
Antibacterial agent 'Cefazolin': instructions for use

Antibiotics, which are often used in the practice of treating diseases of various etiologies, are used only if necessary. Do not recommend these drugs for prevention (in most cases), as well as in the treatment of diseases caused by viruses. If, however, there is a need for this group of drugs, before using it is necessary to study the instructions to the drug, since each of them affects only certain pathogens.

So, Cefazolin's advice advises for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, skin, joints, pelvic organs, infections after surgical interventions or burns, etc. This drug works on some gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. To the drug "Tsefazolin" indications for use can be such as urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, syphilis.

Since this antibiotic is poorly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, it is used intramuscularly or intravenously. After the drug is injected, its maximum dose in the blood is noted after 1-2 hours.

Contraindications to this tool is the age of the newborn under 1 month, since the safety of the use of the drug during this period is not established to the end, and the sensitivity to the components that are contained here. With caution, the drug is prescribed for patients with intestinal diseases (including colitis) and renal insufficiency. During the waiting period for the child, the medication is prescribed only if the benefit to the woman exceeds the risk to the fetus. If a woman is breastfeeding, and treatment is necessary, the question of completing lactation is raised.

Since the action of the antibiotic in each case individually, to those who use Cefazolin for treatment, the dosage is determined by the doctor and depends on the severity of the disease, the age of the patient, the sensitivity of the pathogen to the drug and other factors. So, children, in most cases, are recommended volume at the rate of 20-50 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. In severe cases, it can be increased to 100 mg. For adults, the dose should not exceed 6 grams per day, usually prescribed from 1 to 4 g. The duration of the course can vary from 7 to 10 days.

For intramuscular injection of the drug "Cefazolin" the instruction recommends dissolving it in lidocaine or water for injection. For 1 g of powder take 4 ml of liquid. For intravenous injections and children up to a year, lidocaine is not taken as a solvent. When diluted, the vial is shaken well until the powder is completely dispersed. Liquids are used only transparent or colorless, stored solutions are stored in a cool (from 2 to 8 degrees) dark place for no more than a day, after which they can not be used for injections.

When taking the medication "Cefazolin", the instruction marks the possibility of side effects. They can be expressed in allergic reactions, gastrointestinal disorders. With prolonged antibiotic therapy, there may be a dysbacteriosis or superinfection caused by strains resistant to the drug. In addition, it is possible to develop candidiasis, seizures, vaginitis, chest pain.

When an overdose of the drug "Cefazolin" instruction notes the occurrence of the following symptoms: dizziness, inflammation at the injection site, the appearance of seizures, headache. Treatment is appointed symptomatically, while it is important to monitor the laboratory indicators of the patient.

Do not recommend the simultaneous therapy with anticoagulants, diuretics, aminoglycosides, because at times the risk increases that the toxic effect of drugs will increase. It is necessary to exclude the use of alcohol when using medicines.

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