LawState and Law

Feldjager service - what is it? Department of State Courier Service

From time immemorial securing the protection of state secrets was the primary task of the authorities of any country. After all, almost all modern powers have information classified as "state secrets". This specific legal regime is simply necessary if representatives of the state are interested in ensuring stability and security in the country. But the protection of the secrecy of information is provided not only by the introduction of a special legal regime. The primary role is played by special bodies that are authorized to ensure the protection of information that has a certain level of secrecy.

It is also worth noting the fact that this type of information is very often used in the process of government activities. Taking into account the development of information technologies in the 21st century, it is necessary to ensure the security of access to classified information, the process of its exchange between special authorities, and also to prevent the violation of the legal regime of secrecy when working with such information.

The implementation of the presented functions in the Russian Federation is entirely entrusted to a special executive body, called the courier service. In the article we will consider the features, structure and legal base of this department.

The concept of courier service

The State Courier Service of the Russian Federation is a special executive body whose main function is to provide courier services. In simple terms, this agency ensures the transfer of secret documentation between authorized entities, which causes another name of the agency - the Service of Special Couriers. The term "courier" is deciphered as "military or government courier".

In this case, we are talking about a professional structure entrusted with the performance of serious functions of national importance. The courier service is one of the few departments whose activities are directly regulated by the President of the Russian Federation. It has a fairly rich history, which dates back to the early 20th century.

History of the Field Service

Many citizens of the Russian Federation do not know about the existence of such a department as a courier service. What is it and what is the task of the service, the history of the department will help to understand. The very first courier divisions were created on the territory of Russia at the time of Emperor Paul I. By his decrees he created a corps of couriers, which was supposed to provide delivery of special securities, safe escort of high-ranking officials. Thus, the corps dealt not only with the protection of state secrets, but also with the provision of "personal protection" services. A little later, in the XIX century, the courier service originated in Germany. Modern courier units of Germany operate on the basis of decree 1956. As for Russia, the tasks of the department, as well as some of its features, were modified in the Soviet era.

Courier service in the USSR

The Soviet courier units were trained since 1918. Despite the past revolution, the new government realized that without the organization of special transportation of classified information within the state, it is simply impossible to achieve the desired goals. The special importance of the department is underscored by the interest to it from the authorities.

Already in 1939 the units of the couriers were reorganized and divided. The NKVD had a special department of the courier service, which was engaged in delivering the most important correspondence and documents. As for local authorities, which did not have a republican status, the delivery in them was carried out by the forces of the People's Commissariat of Communications. Values and money were transported and delivered by the collection service of the State Bank of the USSR. It follows that the Feldjäger service carries out the most important tasks aimed at transporting classified documents and other state values. Already in the 1980s, the department acquired the features of the modern service of the couriers of the Russian Federation.

Federal courier service: tasks today

As we understand, in the 21st century the service presented has changed the scope of its activities. This is due to the transformation of the transmitted secret information, as well as the very principles of the activity of the couriers. To date, the state courier service of the Russian Federation Performs a number of the following tasks:

  1. Delivery of correspondence of all levels of secrecy.
  2. Delivery of correspondence from the heads of foreign countries, as well as official ambassadors (representatives) of these countries.
  3. Delivery of correspondence from representatives of international organizations.
  4. Control and direct management of the bodies included in the structure of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation.

The presented list of functions is the main one, but there are other, equally important tasks. It should be noted that the delivery of secret mail, not related to information from the heads and representatives of foreign powers, has a certain subject composition. In other words, delivery by the courier service is subject to information given by certain bodies.

Organs whose correspondence is to be delivered by couriers

Among the bodies (services), secret correspondence of which is always delivered by couriers, are:

  • President of Russian Federation;
  • The prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation;
  • Bodies of state power, federal bodies of state power;
  • Administration of military and secret industrial facilities;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Security Service;
  • Federal Security Service.

If at least one of these bodies is one of the subjects in the transfer of classified information, then the delivery is made by the state courier service of the Russian Federation.

GFS rights

To fulfill the tasks set, the State Courier Service of the Russian Federation Enjoys special rights. At the same time, some of the possibilities of the GFS are much wider and greater than those of other bodies and services of the Russian Federation. This situation is due, above all, to the fact that the Federal Service of the Russian Federation, or rather its personnel, has direct contact with classified information of different levels. Thus, the service has the following rights:

  1. Deliver sensitive communications to important government officials both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.
  2. Transport confidential mail by all means of transport without inspection and detention.
  3. Personnel in the transport of correspondence are allowed to use any type of weapons, special means and physical strength.
  4. Transportation Feldjegerskoy service is "special". This means that it can not be used by other bodies for its own purposes without the consent of the GFS.

Thus, the Feldjäger service has the status of a paramilitary organization of the Russian Federation, which determines the exclusive right to use physical force, special means and firearms.

Legal basis of activity

Like other special services of the Russian Federation, the units of the courier are based on existing federal legislation. Undoubtedly, the key act that regulates not only the couriers, but also the legal system of the state as a whole is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

This basic normative act of the state regulates the activities of the couriers in such a way that they do not violate the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the performance of the functions assigned to them. Also, the legal basis for the activity of the courier service consists of:

  • Federal Law "On Federal Courier Communication".
  • The Regulation "On the State Courier Service of the Russian Federation".

These two documents make it possible to answer the ordinary citizen's question: "Feldjager service - what is it?"

In addition, in its work the GFS uses decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, other normative acts of the supreme bodies of state power, which directly relate to the activity of the courier service.

Structure of the courier service

For the prompt and qualitative fulfillment of the assigned tasks, the structure of the courier service includes departments of the central apparatus, territorial bodies, departments in large cities. Each department of the courier service is located in the administrative centers of the Russian Federation, as well as the capitals of the subjects of the Federation. Also, the structure of the GFS includes subordinate organizations in which representatives of the courier service are located, which is necessary for the operational transportation of classified information. Direct contact with the territorial bodies of other services has virtually every department of the state courier service, since it is the smallest and mobile unit of the entire structure of the GFS.

Special functions of GFS

There are special tasks that are often performed by the courier service. What is this - "special tasks", is not specified in any legal source. Nevertheless, when analyzing legislation, it is possible to distinguish the following interesting function, for example, the delivery of secret correspondence to heads of foreign states. When carrying out such a task, there is a risk of obtaining classified information by foreign special services or terrorist organizations, so this function can be classified as special. The GFS also delivers election documents during the election of the President of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma, representatives of other government bodies of the Russian Federation.


So, we examined the basic functions, powers, rights, and also defined the notion of "courier service". What is it is described in more detail in the key regulatory acts that govern the work of the GFS.

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