
Sample CVs for the sales consultant: filling rules

Each person, having reached certain years, thinks about how he will provide himself. The choice of profession depends largely on knowledge, skills, education and work experience. Also important is the psychological characteristics of a person.

Work as a sales consultant

If you decide to try to work as a sales consultant, then you should know what the given profession is, what difficulties there are in it. You need to know and other points: what should be the seller, what is his duty, how to communicate with customers and so on. To make yourself known, it is worth examining the samples of the resume of the consulting seller for the preparation of a questionnaire for the employer.

At first glance it may seem that this work is really simple and does not require special efforts. But in reality being a sales consultant is not so easy. You need to be benevolent, stress-resistant, communicative, know everything about your product and even about your competitors. It is necessary to be able to find an approach to each buyer, "hook" it and at the same time not to scare away perseverance. It is worth remembering that customers are different, there are not only adequate visitors. Therefore, the ability to remain calm is extremely important. You will find out all the desirable qualities, if you look through the samples of the resume of the sales consultant. They indicate the standard skills, characteristics required in this profession.

Job search as a sales consultant

If you decide to try yourself in this profession, having weighed all the pros and cons, then you need to think about one more thing. What exactly do you want or can you sell? Food, clothing and footwear, stationery, toys, equipment, and, perhaps, furniture? The choice is big and everything is not listed.

If you have made a decision, you can start viewing ads in newspapers, on the Internet and send to the competition for the job offers of a consultant-seller. A sample of filling can be found at the end of this article. Also you can print your CV and leave it in various shopping centers, shops where you would like or could work.

Before declaring yourself to employers, learn about them as much as possible.

Drawing up a resume for a sales consultant

If you want to please the employer to get you employed, you need to be able to declare yourself. In this you will help a competent resume. A sample (seller-consultant) can be found at the end of this article.

In the resume you must indicate all the positive qualities that a trader should have. This, for example, mindfulness, stress-resistance, sociability, the ability to find an approach to people. You can see the samples of the resume of the sales consultant, find in them a description of the qualities that are usually indicated, and add yourself suitable characteristics to increase the chances.

Also in the resume it is desirable to indicate what skills and experience are available. For example, work with the programs "1C Trade" or "1C Enterprise", cashier, computer and office programs. All this information is desirable.

Sample of filling the resume of the seller-consultant

The employer, the manager on work with the personnel during the day consider a lot of questionnaires and applications from those wishing to occupy a vacant place. The only way to interest them, as a rule, is a well-written resume that contains information about the qualities, knowledge, skills and experience that are required of the employee. Therefore, before submitting an application about yourself, check spelling and punctuation. Information should be understandable and stated in a correct form, without any abbreviations of words. Do not have to treat the resume writing carelessly. Otherwise, there may be an impression of a non-serious attitude and bad manners.

So, let's look at an example of how a correct resume should look like. The "clothing consultant" will be in this case a vacant position.

Sample of the resume of the seller-adviser
Full name Full name of the surname, name and patronymic

Date of Birth

Day, month, year of birth

Family status

Unmarried or not married, married or married, no children or if there is, indicate the number

Home address

Actual address

contact phone number

Write the number you always use, and stay connected

E-mail address

Check the spelling
Wishes for work

What position do you apply for, what work schedule is desirable and on what minimum wage agree.


It is written in descending order: from the last to the first job, indicating the dates, title of the post, duties and employer. You can also add what successes you have achieved and what skills you have acquired.

Education Here you indicate what your education is: higher, incomplete higher, secondary, and so on. Date of beginning and end of training. Full name of the educational institution. Specialty, qualification. If you have a red diploma, you can mark it. Also here you should indicate what success you have achieved in studies. For example, they took an active part in various events

If you have taken any courses, you should indicate this. For example, it would be nice to mention the passing of courses on training programs "1C Trade" and "1C Enterprise"

Special skills and knowledge

Here you can note the knowledge of foreign languages, the level of computer knowledge

Professional skills For example, work experience in sales, the ability to select customers clothes in size and color compatibility
Personal qualities Non-conflict, learnability, lack of bad habits

At the top right, you can attach your business photo, where your face is clearly visible.

Similar CVs of the sales consultant are easy to read, the employer quickly finds the necessary moments that affect his decision. However, there is a category of people who believe that to remember, it is worth sending non-standard questionnaires. But such creative ideas do not apply to all professions. Therefore, if you decide to work in trade, then it is better to use as an example traditional samples of the resume of the seller-consultant.

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