flattened from two sides. A neon rosary fish is almost indistinguishable in its color, since there are no strips or spots on its body. However, with a close acquaintance, the true beauty of this underwater inhabitant is manifested: when light hits, each flake explodes with bright colors, and the dark fringing enhances this radiant effect. During movement, the body of the fish then dies, then flashes again, only the yellowish-red fins remain unchanged.

It should be noted that the brightness of the color is not affected either by the time of day, nor by the period of spawning, nor by the emotional state of the fish. Neon iris for all its unpretentious kind is very attractive. Most of the time it spends in the middle water layers, does not pinch the plants and does not dig in the ground, which makes its contents very simple and unpretentious.

Rules for the content of neon iris

For a comfortable life of fish it is recommended to select an aquarium in length not less than 45 centimeters, as neon iris prefer to swim horizontally. Water should be preliminarily defended, since too hard water can cause deterioration of the health of fish, and even their death. The temperature in the aquarium should be about 24 degrees, although in nature a neon iris can withstand higher values, but it is better to avoid such unfavorable conditions.

It should be noted that this fish is very calm and peaceful. Most spectacularly it looks in an aquarium with a dark shallow ground and densely planted with various plants, among which it is necessary to build a semblance of islets for a more free swimming. Under the selection of underwater flora special requirements are not presented. In addition, the neon iris is easily exposed to bacterial diseases, therefore it is necessary to observe quarantine measures, for example, to remove fungal deposits that appear on the head of the fish, methylene blue with the addition of salt in a timely manner.

Breeding of fishes

The neon iris reaches the stage of sexual maturity at the age of 8-9 months. To fish, you should purchase a separate small aquarium, the water level in which should not exceed 35 centimeters. In the container placed small-leaved plants, as well as ensure uninterrupted illumination and aeration. Manufacturers choose the most well-fed and brightly colored fish of both sexes. Before spawning, they should be kept separately and heavily fed, often changing the water and raising its temperature to 28 degrees.

After transplanting fish into spawning, active spawning continues for up to three days, after which the production of offspring is not so intense. At a time the female is able to sweep up to 500-600 eggs that have a sticky thread and settle on the leaves of the plants. After spawning, parents are returned to a large aquarium, and the dead caviar that has acquired white color is removed. In a week, the first larvae should appear, and after a couple of days they form fry, which should be fed with infusoria and crustaceans. Its unusual neon coloring fries neon iris get in a month and a half.

Fodder for fry

To feed the offspring come up:

  • Artemia;
  • Microcircuits;
  • egg yolk;
  • Microencapsulated feed;
  • Lyophilized liver;
  • Cut enchytraea;
  • Pipe man.

Feeding adults

Neon rainbow, the photo of which can not fully convey the sophistication and beauty of this fish, is quite unpretentious in nutrition. She is well aware of dry, frozen and live food, and also likes to eat small moth, insects, tubular and various crustaceans. It should be noted that it is often dangerous to give fish to dry food, since it can provoke serious diseases that will eventually lead to death.

Compatibility with other fish

Neon gliders work very well with many other aquarium fish. They do not offend or persecute anyone, but it is nevertheless desirable to refrain from neighborhood with very small individuals to prevent their eating. For iris-makers, a company from such aquarium fish as barbs, scalyards, catfish, discus, cockerels and gourami is perfect. Life expectancy of neon iris at home can reach five years, which is quite a lot for such an inhabitant of the water element.

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