Health, Diseases and Conditions
Inflammation of the appendages - adnexitis. Treatment, causes and symptoms
Adnexitis - inflammation of the appendages (ovaries and uterine tubes) of the uterus. In the case of diagnosis of adnexitis, treatment should be immediate. The disease develops rapidly enough and in many cases leads to infertility.
Causes of adnexitis
The disease is caused by pathogenic microbes (staphylococcus, chlamydia, E. coli, streptococcus, microbacteria tuberculosis). These pathogens penetrate into the uterine cavity and appendages from the vagina and cervix. Sometimes infections can spread through the body by transferring pathogens through blood vessels. Often infection of the appendages occurs due to abortion, scraping and various manipulations carried out inside the uterus.
Symptoms of adnexitis
The disease is characterized by acute, severe pain in the abdomen and sacrum. In addition, bloating, nausea, vomiting and stool retention may occur. In the case of palpation, soreness appears in the abdomen, sometimes with symptoms of muscle protection. The temperature can rise to 39 C. As a result of a blood test, leukocytosis is detected.
If the disease does not apply to adnexitis, then there may be a rupture in the uterus, which is accompanied by purulent peritonitis due to the release of pus into the abdominal cavity. If the disease is at an early stage and does not progress, then the pain and temperature within a week subsided, and blood tests are normalized. However, this happens rarely enough. Therefore, you can not just give up on adnexitis, treatment must begin in time to prevent infection of the entire body.
If a woman has chronic adnexitis, the disease develops independently, and may also be a complication of the acute form. The symptoms of the disease are the following: pain in the lower abdomen, as well as in the groin area, which gives into the anus and sacrum. Sensations arise due to the formation of fusions around the ovaries and fallopian tubes. On the basis of this, an adhesive process occurs , which leads to obstruction of the fallopian tubes and infertility. Chronic adnexitis is characterized by a violation of the menstrual cycle, manifested by prolonged and profuse bleeding.
Treatment of adnexitis is carried out with the help of medical measures, which include hospitalization (if necessary), antibacterial drugs, vitamins.
When the acute manifestations of adnexitis disappear, doctors recommend carrying out various procedures with the addition of antibacterial herbs. Also used are ultraviolet radiation, electrophoresis with medicinal anti-inflammatory drugs, ultrasounds, vibro-massage.
Due to the procedures, the inflammation decreases, the adhesion process stops. Painful sensations gradually stop, the cycle and microflora in the genital organs are restored.
With the diagnosis of adnexitis, antibiotic treatment also takes place. The course of drugs must be agreed with the doctor. Antibiotics are not suitable for all women, which is why they need to be taken with caution.
Prophylaxis of adnexitis
For starters, it should be noted that the disease most often occurs in women who suffer from sexual infections, use intrauterine contraceptives, have undergone surgery on the genitals, as well as after miscarriages and abortions.
Adnexitis, whose treatment is quite complex and long, can be prevented. For this, it is necessary to use contraception, which is suitable for the body, not to allow unprotected sexual intercourse, try not to be supercooled and not to experience stress. In addition to all of the above, a gynecologist's consultation should be at least once every six months (for preventive purposes, even if there are no complaints).
However, no woman is immune from the disease of the appendages. But most importantly - you need to monitor your health, especially in your reproductive years. This will help to bear and give birth to healthy children. Adnexitis, the symptoms whose treatment has been considered in this article, is a fairly serious disease that requires attention of specialists.
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