HealthDiseases and Conditions

Exanthema - what is it? Sudden exanthema. Viral exanthema

Today we will consider such a disease as exanthema. What it is? What are its causes and symptoms? What are the treatment methods? These and other issues will be discussed in detail in the article.

Exanthema is a skin rash that occurs with various viral diseases. Most often, viral exanthems develop in children. In adolescence or adulthood, pathology is rare. Infectious diseases such as rubella, chicken pox, measles and others are almost always accompanied by the appearance of a rash.


The etiology of this pathology is very diverse. It is generally accepted that one or two pathogenetic mechanisms influence the formation of a rash:

  • Exanthema (the photo below gives an idea of it) appears as a result of the destruction of skin tissue by viruses that are carried with blood flow. Thus, the herpesvirus of the first type, enteroviruses, etc. develop.

  • The rash is formed due to the reaction between the immune cells of the body and the causative agent of the disease. By this principle, a rash occurs with rubella.

Eruptions consisting of spots and papules occur when:

  • Rubella;

  • Measles;

  • Herpes simplex type 6, which provokes the development of roseola;

  • The Epstein-Bar virus;

  • Cytomegalovirus, which causes the development of cytomegaly;

  • Enterovirus.

Bubble rashes appear when:

  • Herpes simplex virus type 1;

  • Herpes viruses that cause varicella and shingles;

  • Coxsackivirus, which causes viral pemphigus.

Viruses that provoke a papulo-vascular rash and reddening of the skin include:

  • Adenoviruses;

  • Viruses that cause hepatitis B and C;

  • Enteroviruses.

Parovirus B19 manifests itself as a common erythema, outwardly reminiscent of lace.

Clinical picture

The way the viral exanthema manifests itself is affected by the type of infection that triggered the formation of rashes.


The cause of the development of measles are infectious agents belonging to the family of paramyxoviruses. Erythema in this case occurs on the 4-5th day of the disease. Before the appearance of skin rashes, the patient develops a dry cough, the body temperature rises, feverish conditions are observed.

The emergence of exanthema is preceded by the formation of gray-white spots on the mucous cheeks. Initially, rashes appear on the face and neck. Viral exanthema has the form of papules, which often merge with each other. Gradually the rashes cover the whole body. When the rash spreads to the hands and feet, on the neck and face, the rashes begin to disappear. When measles, exanthema does not appear on the soles and palms.


The development of rubella is caused by viruses that are part of the RNA-togavirus group. With this disease, papular exanthema develops, spreading along the same pattern as measles. The main difference is that the elements of rashes in this pathology never merge.

The general condition of the patient may not be disturbed, but some patients experience fever and mild fever.


Entneroviruses are included in the group of RNA viruses. The diseases they cause have a wide symptomatic spectrum. For example, with multifaceted enterovirus infection , digestive disorders, respiratory symptoms, fever develop.

In some cases, the disease only occurs enterovirus exanthema. Other symptoms may be absent. Enterovirus exanthema also has a wide variability. It can appear as papules, vesicles, pustules or vesicles with hemorrhagic contents.

Infectious mononucleosis

This disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is part of the herpetic virus group. Infectious exanthema in this case is also manifested, as in measles, the only difference is severe itching.


This ailment develops as a result of infection with herpes of the 6th and 7th types. The first symptoms of the disease are sudden fever, fever, loss of appetite, indigestion. Such catarrhal phenomena as cough and runny nose are most often absent.

The temperature decreases on the 4th day and there is a rash. The exanthema in this case has the form of a small-point pink rash. First the rashes appear on the abdomen and back, then the rash covers the entire body. Itching is absent, there is no fusion of elements.

Diseases that develop when infected with herpes simplex virus

As a rule, the primary infection with the herpes simplex virus occurs in early childhood. Symptom of infection is stomatitis, and with recurrences of the disease appears bubble exanthema on the nose or lips (infection with type 1 virus). Infection with the virus of the second type of herpes occurs most often through sexual intercourse at a young age. Signs of the disease is exanthema on the skin of the genitals and buttocks.

Shingles and chicken pox

Such children's infectious diseases cause a virus that is part of the herpetic group. After penetration of the virus into the body develops a typical infection (chicken pox). After recovery, the virus does not leave the body and is in a latent state. Decreased immunity can trigger a relapse of the infection and cause herpes zoster.

The symptom of exanthema in this case is a bubble rash that spreads throughout the body with chickenpox and is located along the nerves during shingles. When combing the rash, secondary infection is often observed, as a result of which the rashes become purulent.

Diseases caused by parovirus В19

Only in 20% of patients, infection with parovirus B19 leads to the formation of a characteristic exanthema. At first, the skin of the cheeks becomes reddened, then a rash appears, which looks like a lace or garland. As a rule, rashes are localized on the skin of the extremities, less often - on the trunk. In some cases, itching can occur.

When infected with parovirus B19 exanthema has a wavy current - it can disappear for a while and appear again. Rash is often accompanied by symptoms of flu and joint pain.

If an exanthema is found, photos of skin rashes, characteristic for a particular disease, you will show the doctor.


Diagnosis of viral diseases, which are characterized by the appearance of exanthema, includes a thorough study of clinical manifestations and analysis.

The following characteristics of the rashes should also be considered:

  • Shape and appearance;

  • Sharp edges;

  • Sizes and propensity to merge;

  • quantity;

  • Changes in the skin (reddened, cyanotic, unchanged);

  • The nature of the appearance of the rash (one-stage, gradual, wavy).

Viral exanthema in a child is manifested as follows:

  • The rash appears on the 2nd day of the disease or later;

  • Rashes precede elevated body temperature, its decrease is observed with the first elements of the rash;

  • Catarrhal symptoms are often absent;

  • Most often the viral exanthemes are manifested by vesicular and patchy-papular rashes.

The doctor prescribes a blood test using ELISA, which makes it possible to identify antibodies to the antigen of the infectious agent in the blood.


With such a phenomenon as exanthema, treatment is symptomatic. Therapeutic measures depend on the diagnosis.

With rubella and measles, symptomatic treatment and bed rest are required. It is extremely important to prevent the attachment of secondary infections, which can lead to complications such as otitis media, encephalitis, pneumonia.

Symptomatic treatment for varicella is to prevent suppuration, for this purpose, aniline dyes are used to lubricate the elements of the rash.

When the shingles are injected with the drug "Acyclovir", the treatment scheme is selected by the doctor individually and depends on the general condition and age of the child.

To treat the ailments that develop when infected with the herpes virus, use such drugs as "Valaciclovir", "Acyclovir", "Pharmciclovir".

When infected with paravirus and enteroviruses, no specific therapy is available. Therefore, the treatment consists in removing the symptoms of the disease and alleviating the patient's condition.


Exanthema - what it is and what traditional methods of treatment are applied, we found out. No less effective in combating this phenomenon and the recipes of traditional medicine.

Eliminate the itching during rashes will help the bath with the addition of decoction of bran, starch. The water temperature should not be higher than 37-38 ºС. Effective baths with infusions of medicinal herbs, such as celandine, calendula, chamomile, turn. For the preparation of infusion, a mixture of these plants can also be used. Lit by boiling water to brew 100 g of grass (or a mixture of herbs). Leave to infuse, after infusion, strain and pour into a bath.

For internal use it is recommended to prepare vitaminized teas from blueberries, dogrose, raspberries, currants. You can also add raspberry and currant leaves to the drink.

Sudden exanthema - what is it?

This is a viral disease, which is characterized by a sudden onset and short duration. Most often, exanthemia develops in children from six months to 2 years old. In rare cases, infection occurs in older children, adolescents, and adults.

Sudden exanthema develops when infected with the herpes virus 6 (HHV-6), in rare cases - the herpes virus 7 (HHV-7). From person to person, exanthem is transmitted by contact and airborne droplets. The incubation period lasts 7-8 days.


Symptoms of infection depend on the age of the patient. The disease is manifested by fever, irritability, swollen lymph nodes on the neck, runny nose, eyelid edema, diarrhea. The rash occurs 12-24 hours after the temperature rises. Localized rashes on the neck, abdomen, back, on the limbs. The skin becomes a reddish hue and when pressed temporarily pale. The rash does not cause any inconvenience: it does not hurt or itch. These rashes are not infectious, disappear after 3-4 days and do not return. Older children develop symptoms such as fever for several days, runny nose, diarrhea. At the older age, the rash appears less often.

Therapeutic events

Despite the fact that sudden exanthema is quite common, the correct diagnosis is established in rare cases. The reason for this is the transience of the disease.

In the physical examination, first of all, study the elements of the rash. Sudden exanthema is characterized by small pink spots disappearing with diascopy and papules measuring 1-5 mm. Also, the elements of the rash a little above the surface of the skin.

The blood test reveals relative lymphocytosis, leukopenia, granulocytopenia, eosinopenia. To determine the virus, the PCR method is used. To determine the active virus in the blood, a culture method is used.

With the development of complications of sudden exanthema, a pediatric cardiologist, a children's gastroenterologist, a children's neurologist need consultations. In addition, additional studies such as ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, ECG, EEG and others can be prescribed.

If the child does not deliver the temperature of any comfort, then there is no need for treatment. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions in the room where the patient is. Do not wear a lot of things on your baby. Excess clothing can cause a rise in temperature.

In some cases, sudden exanthem on a background of elevated temperature is accompanied by convulsions. Among children aged 1.5-3 years, febrile seizures are quite common (5-35% of children with sudden exanthema face such a phenomenon). Most often, seizures are not dangerous, although they look quite frightening.

What should parents do if the child has cramps?

  1. Try to be calm and calm the child.

  2. Remove all sharp objects and put the baby on its side, so the saliva can flow out of the mouth.

  3. Place a pillow under the baby's head.

  4. Wait until the cramps are over.

Very often, children after a seizure are drowsy and asleep, this is normal. After an attack the doctor must necessarily examine the child.


After a sudden exanthema, in very rare cases, complications develop, except for those children whose immune system is weakened. With a healthy immune system, lifelong immunity to HHV-7 and HHV-6 develops. However, to the doctor with a sudden exanthema, you still have to handle. A child with a fever and a rash before being examined by a doctor should be protected from contact with other children.

Prophylaxis and prognosis

Preventive measures consist in protection against infection by various viruses. To prevent infection with rubella or measles, it is necessary to vaccinate. Antiviral agents are used to prevent the development of exanthema in herpes infection. However, the virus itself in the body remains for life, so with a decrease in immunity, it can become more active and provoke a relapse of the disease.


From this article you learned about a phenomenon such as exanthema - what is it, the causes of its appearance, symptoms, treatment methods. We hope that this information will be useful to you. Be healthy!

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