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Douching - what is it and in what cases is it used?

Vaginal flushing, the so-called "vaginal shower" is a very common procedure. To answer the question: "Douching - what is it and how useful is it?", One must know its indications and contraindications.

If you use spermicide solutions as an additional method of contraceptive protection, then this is correct. But a condom can also break, and sexual intercourse can become not planned. Then it will be necessary to be insured with hormonal medications under the supervision of a doctor. There is a way out - syringing. What is it with contraception? Only the washing of sperm from the vagina, but not from the entire reproductive system. You can use weak solutions of lactic, acetic acid, potassium permanganate, but this is always a chemical trauma to the mucous membranes. The effectiveness of this method can only be said when the procedure is performed one to two minutes after ejaculation.

During sexual intercourse, it is easy to pick up various infectious diseases, disrupt the balance of the microbiocenosis of the vagina. Douching - what is it in such cases? This is a method for preventing infection, which can be used with Miramistin. This antiseptic irrigate the vaginal cavity with a special nozzle on the bottle, or pouring the solution into the syringe. The drug has proven itself in gynecological practice and is often used by women after intimate relationships.

Often, women still have inflammation of the vulva, the walls of the vagina and the cervical part of the uterus. Gynecologists appoint baths and syringing in case of inflammation with solutions of calendula, chamomile, soda. These measures can be combined, but with caution. If there is an acute purulent inflammation with abundant discharge, then washing with disinfectants (furacilin, potassium permanganate, rivanol 0.1%) will help. Such douching is repeated about four days in a row, then you need to stop. These recommendations are not for nothing. Douching - what is it in this case? This is a process that slows the healing of tissues, washing cells with glycogen and normal microorganisms. It is better to wash with those solutions to which the pathogenic vaginal flora is sensitive. To do this, first make a smear on the flora and a test for the tolerability of the antibiotic.

If long douching is necessary, oily estradiol propionate, peach oil or other oils that are diluted with streptomycin emulsion are used. With such solutions, the walls of the vagina are treated once every ten days. Then, local administration of lactic acid bacteria is used to form the desired flora.

Treatment and preventive syringing with herbal solutions is justified in those phases of the cycle when the cervix is closed and does not let pass small pathogenic microbes. Therefore, do not inject liquid under pressure. Let the vagina clean up on its own. It is very common douche daisies with erosion. Her infusion has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and soothing effect. Thus, in everything you need to take action and approach any advice with the mind.

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