HealthDiseases and Conditions

Disease duodenitis - what is it? Symptoms, causes and treatment of doudenite

Today, only diseases do not exist. Some of them have rather intricate names. One such is duodenitis. What it is? What disease is hidden in this name? We will analyze everything in order.

What is the disease?

So, let's understand what duodenitis is related to. What it is? To do this, a little deeper into the anatomy.

The duodenum is one of the most important digestive organs. This cavity is a vessel into which the juices of the pancreas and liver enter. This is where the main digestion of food takes place. In the duodenum nutrients are finally broken down. Between villi, covered with a thick layer of enzymes, they are quickly digested and absorbed.

The duodenum functions intensively and constantly. In this regard, it often inflames. Such a process, according to medical terminology, is called duodenitis.

Causes of the disease

Why does duodenitis occur? What is it - we dismantled. Let us now turn to the causes of the disease. There are many sources that provoke the development of inflammation. They are divided into several groups:

  • Infections. The inflammatory process is capable of causing bacteria. One of the most common is Helicobacter pylori. Bacteria in the body secrete toxins, which are the factors of aggression leading to the development of ailment.
  • Stresses, overstrain. This condition, which has a long character, leads to a spasm of the vessels in the duodenum. Blood supply to the mucous membrane decreases. Significantly reduced protective properties.
  • Unhealthy food. Abuse of fatty, fried, hard or spicy foods is fraught with serious consequences. The products themselves become an aggressive factor that can lead to the onset of the inflammatory process. The most harmful are chips and crackers. They in most cases become a source of infirmity in children. It is noticed that before the appearance of this assortment, the diagnoses "gastritis", "duodenitis" were much less common.
  • Incorrect food regimen. The alternation of prolonged fasting with periods of overeating seriously increases the risk of duodenitis. In the first case, enzymes irritate the mucous membrane. The period of overeating is fraught with mechanical stretching and increased load on the gut.
  • Eating before going to bed. This negative factor can lead to the onset of gastritis, duodenitis. It should be remembered that during sleep all systems and organs are in functional rest. That's why it is recommended to have dinner for 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Medicines. To inflammation of the duodenum can bring some drugs. As a rule, these are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, drugs "Ibuprofen", "Acetylsalicylic acid", "Paracetamol". Their action is quite irritating to the mucous membrane. These drugs can even lead to an ulcer.
  • Alcohol. The systematic use of alcohol-containing beverages can provoke an inflammatory reaction. The most dangerous are wine and beer. And cognac in permissible doses, on the contrary, promotes healing of erosion and ulcers, removal of inflammation.

  • Smoking. Nicotine causes a spasm of blood vessels. Especially dangerous is smoking on an empty stomach. Getting into the digestive tract, nicotine with saliva leads to severe inflammation.
  • Genetic predisposition. By inheritance, a tendency to develop a disease can be transmitted.

Types of ailment

Before considering what will be the symptoms and treatment for the diagnosis of duodenitis, let us touch on the classification that characterizes the course of the disease. In medicine, the disease is divided into two forms:

  • Sharp;
  • Chronic.

Each of them differs not only in duration but also in symptomatology.

Acute form of the disease

The percolation period is about 1 month. The main sources that cause acute duodenitis are food toxic infections or poisoning with substances of chemical origin. In some cases, inflammation of the mucosa provokes mechanical damage by foreign bodies.

Acute duodenitis appears suddenly. Often it is after a violation of diet. Characteristic symptomatology is a painful sensation at the top of the abdomen, nausea, which results in vomiting. Accompanies these signs of general weakness, fever.

Chronic form

This type of disease is often classified as an entirely different ailment. The culprit of such confusion is the variety of clinical manifestations. According to its origin, chronic duodenitis is primary and secondary.

In the first case, the reasons lie in malnutrition, alcohol abuse. Often the chronic acute stage leads to the transferred acute form.

Secondary duodenitis develops against the background of diseases. Irregularities of the digestive tract, bile ducts, and the liver may well become the causes of the inflammatory process of the mucosa. Often, the development of the disease leads to chronic gastritis. Duodenitis is able to develop against parasitic and allergic ailments, problems with the kidneys and lungs, as well as the cardiovascular system.

Localization of symptoms

A characteristic symptom is pain. If it occurs in the region of the epigastric region, most likely, it signals a ulcerative-like variant of the disease. In this case, the intensity of sensations can vary from strongly pronounced to very weak. The nature of pain can also fluctuate. Discomfort is sometimes cramping or aching.

The appearance of pain in the right subcostal area, which gives to the subscapular region, signals a cholecystoid variant of the disease. As a rule, it provokes fatty and fried food.

If the patient exhibits gastritoid-like duodenitis, the pain is localized in the upper part of the epigastric region. Accompany her with a sense of heaviness, a feeling of bursting.

Very rarely there is a pancreatitis-like variant of the disease. It is characterized by girdling pain, giving to the left hypochondrium and back.

Duodenitis chronic accompanies: severity, raspiranie, nausea. To this symptomatology can be connected with vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn, belching bitter. Often there are also vegetative manifestations: weakness, trembling in the hands, sweating, palpitations, stool disorders.

Duodenogastric reflux

The disease is quite unpleasant. With it from the duodenum to the stomach is thrown acid. Most often accompanied by reflux duodenitis and gastritis.

The emergence of this disease is associated with the hernia of the esophagus of the diaphragm or the weakness of the muscles located in this area.

Often, reflux worries pregnant women or individuals abusing nicotine. It is often manifested in people taking medications, whose action is aimed at reducing the tone of smooth muscles.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before treating duodenitis, the doctor will recommend a gastroscopy. And only the results of the endoscopic picture will make it possible to diagnose. Often, some other diagnostic methods are also used. Their goal is to determine the form of the disease.

These methods include:

  • X-ray of the duodenum and stomach;
  • Coprogramme;
  • Blood biochemistry;
  • Duodenal sounding ;
  • Biochemistry of gastric juice with pH determination.

If during a diagnosis a doctor suspects malignant lesions located in the mucous membrane, the doctor will prescribe one more examination. In this case, the biomaterial is examined in the laboratory of the oncology department.

Treatment of the disease

When fighting the disease, the form that duodenitis is important is important. Symptoms and treatment are completely dependent on her.

Acute stages of erosive-ulcerative variant or catarrhal often do not need systemic complex therapy. The illness lasts for three days, if the patient fully adheres to all the doctor's recommendations. The most important rule is diet. Equally important is the stationary strict regime.

For two days, it is necessary to wash the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate . After this, necessarily on an empty stomach is taken the drug "Magnesium sulphate". To do this, 30 grams of the product is diluted in 300 ml of ordinary pure water. After two days reception enveloping agents begins . Neutralize pain allows antispasmodics. As a rule, prescribe drugs "Papaverin" and "Drotaverin."

Treatment of chronic form in most cases occurs in the hospital. The classical medicamental therapy includes:

  • Antibiotics (to combat Helicobacter pylori);
  • Enveloping preparations - a means of "Sulfarcrat";
  • Enzymes;
  • Means of chemotherapy (in the presence of helminthiosis);
  • Drugs that reduce acidity (for example, "Maalox");
  • Drugs that reduce the secret of hydrochloric acid (tablets "Ranitidine").

Dietary food

If the patient is diagnosed with gastritis, duodenitis, it is advisable to start treatment with adjusting the diet. A special diet is recommended. The food is taken in minimal portions about 5-6 times a day. This diet is aimed at increasing the level of protein. And the amount of carbohydrates in the diet should be reduced. Special benefit will bring the body fresh fruit juices containing vitamin C. They are recommended to use as much as possible.

For patients who are diagnosed with chronic duodenitis, a diet that includes daily rubbed soups is useful. They should be vegetable or with the addition of cereals. Necessarily without meat. In the soup allowed to add cream or milk. You can enter into the diet of lean meat, fish, sea or river. The diet includes dairy products. This cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, butter, yogurt, milk. Boiled vegetables are good for the patient. Eggs soft-boiled are included.

Sweets - a variety of sweets, sugar, honey - should be taken in minimum quantities. The patient who follows the diet described above is allowed all kinds of tea. Of flour products should only stop on breadcrumbs, white bread and biscuits.

Exclude from the diet all products that can cause irritation of the duodenal mucosa. It is forbidden to drink coffee, canned food, pepper, smoked meat, mustard, onions. Harmful meat and fish can harm the patient. Do not drink strong tea and eat ice cream. Very hot or cold food is excluded from the diet. Under the prohibition of alcohol.

With the strictest observance of the diet, the patient feels relief after a few days. And if the patient adheres to all the recommendations described above in the diet constantly, then from all manifestations of duodenitis can be completely eliminated.

Treatment with folk methods

Not only medicamental methods and compliance with the diet can fight the disease. Sufficiently effective folk treatment of duodenitis. Often used a variety of herbal decoctions. However, it is worth remembering that in most cases duodenitis is accompanied by a peptic ulcer. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select the herbs.

Some of the best recipes are recognized:

  1. St. John's wort (2 tbsp.) Is poured into a glass of boiling water. About half an hour, this solution is heated in a water bath. Min 15 mixture should be infused. In the future, the decoction is filtered. Drink should be a third cup. It is advisable to take about 30 minutes before a meal. A day use a decoction three times.
  2. Honey in the amount of 1 tsp mixed with the juice of plantain. The last one should take 3 tbsp. Spoons. An amazing remedy for 1 tbsp. Spoon three times a day.

The list of herbs that favorably affects a patient with duodenitis is quite wide. It includes: chamomile, fennel, oregano, wormwood. Useful sage, lemon balm, mint and many others.

Prophylaxis of ailment

The most basic method, giving the patient the opportunity to avoid a complex disease, is proper nutrition. The patient should completely abandon nicotine and alcohol. Timely treatment of all GI diseases is another important method of prevention. In this case, the patient is able to prevent the development of serious complications.


Quite often patients ask the question: "Duodenitis - what is it?" Having clarified the picture behind this name, patients face a new dilemma - how to treat the disease. Regardless of the fact that duodenitis is a serious illness and can be severe, it is treated with great medication. Equally effective are traditional medicine. And, of course, the complete healing depends largely on proper nutrition.

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