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Durian: what smells, what it tastes, how it is eaten

Recently, there has been an interesting trend - a modern man wants to extreme in the most unusual areas. Jump with a parachute - scary, fly on the plane - scary and expensive, and a walk at night on a dark alley - is also dangerous. And I want to throw out adrenaline. What to do? Watch horror movies on TV, do photo shoots in nude style and try exotic foods, among them - roasted cockroaches, chestnuts and durian. The taste of the last product is very much for an amateur, and its smell is completely repulsive. Why is this fruit popular? Why is it considered a favorite delicacy in Thailand? It is necessary to understand the topic.

What are we talking about?

So, what is a durian? How does this strange fruit smell? This is a tropical tree of the Malviv family. From the Malaysian name is translated as "thorn". This fruit has been cultivated in Malaysia, Indochina, India and Thailand for more than 600 years. Rarely, but found in South and Latin America. For durian suitable for humid tropical climate. By the way, this plant has 30 varieties, among which go to food only 9. Each variety is different in its original flavor and aroma.

Visually determine the durian is not difficult. It is an evergreen tree with sprawling branches. The tree heats up to 40 meters in height. Leaves are leathery and shiny, often pointed. The lower part of the leaves is covered with fleecy scales. Flowers grow on the trunk, resembling umbrellas in shape. The flowering period lasts only a few hours, and the flowers have a heavy smell. They are revealed in the twilight, and fall to the dawn. From the beginning of spring to the end of the summer, durian fructifies.

Fruit: useful properties

On the tree grow large spherical fruits, which can reach 30 cm in diameter and 10 kg in mass. Outside, the fruit is green with a coarse fibrous structure and a hard shell that is covered with pyramidal spines. Under the heavy peel hide shiny seeds up to 6 cm in size. They have a warm color from reddish-brown to pale yellow. The flesh of the fruit is thick, creamy-yellow. While the fruit is not ripe, it smells of fresh grass. But as it ripens, the smell changes, becoming corrosive and sweet-rotting.

Durian reduces constipation due to the content of dietary fiber. The fruit absorbs water well, accelerates peristalsis and removes carcinogens from the body, preventing the development of intestinal cancer. Also durian prevents anemia, positively affects the skin due to the presence of vitamin C, strengthens bones, treats diabetes and strengthens the thyroid gland. As a bonus, it is worth mentioning the fight against migraines and depression, as well as improving digestion.

In Asian countries, there are places where durian is forbidden. Its taste here is not so important as the smell, which can not be eliminated even with the help of cosmetics. To learn such a forbidden zone is simple, there will be a sign on the door with a durian crossed out with a red line. In Thailand, durian can not be taken out of the country, which tourists are told at the airport. The fact is that in his homeland durian is the king of fruit.

Beautiful legend

There is a story that is often recounted in Asia, telling how the durian appeared. What smells like this fruit? Someone will say that the rotten fish, and someone durian and completely remind the carrion. But according to legend, he once smelled of love! Many years ago in Asia there lived a king who unrequitedly fell in love and turned for help to the magician. He gave him a fruit with a magical fragrance and taste. The girl tasted the fruit and fell in love with the king. And he was so glad that he forgot to thank the magician. An enraged wizard cursed the fruit and turned it into a stinking fetus. When the king returned to the garden behind the durian, he was disappointed and threw the fruit to the ground with vexation. But the split durian was as delicious as before.

How is it eaten?

We figured out that durian is a fruit. What smells like it? Many will not like the answer to this question, since the smell has pronounced traits of rot. But is it worth it to eat a product that smells so? Here the Thais can write a whole ode, dedicated to the magnificent taste of durian. They consider it to be sweet, sated, reminiscent of a custard with a mixture of papaya and vanilla. The flesh can be eaten with a spoon. If it is firm, it is underserved. It is important to catch the right moment for eating, since the immature durian is tasteless, and the overripe bitter. There is a fruit should be immediately, once opened, only in this case the fullness of the flavor bouquet is felt.

There is a durian can be hand, breaking and pulling out the flesh. For convenience, you can use a spoon, since the smell is eaten into the skin and then not washed. Local residents gladly drink the fruit with salted water, which is poured into an empty half of the shell. In Thailand, pieces of fruit are marinated in coconut milk and served to the table. This is a real delicacy. . Also popular are patties with pieces of fruit .

And with what they eat?

If you get to the country of growth of this fruit, you will quickly understand how to eat durian. Here it is truly a universal fruit, which is added to almost all possible dishes. It tastes harmoniously with coffee, and therefore such a breakfast gourmets consider useful culinary delights. The fruit pulp is added to mousse in Thai cuisine, ice cream and jam are cooked on its basis. The flesh of the unripe fruit is used as a vegetable, that is, cut into slices and fried or stewed with spices. And if you combine the pulp of durian and pumpkin, you get a fragrant paste, which the Thai people use as spices. In Indonesia, the fruit is added to the fish soup to give the flavor and flavor. Seeds also go to food, but replace the seasoning. Surprisingly, the method of conservation is not alien to the Thais. True, they do not pick up tomatoes with cucumbers, but they cook the flesh of durian with sugar and can preserve jam. How to eat durian in our country? But there is no clarity with this question, because they do not supply us with a fruit! Is it offensive? Maybe. But it is logical. . Oh painfully specific product .

Why is it worth trying a fruit?

Here is such a durian fruit! What smells like it? Indol! It is a condensed aromatic compound, the smell of which resembles a cabbage. This ingredient is responsible for the terrible odor and bactericidal properties of the product. Also, the fruit is rich in vitamins, fats and carbohydrates. In the composition of enough protein and a third of the daily norm of vitamin C. Durian contains nicotinic acid and minerals such as iron, phosphorus and calcium. By the way, there is one more ingredient explaining, durian than smells. It is an organic sulfur that removes toxins from the body. It is also present in the cells of the nervous and bone tissue. Durian is a full-fledged "power engineer" thanks to the abundance of sucrose and fructose. . 100 grams of pulp account for 147 calories, most of which are carbohydrates and water .

In food and not only

In Asian countries like durian. What it smells is not so important! The main thing is that this is a useful treat and effective means of traditional medicine. In the leaves of the plant a high content of mustard oil and hydroxytryptamine, which allows to use the fruit as an antipyretic in the treatment of colds. When the bile is spilled, baths with fruit leaves are helpful. And the roots are an interesting antiviral agent, as the combination of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and sulfur is very effective. . But, perhaps, the best quality of durian is the ability to rejuvenate the body and restore the potency .

You need to try everything!

Going to the countries of Asia, you will quickly find out what the durian looks like, and after that you will become acquainted with its taste. In any fruit store it is easy to find green balls with spikes. A fruit is like a mutant hedgehog. Rows sellers determine by sound. If the sound is thin at knocking, then the fruit is not ripe. But a dull sound speaks of ripeness. There you will probably be recommended along with the durian to buy mangosteen fruits that go well with the main product. Remember that durian can not be eaten by people with high blood pressure, hypertension. Also it is not combined with alcohol, it is forbidden to be used by pregnant and lactating women. Each spike of fruit exudes a smell, so ruthlessly get rid of the peel. The flesh has the color of condensed milk. There is a need right away. By the consistency of the lobules resemble cottage cheese or butter. It tastes like a banana plombir with whipped cream, vanilla and strawberries. Those who tried this exotic fruit say that the smell becomes tolerable from the first spoon, and then does not interfere with the enjoyment of food. After the tasting it does not matter how much the durian costs. You still want to buy it again. The cost of the undivided fruit is about 100 baht per kilogram, or 165 rubles, and the pure flesh from one durian chamber will cost 80 baht, or 132 rubles.

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