
Pear Nick - a variety for the middle zone of Russia

In a rare Russian garden today do not grow a pear. These magnificent trees not only give delicious fruits, but also give the site a certain individuality, symbolizing stability and vital success. In addition, a variety of selection works have been developed, resistant to the most unfavorable weather conditions, to which the Russian nature of temperate latitudes is so generous. The heroine of our publication was Nick's pear, obtained by crossing the varieties of Daughter Dawn and the Talgar beauty and won the recognition and love of domestic gardeners.


A variety of winter maturing dates, successfully adapted for the difficult conditions of the Central Chernozem region, is the pear of Nick, the photo of which is presented in the publication. High winter hardiness is one of the important advantages of this culture. The tree withstands frosts to -35 ...- 38 ° C. Another important advantage of the variety is the low level of fruit.

For this culture are characteristic:

• average size;

• Round shape of the openwork crown;

• firmly consolidated main branches;

• average growth rates;

• mixed type of fruiting.

This variety is universal. Pears are eaten fresh or processed into a variety of desserts and drinks: jam, jams, jujube, juices, compotes, wine, etc.


Fruiting pear Nick begins after 5-6 years from the time of planting the tree. This is a high-yielding winter variety, yielding fruits in September-October.

The fruits of the tree are pears of medium size, reaching a weight of 130-150 g and having a classical conical shape. Peel pear is thin, smooth, oily, with a slightly noticeable touch. During the harvest period, the fruits of the base greenish color cover a blurred red color, and when they reach the absolute consumer maturity, the green shades of the peel noticeably turn yellow, and the blush becomes brighter and occupies a larger area. The variety is famous for its excellent taste of pulp - sour-sweet, saturated and tender, with a light aroma of muscat. Its consistency is fine-grained, juicy, moderately dense, without granulation. Flesh of a pleasant cream color.

Important advantages of the variety are:

• high resistance to a complex of characteristic diseases, including entomosporiosis, klyasterosporiosis and scab, capable of destroying a fruit tree;

• Excellent transportability and keeping quality of fruit, which makes it possible to consume fresh pears for a long period; In conditions of correctly arranged storage pears, their pears retain their commercial properties for 3-4 months.

The disadvantage of the variety can be considered the fact that without regular pruning the crown of culture is noticeably stripped, losing decorativeness, and the fruits are tiny.

Let's talk about the peculiarities of cultivation of culture and its preferences.

Pear Nick: a description of the rules of farming

The variety is not exacting to the growing conditions, although it develops better in places well-illuminated by the sun (but not under the scorching sun) with water-permeable, drained, fertile loamy soil. The pear is hygrophilous, but stagnant water and excessive moisture does not tolerate. Therefore, special attention is paid to the presence of groundwater when choosing a site for planting: they should not be on the site. Most preferred for planting are places on the southern, south-western and western sides of the garden.

You can plant a pear in autumn or spring. Planting holes are prepared in advance: for spring planting in autumn or for 3-4 weeks - in the spring. Surface fertile soil layer is mixed with humus (reparted manure), wood ash and mineral phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. This earth mixture is filled with pits. When planting, the seedling is positioned so that the root neck of the plant is slightly higher (2-3 cm) of soil level. The landed young pear Nike generously poured.

Care of the culture

Pear tree, especially a young plant, should receive quality care, because it depends on this fruit formation. No exception, and pear Nick. Young trees require shelter in the winter: the trunks are warmed, wrapped with straw, paper, roofing paper. The soil in the trunks is periodically weeded and loosened.

You need abundant watering - several times in spring and summer. In long dry periods, watering the tree more often, focusing on weather conditions. The most productive for a pear is sprinkling.

Fertilizing and pruning

Begin to feed the plant from the second year after planting. Fertilize the tree in spring and autumn, but if necessary (a small growth of shoots), this is done in the summer.

Organic top dressing (humus, compost, reparted manure) is inflicted every three years (10 kg / 1 m 2 ), and mineral - every year (15 g carbamide and 25 g superphosphate and potassium fertilizers per 1 m 2 ). Fertilizers are introduced into the soil of the stubble circles in dry form or dissolved in water for irrigation.

The obligatory procedure, on which the decorative effect of the tree depends and the fruit-yield, is pruning. It is carried out annually, forming a central conductor and basic skeletal branches. In addition, sanitary cuttings are necessary, in which weak, broken and growing inwards are removed, into the center of the crown, branches of such a culture as the pear of Nick. The reviews of gardeners confirm the enormous importance of pruning for this fruit tree.

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