LawHealth and Safety

Fire detectors manual IRP, characteristics and application

To date, security issues are being given increased attention. Requirements change, equipment is improved, more and more variants of devices are developed and manufactured to prevent a fire. Often, the previously installed alarm system has to be modernized or completely replaced, since it is obsolete.

The fire detectors are handled well by the fire prevention task, and their application is increasingly in demand and even becomes mandatory.

Distinctive features of IPR-55 and IPR-3 SUM

The fire detector manual IRP-55 has proved to be very useful, it can be used to manually signal the danger that has arisen. It is used in a common fire alarm system, which, as a rule, is combined with a security system. Manual fire detectors can work around the clock, they are interconnected with the devices "Quartz", "Signal-42", "Note", "Granite" and some others.

Basic parameters of the electronic device and a brief description of the detector

This device is made in red and white colors. It has the following parameters:

  • A loop of 9-30 V, 20 mA provides power;
  • The sizes 104х64х33 mm;
  • Weight 0,08 kg;
  • Temperature mode for operation in the range from -30 to +55 degrees.

Fire detector manual can not be called a complex device, it is extremely easy to activate, which is very important in an emergency situation. It is enough to open the plastic cover and press the button, which is fixed, and the signal goes to the console. Fire detectors manual change the color of the indicator: when the button is pressed, it changes from green to red. This means that the signal has arrived and the system is working properly. You can repeatedly use the button and, if necessary, use the key to return it to its original position.

It is important to select the right fire detectors correctly and correctly install the equipment. So it is worth carefully choosing an organization that specializes in carrying out these works.

The fire detector manual IPR-3SUM, which has similar data with the IPR-55 detector, is also well characterized:

  • The initial voltage from the AL, V 9.0 - 28.0;
  • Maximum current consumption, mA - 0.1;
  • The size of the device is 95x87x40 mm;
  • The nominal weight is 0.11 kg.

In the standby mode, the green light is on, and in the event of a fire, that is, when the button is pressed, red lights up.

It is used in the same place as IPR-55, all submitted devices must undergo mandatory tests and fully comply with the requirements.

Application of equipment: manual fire alarms IPR-55 and IPR-3 SUM

Many objects on which it is necessary to install a fire alarm are public places, the number of people who live or visit these objects is significant. Therefore, it becomes clear why you should follow all instructions and take care of safety. First of all, to buy appliances only in trusted firms that responsibly treat quality issues and conduct tests. If the device fails at a critical moment, the situation can not be fixed. It is also necessary to conduct regular inspection of equipment and instruments, conclude a contract for their maintenance.

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