
Bacteriophage complex: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Diseases of bacterial etiology are most often treated with antibacterial drugs that have a wide range of effects. It is recommended to use bacteriophages for selective destruction of pathogenic agents. Such drugs have many advantages in comparison with other medicines. The complex bacteriophage is a medicinal product, in the composition of which there are several types of bacteriophages. Let us consider in more detail the mechanism of action and the scope of this drug.

What are bacteriophages?

Each ailment needs a specific treatment. To choose the right method of therapy, it is important to determine the type of pathogen. To combat bacterial pathologies that differ in severe course and consequences, physicians often prescribe bacteriophages. These drugs are useful for the human body viruses that use harmful bacteria to multiply and continue their life. At the same time they have a negative impact only on pathogenic microorganisms and do not affect the work of organs and systems.

Unlike antibiotics, bacteriophages do not destroy useful microflora and do not cause the development of dysbacteriosis. Drugs can be taken on a long-term basis and not be afraid of the emergence of resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to the active components.

In pediatric practice, the bacteriophage is polyvalent. Reviews (children prescribe medicine after diagnosis), experts confirm the effectiveness of the drug provided that the exact type of pathogen is determined. For this, it is necessary to undergo laboratory diagnostics before starting therapy. Bacteriophages are considered as powerful drugs as antibiotics.

Bacteriophage polyvalent: instructions for use

Reviews of patients and doctors confirm the high therapeutic effectiveness of this medication. Unlike others, it contains several types of useful viruses in the composition, which allows the drug to fight immediately with several pathological pathogens. The Russian pharmaceutical company "Microgen" is engaged in the manufacture of the medicine.

Piobacteriophage is released as a solution, packed into ampoules (5 and 10 ml) and bottles (20 ml). The method of application of the fluid depends on the localization of the focus of the inflammatory process. As part of the drug there is a mixture of bacteriophages obtained during the lysis of cells of various bacteria: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella, Streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Staphylococcus. The complex bacteriophage additionally contains a sterile phagolysate of enterococci. Depending on the etiology of the disease, the drug can be used for oral and external use.

Indication for appointment

At various purulent and inflammatory pathologies it is recommended to use polyvalent bacteriophage for treatment. Reviews, instructions for medication warn patients that they take it only as directed by a specialist. Indications for the appointment are the following pathological conditions:

  • Diseases of the ENT organs (tracheitis, bronchitis, otitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis);
  • Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, colpitis, adnexitis, urethritis);
  • Skin diseases complicated by a secondary bacterial infection;
  • Infections of the digestive tract (dysbiosis, cholecystitis);
  • Abscesses, burns, boils, carbuncles, phlegmon;
  • Ophthalmologic pathologies (conjunctivitis, purulent infections).

The same indication for use has a similar in composition drug - bacteriophage complex. The instruction allows it to be used also for the prevention of infections after surgery. During the treatment period, there is no need for additional use of probiotics. Piobacteriophages are suitable for the treatment of slow bacterial infections.

How to use?

The dosage required in a particular case is determined only by the attending physician. It will depend on the diagnosis and age of the patient. The method of administration of the drug also depends on the type of pathological process. With purulent-inflammatory diseases, the solution is indicated orally. Local application of the drug is possible in the form of irrigation, lotions and tampons. More effective is the complex use of polyvalent bacteriophage.

For the treatment of abnormalities of ENT organs, the remedy is used for washing, instilling the nasal and anuric cavity. A positive result is the use of turund, moistened with a solution. In the ear canals they are inserted with special care, so as not to disturb the integrity of the eardrums. The procedure is repeated at least three times a day. When tonsillitis medication is used to rinse the mouth.

In the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the bacteriophage complex is taken inwards. Previously, the patient was shown to pass a feces analysis, which will help determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to the active components. For the treatment of inflammatory processes of the urinary system, the drug liquid is injected into the bladder via a catheter. To enhance the therapeutic effect, doctors can additionally prescribe the reception of bacteriophages in the form of tablets.

Application in gynecology

Most female diseases occur against infection with pathogens. Cope with the disease and suppress the life of bacteria can not only with the help of antibiotics, which also have a negative effect on the body. Inflammations are well suited to therapy with less dangerous medicines. One of these drugs is the bacteriophage complex.

Instructions for use inform you that the solution is used for insertion into the cavity of the vagina or uterus. The product helps to cope with the dysbacteriosis of the vagina. Positive dynamics is observed when the drug is treated with wounds and ulcers on the mucous surface. This does not allow the reproduction of harmful bacteria and reduces the inflammatory process.

Application Features

In order for the drug to really help, before the start of therapy it is important to undergo a survey and determine the type of bacteria that provoked the development of the disease. A bacteriophage, consisting of several varieties of viruses, is often prescribed when several types of microbes are detected.

Is it possible to give the drug to children?

One of the safest drugs for treating various diseases in babies is a complex bacteriophage. It can be used even for the treatment of severe pathologies of bacterial etiology in newborns. Up to 6 months it is shown to give 5 ml of solution three times a day. When regurgitation, the drug is best administered to the body with the help of an enema. In this case, the dose is increased to 10 ml.

Children from 6 to 12 months with oral administration of a bacteriophage should be given no more than 10 ml of solution. Parents of toddlers note that at the beginning of therapy often there are side effects in the form of diarrhea and regurgitation. If such phenomena are not observed, the medicine can be mixed with breast milk, a milk formula.

Children older than 8 years and adults are prescribed to take the drug 30 ml three times a day. When treating the wound, the skin should be treated with an antiseptic solution.

In the treatment of premature babies, the method of high enemas using special catheters is used. The duration of treatment with bacteriophages will depend on the diagnosis given to the child and the severity of his condition. Positive dynamics is usually observed already 7-14 days after the initiation of therapy.

Are there any contraindications?

This is one of the few drugs that does not have any contraindications to the appointment. To prevent the development of side effects should be consulted beforehand with a specialist regarding the treatment regimen, the dosage of the pyobacteriophage.

If the storage rules are not observed, use of the medicine for treatment is prohibited. The therapeutic properties of bacteriophages are preserved only if, after opening the vial, it is stored at certain temperatures in the refrigerator. If a small amount of liquid is needed for treatment, use a sterile syringe.

Bacteriophage polyvalent: reviews of doctors

Medicines based on useful viruses have long been used in various fields of medicine, although they have not gained such popularity as antibiotics. Specialists strongly recommend using them only after conducting laboratory diagnostics. This will help to choose the necessary type of bacteriophage or a mixture thereof for the treatment of a particular disease.

Bacteriophage polyvalent, photo of which is presented above, is actively used for the treatment of infants and pregnant women. In case of detection of infection with enterococci, a complex bacteriophage should be purchased for the course of therapy.

Structural analogs, none of the existing bacteriophages has. If necessary, the doctor can choose as a substitute a drug that has a similar therapeutic effect.

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