
Bag bag - a stylish accessory with your own hands

Fashion goes and comes again. That bag bag every day is becoming more relevant and relevant. In stores you can see a large selection of such bags, but some of their financial situation does not allow you to get such a bag. Of course, it is very important for a girl to acquire the thing of her dreams, even our great-grandmothers at war exchanged a piece of bread for lipstick, what to say about the present time. You can save, borrow and buy yourself such a treasured accessory, like a bag bag, but you can also avoid such victims. Such a product as bag bag, it is possible to sew and independently, and the result will be no worse than in the store.

Now a bag of jeans is very popular. We will share with you the secret of how to sew such a product as a bag of denim. For such a bag fit old jeans, or denim flaps. This bag is good for those people who prefer sports style, and like freedom of movement. The dimensions of this bag will be approximately A4 sheet. There you can easily put folders, or sheets, or books, in sizes with a landscape sheet. In addition, jeans fabric is quite dense and durable material, so this bag will serve you faithfully and quite a considerable time.

If you do not have enough pieces of cloth of the same type, it's okay, because now there's a mixture of styles in fashion, so work as a designer, give vent to your imagination. But first you will need to decide how often you will use your bag, and depending on this select the material. If you need this bag every day, then, respectively, and the material besides jeans, should be strong.

Do not forget about the fabric on the lining. You will need a material with a size of 50 X 70 lining fabric, and another 22 X 20 of the same fabric for the inner pocket. Do not choose jeans for bag bags, which are too many iron locks and other things. After all, owners of long nails obviously had to break them about an iron lock on jeans' pants more than once. Therefore, to avoid such incidents, it is better to get rid of such accessories on your jeans.
And so now we will give you a brief description of how to sew a bag of jeans. To begin with, you will need to make a pattern for your bag. Detailed models and pictures you can find on the Internet. You can make the bag front on both sides, i.e. Cut is so that the pockets were on the front of the bag and on the inside. Torn pocket darn art pattern, you can attach the applique. Next, you put on both sides of the bag pockets and various flaps and applications, here in the work is only your imagination. After that, you make the bottom of the bag, it can also be made from rags. Next, you gently begin to sew both sides of the bag, and the bottom. Next, you need to cut out the lining fabric, a rectangle, 43 x 64, a small strip of 22 X 4 and another rectangle 22 X 15. Sew to the bots of the bag. Next, you plan on the lining of the bag a place for sewing an inner pocket, if you wish, you can sew such pockets as you need. Next, you should sew handles, you can make them as their individual parts, or their entire canvas. Sewing, cleaning unnecessary threads, and your bag is ready. If you want, you can make a fringe on top, or some other additions for beauty. For example, any application on an actual topic, drawing with special paint or beaded patterns - a flight of fantasy here is not limited.
Well, you see how to sew a bag bag, and that it is not difficult at all, and the cost of such a bag you will have several times less. Also you can sew such a bag from any fabric you like, not just jeans.

I hope that our tips will help you look at all 100, and at the same time save a lot of money.

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