HomelinessDo it yourself

Drain in the bath with your hands - a step-by-step guide. Water drainage device, materials, installation

When making a bath, it is necessary to take into account a lot of different factors, one of which is the drainage of water. Errors in the construction in this area can lead to the fact that the design simply can not be used. Therefore, novice masters very often ask the question of how to properly organize a sink in the bath with their own hands. Step by step guide to this process, we provide.

Creating a Project

First of all, it is necessary to understand that there is simply a huge number of options for arranging water diversions in such structures. Therefore, it is first necessary to determine which kind of species should be used in a particular case. Creating a device for the drainage of baths, it is necessary to take into account the features of the building, its grounds and the costs for which the builder is ready to go.

In the project, it is worthwhile to display the main elements of the system at the stage of foundation manufacturing, since it will be necessary to make a withdrawal and construction of the floors with indication of the drainage laying, if their installation is planned. Therefore, if a plum in the bath is done by one's own hands, the step-by-step guide recommends starting the design of this element together with the entire building, starting from the very beginning.

In our case, we will consider one of the most interesting options, which requires certain costs, but the quality of the design allows you never to return to this issue. That's why such projects are very popular with modern masters.


To create a drain in the bath, the following tools may be required:

  • Shovels;
  • Drank the wood;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • Paint roller or brush;
  • Buckets;
  • Perforator;
  • pencil.


In order to organize the discharge of water in the bath, you need to buy the following materials:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • Sheets of roofing material;
  • Bitumen waterproofing;
  • Metal corners from stainless steel, for fixing floorboards along the perimeter;
  • Antibacterial primer;
  • Wooden boards;
  • Self-tapping screws and shock dowels;
  • Metal fittings or wire;
  • a drain pipe;
  • film;
  • Drainage and other fittings;
  • Damper tape.

Foundation work

To start the creation of a drain, it is necessary at the stage of foundation manufacturing. The fact is that you should install a sewer pipe, through which the liquid will be removed. When a plum is created in the bath with your own hands, the step by step guide recommends installing a pipe for tapping directly into the base. It is fixed using a damper tape in a concrete foundation or fastened to special clamps, when mounted on a pile foundation.

If the pipe will be adjacent to the central sewer system, then it is laid under the ground. In this case, it should be located at a depth below the freezing level of the soil with additional insulation with mineral wool.

Concrete works

  • First of all, a rough floor is created, through which the drain pipe will pass.
  • It is stuffed from boards, which are fixed along the perimeter of the room.
  • On their surface, a film is laid, so that when the concrete works are made, the liquid does not flow out of the solution.
  • At the next stage, along the perimeter of the walls, at the level where the concrete will be located, install a damper belt. It is necessary to ensure that when the screed expands, the surface does not crack and there is no deformation. Also, the damper tape should wrap and the pipe section, which will be in concrete.
  • Next, metal reinforcement is laid, which should also be fixed on the walls.
  • Then the bath drain system is made by pouring the first layer of concrete, 5-10 cm thick. This will be the base on which the level of the guiding liquid will form.
  • After the concrete has solidified, it is necessary to produce another fill 5 cm thick. However, in this case the thickness is indicated conditionally. The point is that you need to get a non-level surface, but create a certain slope for the drain to the pipe.
  • Many masters prefer to make a kind of cone with such a fill, where the funnel of the pipe drain will be located in the center.
  • Finally, the drain grid is installed and its adjustment is made according to the level of the surface.


When creating such a drain under the floor of a bath, it is very important to protect all elements from the effects of moisture. Therefore, the walls and concrete base should be treated with an antibacterial primer.

Next, sheets of roofing material are laid on the floor, winding them on the walls, and treating the surface with bitumen. It is very important not to forget to cut out a hole in the sheets for the drain itself, so as not to close the grate.

As a result, water, getting on such a surface, will flow down to the pipe and be led along it from the building. Next, you only need to create a finishing version of the floor, which will be on a certain elevation from the sink.

Installation of floors

Many novice masters, wondering how to make a floor in a bath with a sink, want to use wood, and from concrete surfaces they want to get rid of. However, this design will provide a very high quality wooden coating with a concrete base to increase strength and durability.

  • Even at the stage of making the walls you need to install logs. They are usually fastened by connecting the "swallowtail" in wooden structures or plastered into concrete or masonry.
  • If this was not done with the construction of the walls, then the logs are installed on metal corners, which are fixed along the perimeter. However, it is necessary to create additional supports in the middle of the length of the boards.
  • Lags must be treated with antibacterial primer to protect against moisture and fungus with mold.
  • The next step is to install the floorboard. It is also pre-treated with a primer.
  • Between the floorboard must make a gap of at least 1 cm. It is through it will leave the water, getting on the concrete base and draining into the sink.
  • The board is fastened with self-tapping screws.
  • After the floor is installed, experts recommend the production of special pallets, which can be used as a finishing coat. This design allows the drying of the bath after its use.


Very often the question of how to make a floor in a bath with a drain, involves the installation of a drainage system. The fact is that the bath is not limited to a shower room and a therma, and it is not economical to organize a separate tap from all the premises.

Therefore, to the room where the central drain is created, a drainage system is created, created from small grooves that are located near the nearest wall along its entire length. Such a construction is made at the stage of making the screed, assembling it in one level with the floor. Also, it should be borne in mind that the slope of the surface must be in the direction of installing the drainage channel, so that the liquid drains into it independently.

Typically, such systems are created open, because they need less material and work costs. However, with a thorough approach, it is possible to install pipes into the floor, which are taken out into the central drain, and in order for the water to enter them, install special grills into the level with the screed.

extra work

Experts argue that draining in the floor is only a small part of the bath design, which ensures its proper functioning. It is equally important to correctly install the ventilation and heating of the room, so that even with proper water drainage in the room it is not damp.

Treatment with an antibacterial primer is now considered mandatory and requires a special approach to material selection. The fact is that it should not emit harmful substances when heated and contain toxic components. It is best to use special tools that are designed specifically for the bath. They are completely safe and will help to get rid of mold and fungus indoors, protecting wood and concrete surfaces from moisture.

If there is no separate sewer system, then creating a sink, you need to make a cesspool. Specialists in such cases are usually advised to make a small septic tank, which is located near the building. Such a design will cope with a small volume of water and it will be quite economical and practical. However, such work will require additional investment.

Recommendations of specialists

  • Given the complexity of the design for installation in a building with several rooms, the design stage must be taken very responsibly. It is important to take into account the angle of inclination, drainage length and even the area of the room itself.
  • When water is withdrawn from a bath in a structure of timber or logs, it is recommended that all work be done only after the house has shrunk. Otherwise, you can get surfaces with the wrong gradient or different level of surfaces.
  • If a foundation is used to build a building on the basis of piles, then the drain pipe will need to be further insulated. It is best to use mineral wool or a mounting foam for these purposes. However, recently in the markets you can buy a liquid insulation, which has a small cost, and in its technical characteristics is not inferior to other materials of this purpose.
  • Some masters recommend the use of expanded clay in order to insulate the base when pouring the main floor of concrete. It is mixed with the mortar and makes a conventional screed. As a result, not only the necessary foundation is obtained, but also a kind of insulation, which is very important in houses with a pile foundation.
  • Quite often, instead of bitumen and ruberoid, masters use a special mastic to create a waterproofing. However, before using it, you should make sure that, with a little heating, it will not release harmful substances to human health.
  • On the markets of building materials, you can purchase ready-made sewerage and drainage systems. They are practical, reliable and very simple to install. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to develop the design of the floor, taking into account their features.


Explaining in detail how to make a sink in a bath with their own hands, a step-by-step guide gives the basics of this process, which describe the general principle of a certain design. Some projects may have their own characteristics, which are not displayed here.

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