Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Diet "no carbohydrates" for weight loss: menu and table products

Many people who are overweight tend to lose weight. In fact, no matter what the flavor of this or that diet contained, you will have to sharply limit yourself in your favorite, but harmful food and reduce portions. And that the thought of the "forbidden fruit" does not fill the brain, sit on it recommend a limited time.

Many proposed diets will not yield the expected result and will even be given twice the number of kilograms afterwards. In trying to lose weight, it is better to trust proven methods, studied by dietitians. An example is the "No carbohydrates" diet, and why - explanations are attached below.

General acquaintance. Diet in terms of human physiology

Any diet divides all food into forbidden and permissive. But many lose motivation because it is forbidden to get involved in permitted products. This is really problematic, but the diet "No Carbohydrates" (the reviews prove it) gives the go-ahead for consuming carbohydrate foods as much as you like. For the basis of nutrition, products with proteins and useful fats are taken. Proceeding from the fact that carbohydrates are responsible for saturation of the body with energy, we can conclude that carbohydrate food is the most caloric. If they are deficient, energy for life support will be extracted from the excess fat that a person dreams of parting, and also during digestion of proteins. As is known, the protein is processed for a long time by the digestive system, hence, it lasts longer to maintain a feeling of satiety. Moreover, he will not allow a decrease in the volume of muscles, because his biological function is to build them. That's the whole secret that the diet "No carbohydrates" encompasses. After reading the reviews and medical recommendations, we can conclude: the diet is designed for a maximum of two weeks, and you can lose from 3 to 8 kilograms. It will take some time to move to a balanced diet.

A diet without feeling hungry! Benefits of a carb-free power system

First of all, "Carbohydrate is not" - a diet for weight loss and parallel to the body's health, because it prescribes the consumption of even non-carbohydrate, but rich in protein and healthy fats. And their choice is not so limited, so the stomach will not get tired of gastronomic monotony. It is practiced even by athletes (but slightly modified in view of training) shortly before the performances, in order, as they say, to "dry off" - to remove excess fat for a deeper drawing of muscles. If you want to lose weight quickly, but without hunger strikes, the diet will come to the rescue "There are no carbohydrates." The doctors' comments confirm her favor. Experts confirm that subcutaneous fat will start to go away, and muscle tissue will not leave the body. By the way, this diet helps the lazy people or those who are banned from physical activity. And you do not need to score with calories, and you do not need to train until you lose your pulse - this can not but rejoice the lion's share of losing weight.

What would I eat so as not to get fat?

Now, when the essence is more or less clear, I wonder, what is he, the list of permissions? It is logical that if they write a "carbohydrate diet", the menu and table of its products will be appropriate. Determine if there are carbohydrates in the composition, easily on the label on the product. At the same time, the protein content will be fine too. To simplify the search for dieters allowed in any number of products, hereafter we give a small cheat sheet.

This is the most basic correct food, from which for the next 2 weeks you can prepare culinary masterpieces.

Products with a reduced% carbohydrate Products without carbohydrates
Greenery Meat (beef, pork, lamb, rabbit, any game, etc.)
Zucchini Bird (chicken, turkey, goose, duck, etc.)
Brown rice Bacon
Mushrooms Liver
Broccoli and cauliflower Seafood
Bulgarian pepper A fish
Asparagus Proteins of eggs
Avocado Butter
Apple, citrus fruits Vegetable oils
Blueberries Unsweetened tea, coffee
Cottage cheese Salt and pepper, vinegar
Sour cream Shirataki noodles
Natural yoghurt


Kefir Cheese Bree, Gruyères
Walnut nuts, almonds Goat cheese
Crab sticks Parmesan
Light Mayonnaise Spicy sauces




Sugary substitutes

Products-enemies of a carbohydrate diet: avoid and do not buy!

The most dramatic in any diet is not to be tempted by products that are taboo for the duration of the diet and the way out of it. In such moments, it is worth trying to do what you love and throw in yourself something from the table above. And about the existence of sweets, carbohydrate vegetables, fast food, baked goods, cereals, legumes, macaroni, sunflower seeds, juice, berries, sodas and other things, you need to forget about three weeks. In fact, the body will not experience stress, since the allowed food is easy to saturate. If the diet "Carbohydrate is not", the reviews and results of which are impressive, will be broken, especially half way, it will be insulting, because the forbidden food will not bring as much pleasure as a couple of thrown off kilograms.

It will be rational at the beginning of a diet to clearly identify the desired goals and responsibly tune in following the proposed rules.

Diet "no carbohydrates": a menu for every day with alternatives

Some nutritionists recommend that they do not break into "carbohydrate bombs", plan all their meals and even write them down. This occupation has become so popular in the field of weight loss that many people start their own food diaries and even share them with each other, for example, in instagram. For beginners in preparing breakfasts, lunches, dinners, I would like to bring an exemplary menu with which the diet "No carbohydrates" will not seem like a diet.

Rule number 1 - breakfast is never ignored. During this morning meal, you can eat eggs in any performance with lightly fried slices of regular ham or bacon, not more than 50 grams of cheese. To drink coffee or tea, no sugar! If desired, add a little milk, a slice of lemon, cinnamon in the right beverage. In the pre-eaten snack spicy half of the grapefruit fit in. At lunchtime, meat and fish dishes should be on the first place. As an option, a combination of meat or fish steak, marinated in advance in special seasonings, with stewed zucchini, mushrooms, carrots and cabbage will be very tasty. An alternative to stewed vegetables is a beautifully sliced cucumber with tomato and greens or shirataki noodles, lightly powdered with the allowed sorts of cheese. Soups are also welcome, in which you can not throw potatoes or pasta out of habit. In a snack, famine ideally quenches a mixture of cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt and a handful of blueberries. No more than two times a week you can bake an apple with the same cottage cheese and nuts. Dinner is also variable: they can become a seafood salad with avocado dressed with light mayonnaise or olive oil. Another option is meat or fish with wild rice. It is not necessary to fill the stomach at night, but in extreme cases kefir with a pair of spoons of bran is allowed.

Disadvantages of the diet: their minimum, but you can not ignore!

No one has yet composed an ideal diet, so the diet "No carbohydrates" is not without sin. It is better to be ready to be ready for the fact that during it the kidneys will have to work several times more, that is, they can weaken. In addition, some have had trouble digesting food. In any case, it will not be superfluous to have a preliminary consultation with a nutritionist, who will tell you how it is easier to transfer the process of losing weight. In addition, the stress to which the stomach and the brain are exposed with each diet is not worth eating right away. The concept of a "smooth exit" has not been canceled, and to preserve the result it is recommended to organize with the mind subsequent meals.

What to do after a diet?

When the carbohydrate diet has come to an end , the menu and table of products for it should not be sent to the remote box. We need another week of such a nutrition system, but with a small increase in the percentage of carbohydrates. In each subsequent day, you can completely inject a little carbohydrate food for mental unloading, and then raise carbohydrates by 5-10 grams per week, until the norm returns to 3-4 grams per kilogram of weight.

How often can you practice this diet?

It is important to understand that a diet on which a significant part of the body mass is lost, affects the entire body, the overall well-being. Doctors forbid to sit on short-term diets more than twice a year, so as not to undermine health. The nervous system should be pitied, among other things.

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