
Fertilizer for pepper. Preparing the soil for planting pepper. Bulgarian pepper: growing and outdoor care

Peppers and tomatoes are cultures that are extremely responsive to the application of fertilizers. If you want the plants to please you with an excellent crop, then it is necessary to ensure that the soil contains all the necessary microelements for its growth and development from the first planting days of seedlings. And since they will absorb them quickly and quite diligently, fertilizers for pepper as the growth of seedlings have to be made regularly.

Basic difficulties

Talking with gardeners, you often hear that they stop growing peppers on their site. This is due to some difficulties, which is the cultivation of heat-loving culture in our climatic conditions. Few people know that this is a perennial shrub, but we are cultivated exclusively as an annual plant. Its fruits are loved by everyone, they go for the preparation of salads, first and second dishes, they are sources of vitamins and minerals.

Is it so difficult to grow them in Russia? Let's just say it's possible, subject to a number of rules. We do not take into account the southern regions of the country. This culture has a long period of vegetation, which means that in many regions of the country the planting of seedlings begins in February. This gives a chance to the plant to be in time in a short, hot period to flower and grow fruit. In addition, very important factors are timely weeding and watering, loosening. Do not forget to put fertilizer in the soil in time. For pepper it is one of the foundations of normal life activity.

Growing sprouts

To get a good harvest, it is necessary to plant seeds in the soil in late January-early February. To do this, it is necessary to prepare boxes in advance, fill them with soil and water. In a couple of days, you can start planting seeds. Soil composition is the same as it will be used for subsequent cultivation in open ground, greenhouses or greenhouses. You will need two parts of the earth, one peat and one humus. Everything is thoroughly mixed. If you take a garden land, then do not forget to disinfect it with the help of potassium permanganate or exposure to high temperatures.

The first fertilizing

Fertilizer for pepper is a source of life and health. Only on nutrient-rich soil will the seedlings grow strong and healthy. So, she will easily transfer the transplant into the open ground and get accustomed without any problems. As soon as the seedlings have the first real leaves, it is necessary to make additional fertilizing. The second stage - two weeks after the pick. The last time the seedlings are fed 10 days before landing in the ground. Further all the activities will be carried out already at the main place of residence.

The best lineup

The ideal fertilizer for pepper during the first weeks of seedlings life is complex, nutritious mixtures in which the nitrogen content prevails. If you have nowhere to buy it, you can cook it yourself. Nothing complicated in this. It is sufficient to dissolve 1.5 g of potassium salt and 0.5 g of urea, as well as 4 g of superphosphate in one liter of water. This is the starting lineup, which will enable plants to quickly gain strength, and will move into growth. Extra fertilization of pepper seedlings is performed by watering the nutrient composition of the previously moistened soil.

As soon as the plants release the second and third leaves, it's time to engage in picks. Best of all, if it immediately will be cups, designed for an individual landing. For example, peat.

Immediately after this is the next top dressing of pepper seedling. It is best to use urea for this. To do this, dissolve one tablespoon of the substance in 10 liters of clean water. For the third time, just before landing in the ground, drugs containing nitrogen and phosphorus are used. In small quantities, the content of potassium is permissible.

The optimal dosage is the key to success

Fertilizers for the growth of pepper seedlings must be fed into the soil on a regular basis, this is the essential guarantee of good growth and future harvest. Young peppers are the most unpredictable of all garden plants. They can normally grow and develop, and suddenly, in an instant, they begin to dry up. Experienced gardeners say that this is just the result of a shortage of food. If you urgently make additional fertilization, then the situation can still be saved.

It is useful to know what functions are carried by this or that substance. Nitrogen is essential for building up the green mass of the stem, phosphorus for a powerful root system. But potassium does not use seedlings, it will be needed much later. But with the number to determine a little more difficult. If we start with practical experience, then we can say the following. As long as the plants develop well, they have thick trunks and well-developed leaves, you do not have to worry about introducing fertilizers. And as soon as the growth slowdown is diagnosed, you can correct this situation with a new portion.

We stopped at this moment because an inexperienced gardener can decide that granulated compost, biohumus and other "delights", which are now freely sold in holiday shops, can be strewed at the root in unlimited quantities. It is unlikely that this plant will die, this is a fact, but they will begin to "fat." That is, you will get a huge bush with lush leaves, which refuses to bloom and yield. All his energy will go to the formation of green mass. But if you completely overfeed, the leaves will lose their beauty, they will start to twist and become fragile.

The main differences of fertilizing seedlings

To apply fertilizer for the Bulgarian pepper it is necessary correctly. If in the ground you can simply water the ground, and then with a lute to pass a nutrient solution, then in the boxes you will have to change the tactics. Here, you moisten the soil from the evening, and in the morning you make a top dressing. Otherwise, there is a risk of flooding the root system. Tactics of fertilizer application are of two types. In the first case, nutrients are added to the root, and in the second, they are sprayed over the green leaves. In the case of seedlings, it is the first variant that is suitable, since the food must reach both the roots and the leaves.

The first nutritious cocktail is prepared in approximately the following proportions: 1 g urea, 8 g superphosphate, 3 g potassium sulfate. This mixture must be dissolved in two liters of water. There is another trick. Before you apply fertilizer for the Bulgarian pepper, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil in pots with ashes. In the future, the concentration is doubled. The frequency of the application is two weeks.

Choose a bed

It is best to plan the spring plantings in advance, and for this you need to know what conditions like pepper. Cultivation and care in the open ground is slightly easier than in pots. The main thing that a southern guest needs is a warm earth with a high humus content. It is best if the composition is sandy loam or loamy. That is moderately loose. Mandatory good hydration, so in too light soils it is necessary to make peat, turf and leaf humus. Best of all, if last year in the selected area grew beans. But the garden from under the tomatoes is not good, because they have pests alone.

The soil for pepper planting is prepared in advance. Since autumn, organic matter has to be added to the chosen bed. For example, manure. This is the best choice for each gardener. You need to bring it in the amount of 3-4 kg per square meter. Another option may be straw with the addition of nitrogen components. These are the optimum fertilizer options for any type of soil.

Top dressing in the ground

It's time to replant our young pepper in the garden. Cultivation and care in the open ground will be largely determined by weather conditions. If the weather is hot and sunny, then you only need to make the necessary nutrients, as well as regular watering. If the street is cool, then you need to arrange additional protection in the form of a greenhouse or a greenhouse. But about this a little later.

The first feeding will be required two weeks after the young peppers moved to the open ground. For this purpose, the following solution is used. For 10 liters you need to take two teaspoons of carbamide and the same amount of superphosphate. Under each bush, approximately one liter of solution is required.

Period of mass flowering

This is an important point, because right now your future harvest is being laid. Formed ovary will now grow, and turn into useful vegetables. To bloom is not wasted, it is very important to add potash fertilizers. For pepper it will be their first introduction from the moment of planting. To prepare a nutrient solution, you need a teaspoon of potassium sulfate, a similar amount of urea and two tablespoons of superphosphate. Dosage is similar to the first top dressing.

Fruit formation

When flowering is over, a small ovary appears on the bushes. Each of these rudiments can grow into a huge juicy and delicious pepper. For a more intensive growth and development, the third feeding is performed. To do this, for 10 liters of water you need to take two teaspoons of superphosphate and potassium salt. If the growth of fruits is intense, then this can be limited. But sometimes the gardener notices that, despite all efforts, the ovary continues to hang on the bushes unchanged, or the plant itself is frozen in growth. If you do nothing, you can stay at the end of the season with tiny green fruits, which are suitable only for winter workpieces. An excellent solution will be foliar top dressing with urea solution. A bucket of water will take 30 g. It is best to do this in the evenings, for 5-7 days.

The schedule of top dressing in the closed ground

Growing plants in the greenhouse has its own specifics. Here is another temperature regime, which means that the growth of peppers will be more intensive. Accordingly, much more nutrients are needed. However, do not forget that organic substances contribute to the productive formation of crops, and mineral substances are necessary for proper plant growth. The ideal fertilizer for pepper during planting is an aqueous solution of bird droppings. Concentration should be weak, maximum 1:15. You can use and mullein, here the proportions can be 1:10. These mixtures contain a full range of useful substances that contribute to the growth and development of crops. If the soil of the greenhouse is well-manned since autumn, then it is possible to replace the organic matter with potassium sulfate with superphosphate.

Mineral fertilizers for peppers in the greenhouse become very important about two weeks after flowering. Now comes the time of active formation and growth of fruits. The best choice will be organic with the addition of mineral fertilizers. By the way, the collection of the first fruits does not mean that the care of plants can be stopped. The third top dressing is performed just at this time. The composition can be changed somewhat. In some cases, gardeners believe that the best fertilizer for peppers is the above composition. Further fertilizing is necessary only if the soil is very poor. Here, a mixture of superphosphate with mineral fertilizers is best.

Folk remedies

If you are against the use of chemistry, and there is no way to get past the dung, then you can use other folk remedies. For this, one tablespoon of wood ash should be dissolved in two liters of hot water. Stir and leave to stand for a day. Now it remains only to strain and use as directed. Ash as a fertilizer for peppers is the source of the most important minerals.

To fertilize, you can use the eggshell. To do this, take the eggshells from two or three eggs, wash and dry. Now crush thoroughly, pour into a three-liter jar of water and let it brew for three days, stirring occasionally. During this time the water will be enriched with magnesium and iron, calcium and potassium. As a top dressing this infusion can be used, diluting one to three.

Another great recipe is a tincture of onion peel. It not only saturates the soil with microelements, but also disinfects it, which is especially useful for young plants. Prepare it very easily, for this you need to take 20 g of husk for 5 liters of water and insist for five days. If you love coffee, then during the year try not to throw out the thick. It is dried and collected, and then brought into the soil. So it is saturated with nitrogen and oxygen, which is very useful for plants. In addition, gardeners recommend storing dry banana skins. Shredded and added to the soil, they are also an excellent source of potassium and other nutrients.

Ready-to-use complexes of nutrients

It is difficult to say which option is optimal. Someone prefers to grow their plants solely on natural fertilizing, such as mullein or bird droppings. Others since early spring are stocked with industrial solutions, powders and tablets, which are sufficiently diluted in water and added to the ground. Complex fertilizer for sprouts of tomatoes and peppers can be bought in liquid form or in granules. Trademarks may have different names, but the essence of this does not change. See the composition. If it contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, then this is just the mineral complex that you need. For pepper, the percentage should be N: P: K% 12.5: 17.5: 25. When preparing the soil, fertilizer in the amount of 20-30 g per 1 square meter is evenly spread over the surface of the earth, and then dig over.

The second stage opens during the growing season. Now additional fertilizing of plants in a half dose is carried out. That is already used 10 g per square meter. Make the remedy in moist soil and evenly distribute around, sealing in the soil. In addition, the fertilizer is applied as a solution. To do this, take 10 g of powder for seedlings and 20 g for adult plants. A small amount of insoluble residue is permissible. For seedlings it is recommended to alternate with one irrigation with ordinary water. Adult plants are allowed to use it for every watering.

Instead of concluding

Pepper - the culture is rather capricious, so to get a good harvest, the gardener should provide for her all the conditions. The southern plant likes hot weather and abundant watering, as well as nutritious soil. If the first two factors strongly depend on the climatic conditions of the region, then the third entirely depends on you. The choice of fertilizing varies with the preferences of the gardener himself. You can ask for humus from a neighbor - a farmer, supplement it with wood ash and forest humus, and you will get a wonderful food for your plants. And you can just buy a special solution or granules in the store, which is enough for the whole season.

And finally, the advice of experienced gardeners. After harvesting, sow a patch on which you plan to plant the peppers in the next season with ordinary barley. As soon as the first green appears, cut it with a sickle and leave it on the ground. This will enrich the soil with nodule bacteria and improve it.

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