BusinessHuman Resource Management

Job descriptions of the seller-consultant: how should they be developed?

For those who plan to engage in business related to the sale of clothing, shoes or any other consumer goods (except food, medicine), the need for recruitment and training of personnel. What should be the job descriptions of the seller-consultant, who will help to organize the work correctly?

Main principles: consistency and consistency!

Note that the job description of the seller-consultant clothing and employee, for example, a network store of products can vary significantly! Therefore, do not look not to print the first information on the web and hand it to a new employee! Remember this! Although the documents available on the Internet can be taken as a basis.

The following qualification points should be included in the job descriptions of the seller-consultant :

- the necessary level of education;

- experience or internship.

Also, this document should include provisions on what should become the basis of the seller's labor activity. As a rule, this information is entered in the job descriptions of the seller-consultant in the form of such a list of items:

- knowledge of regulations and internal documents of the company, regulating work;

- Following the rules of the order of work and rest (start / end time, lunch, smoking, etc.);

- Possession of the information received at trainings, from methodical materials, etc.

- timely acquaintance with the orders and orders operating inside the company;

- confident knowledge of the principles of ethics of communication with clients and management;

- an understanding of the conditions in which the goods are to be stored and the permissible handling of the goods;

- knowledge of the provisions set forth in the job description.

Next, you need to specify how the seller should be dressed. If you want the employee to be in the trading room exclusively in uniform, indicate this (as well as the responsibility for non-compliance). You can write everything in the document: shoes, hair, make-up, manicure. It is clear that a consultant with African pigtails and make-up in the Gothic style is not particularly appropriate in the perfumery store. It is more correct to initially register and coordinate this, than to make enemies in the person of employees who have not become permanent!

A mandatory item is responsibility!

All job descriptions of the seller-consultant should include information on immediate duties. That is, you must specify the following:

- the seller must accept the goods, make an inventory, change the price tags in a timely manner, if the price of the product has changed in the price list;

- monitor the status of the shop window and the workplace;

- to form orders for the delivery of goods from the warehouse or from suppliers;

- provide timely reports on their work, make suggestions on improving the quality of services provided.

It is impossible to name full job descriptions of the seller-consultant, in which there are no requirements for secrecy of data that may constitute commercial secrets. If this item is not present, there will be no one to file a claim.

And what about rights?

The Seller has the full right to the following actions:

- the requirement to create the conditions necessary for full-fledged performance of duties;

- discussion of working conditions and level of remuneration;

- reports to higher management on what is revealed in the course of work.

Especially important point: the job description of the seller-consultant-cashier, who must be able to work with cash register, PC, terminals. Perhaps, some special skills will be required. Clearly write it down!

Instead of concluding

Before issuing instructions to the seller, you should read it carefully and impartially. Are there any points that contradict each other and the law? Is the information written too abstruse (with an abundance of terms and professional jargon)? It is best to print out the prepared manual and read it yourself, and then ask a few people about it who can make valuable corrections!

Successful work!

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