
"Drop in the sea": the meaning of phraseology, synonyms and examples of use

It happens that some effort is clearly not enough to achieve certain goals, and then a person, speaking about them, gives them a definition - a drop in the sea. The meaning of phraseology is discussed further, and also we discuss why sometimes a drop of something is very important.


Here one can not talk about any definite source of origin, since phraseologicalism, apparently, was born out of simple human observation and a common sense of the part and the whole. What is a drop in relation to the sea? Almost nothing.

The tone of expression

When they say that it is a drop in the sea (the meaning of phraseology in the process of research) in relation to anything, this characteristic is not the best. For example, a person collects a car. He saved a lot and collected 10,000 rubles a year, and the car he wants costs, say, 1,500,000 rubles.

Phraseological synonyms

In order to better understand what synonyms of the expression in question may be, it is again more effective to refer to images.

For example, a person owes a lot of money to creditors or the state. And a friend offers him help. Their dialogue will be saturated with various changes in the speech turnover "a drop in the ocean." The meaning of phraseology, we found out, now let's see what kind of analogs he has in Russian:

- Hello, Petya, why are you so sad? - asks a friend Sergei.

- Yes, you see, my debts completely strangled me, and my salary was wailing for my cat. I can not take credit, expensive things that I could give in a mortgage, - once or twice, and obchelsya, do not sleep the same to me, in fact, on the floor?

- And how much do you need, Petya, that you sleep peacefully on your couch?

- Yes, nothing at all - some 10,000 rubles.

- You know what, I recently received a prize, let's go and lend you the treasured amount.

- True? You are a real friend, Seryoga!

We can see from the conversation of two friends that such expressions as "the cat cried", "once or twice and obchelsya", "nothing at all" convey the same meaning as the phrase "a drop in the sea." The meaning of phraseology and possible synonyms was considered using imaginary dialogues that could well be in reality. It remains for us to draw a definite conclusion.

Indeed, the sea is huge, and the drop is small compared to it, but the balance of power changes when it comes to human mutual assistance and understanding. Perhaps someone thinks that a good word is worthless, but sometimes it can turn mountains and turn rivers back or save lives. In other words, sometimes a drop in the sea is very important, when it comes to a particle of human heat.

If we leave the lyrics aside, then all the tasks set before us are fulfilled: the origin, meaning of the expression "a drop in the sea" is considered. The synonym was also chosen, and not even one. We offered several options to choose from. We hope that the reader is satisfied with the work done.

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