Technologies, Connectivity
Example of how to fill out the delivery address on "Aliexpress"
"AliExpress" (AliExpress) - a popular wholesale online hypermarket. A huge number of orders are issued daily on the site. People from different parts of the world buy clothes, shoes, cosmetic products, equipment, goods for recreation, sports and entertainment on "AliExpress". When making orders, some buyers face certain difficulties. Some people do not know how to fill out the delivery address on "Aliexpress." Let's pay attention to this issue.
Why is it so important to fill the address correctly?
The speed of delivery of goods depends largely on the buyers. Parcels are often delayed due to the fact that people incorrectly fill out an order card on the website of the Internet hypermarket. First of all, it should be noted that all the necessary information is indicated not in Russian, but in Latin. The shipping address in the form of a sticker is printed by the seller. He does it with the help of special programs. Sometimes they incorrectly recognize the Russian language. Instead of the text being read, unclear characters are printed.
If you are thinking about how to fill out the delivery address on "AliExpress", then remember that you do not need to write information in English. For example, you need to specify "High Street" when placing an order. Translate this phrase into English, you will write street High. When the ordered goods come to Russia, it will fall into the hands of mail workers. They will not be able to understand what the street is in the delivery address.
Filling of the address in the personal account
There are two ways to fill the delivery address on "Aliexpress". The first of them is the indication of the necessary information in the personal account:
- First sign in to your account;
- In the upper right corner click on the link "My AliExpress";
- On the opened page, read the menu on the left;
- Select "Delivery addresses".
After completing all these steps, you will be taken to the page with an empty form on which you can begin filling out the delivery address on "Aliexpress." You will see the following fields:
- receiver name;
- Country / region;
- Street, house, flat;
- city;
- State / province / region;
- postcode;
- phone;
- mobile phone.
In the first line, indicate your name, surname and patronymic. Country and region (region, region) select from the drop-down list. Write the required information in the remaining fields.
Filling the address when placing an order
The essence of the second method is to specify the delivery address when making a purchase. Select the item, product or item that you want to purchase. On the product page, click Buy Now. After that, the delivery address form will open. Fill in all the fields.
If you need to buy several products, then first add them to the shopping cart. Then go into it and press "Checkout". On the opened page you can specify the delivery address. Be sure to check the order details. On the open page you can change the number of purchased goods and determine the transport company.
Which delivery should I choose for "Aliexpress"? Focus on the cost and time of delivery. Approximate terms:
- Standard delivery - from 15 to 50 days;
- EMS delivery - 10 to 20 days;
- Express delivery - about 1 week.
You can choose the courier service when ordering the goods on "Aliexpress." Delivery to the house is carried out in a short time.
How do I find my zip code?
An important part of the address data is the postal code. It is the post office number that is responsible for the district or several streets. The parcel quickly reaches the buyer when specifying the correct zip code. However, many people do not know or do not remember it, but on "Aliexpress" this field is filled manually.
Fortunately, the zip code can be quickly recognized. For this it is necessary to use the official site of the enterprise "Russian Post". On the web resource there is a special service that allows visitors to learn the indexes of the addresses entered into the search string.
The nuances of filling the address by urban and rural residents
Residents of cities, as a rule, are not interested in how to fill the delivery address with "Aliexpress". Find the desired edge (region or region) in the drop-down list is quite simple. For example, you live in the city of Togliatti, located in the Samara region. On the website "AliExpress" in the delivery address blank you will need to select from the drop-down lists:
- Russian Federation;
- Samara Oblast;
- Tolyatti.
Questions about filling in the form arise when ordering goods in villages, villages, villages. How to fill out the delivery address on "Aliexpress"? Example: you want your parcel to arrive not in Togliatti, but in the village of Antonovka. On the site of "AliExpress" you choose the country, the region. You can not find the village in the drop-down list. What to do? In such cases, in the field "City" you need to indicate the area to which your settlement belongs. The village of Antonovka is part of the Alekseevsky district. It is in the drop-down list on the website "AliExpress."
What if the delivery address is incorrect?
Often, customers make mistakes when filling in personal information on the website of "AliExpress." Incorrect shipping address can be easily corrected. If you made a mistake and the order has not yet been issued, then go to your account and click on the main page under the link "My AliExpress". Then select "Delivery addresses". You will see the information that you indicated. Click "Edit" and make the necessary changes.
If the order is already created, then the address is much more difficult to fix. How to arrange delivery to "Aliexpress" in this case? Contact the seller through the system of private messages. Write to him in English that you made a mistake when specifying the address and contact information. Send the right information in a personal message. To point to the previous add-on address is not recommended. The seller may become confused.
Also you can cancel the order. The buyers have such an opportunity. In the field to indicate the reason for the cancellation, write down the information that indicated the wrong information. After canceling the order, you can make a new purchase, choose a transport company and re-fill the delivery address with "Aliexpress".
Adding additional addresses
On the website "AliExpress" you can add several addresses in your personal account. This is a very convenient feature, because some people make orders for their relatives and friends. To add a new address, click on the link "My AliExpress", select "Delivery addresses" and click on the "Add new address" button.
How to fill out the delivery address on "Aliexpress"? This question is often asked by people who first make a purchase on the site of a popular wholesale online hypermarket. Filling the address of delivery is not difficult. It is only necessary to follow the above recommendations and be careful when specifying personal information. If the address is incorrectly written, the parcel may not reach the recipient.
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