
Diclofenac (tablets): instructions for use

Can not get out of bed because it hurts a bad back? Have you pulled your neck at work and are now afraid to turn your head to the side? To get rid of the pain you will help the drug "Diclofenac". It is produced in different forms, but today it will be a question of tablets. We will find out which varieties of this drug exist, and also with what medicines it can be replaced.


"Diclofenac" - an anti-inflammatory drug, created in 1966. Initially, this medication was used in the therapy of rheumatological ailments as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic element. Subsequently, "Diclofenac" (tablets, the instruction to which several times reprinted) expanded the scope of its use. So, today this drug is used in neurology, surgery, traumatology, oncology. But still some experts recommend that the authorities completely remove this medication, since, in their opinion, it provokes the appearance of a heart attack and other heart diseases with prolonged use.

In what cases is it appointed?

"Diclofenac" - tablets, instructions to which clearly describes the indications for use, can be discharged by a doctor with such diagnoses as:

  • Acute and chronic arthritis;
  • gout;
  • polyarthritis;
  • Bechterew's disease ;
  • rheumatism;
  • Edema and inflammation after spinal trauma or surgery;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • A hernia of the intervertebral disc;
  • Kyphosis and others.

Composition of tablets

Each pill consists of the following components:

  • The main element is diclofenac sodium - 25, 50 or 100 mg.
  • Other components - lactose monohydrate, sugar, povidone, potato starch, calcium stearate, talc, titanium and silicon dioxide, sodium bicarbonate, iron oxide yellow, triethyl citrate, sodium lauryl sulfate.

Side effects

"Diclofenac" - tablets, the instruction to which indicates specific indications for the appointment. They, however, give a number of undesirable manifestations after application. So, the side effects of using this drug can be:

  • From the stomach, intestines: vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, spasms in the stomach, anorexia. In rare cases, erosion, ulcers, and bleeding may occur.
  • From the nervous system: emotional arousal, dizziness, trouble with sleep. Rarely, such problems as memory impairment, disorientation, noise in the ears, tremor, depression, irritability can occur.
  • From the heart and blood vessels: tachycardia, arterial hypertension.
  • From the kidneys: renal failure, edema, nephritis, hematuria.

Other manifestations are possible: a rash on the body, eczema.


There are times when a person, for some reason, took more than necessary medicine "Diclofenac" (100 mg). Tablets, instructions to which should in no case be discarded after opening the box, if misused, can greatly damage health. Symptoms of an overdose are often such: headache, turbidity, convulsions. If there are such signs, you need to urgently help the patient. To do this, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, give to drink activated charcoal, call emergency help.

The drug of prolonged action

The drug "Diclofenac" is sold in pills of 25, 50 and 100 mg. In the first two cases, the effect of the drug will be short, and in the latter - long. It should be noted that "Diclofenac" (tablets, 100 mg) instructions for use prohibit the use of children under 6 years. The drug has a lasting effect. After taking one pill, the active substance is released more slowly. As a result, it turns out that the result comes later than from the pills of 25 and 50 mg, but it lasts much longer. "Diclofenac" (tablets, 100 mg), the instruction for the use of which must necessarily be at hand in the patient, allows you to reduce the daily dose of the drug in this dosage. With it, you can achieve the maximum concentration of the drug in the lesion.

Such pills can also be used for patients whose pain has outgrown from acute to chronic.

Using a smaller dosage pill

How can I take Diclofenac in other cases? Tablets of 50 mg, the instructions for use of which differs from that offered by the same agent, but with 100 mg of active substance, should be prescribed by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the patient's condition. The specialist takes into account the age of a person, the severity of his disease. Usually adults are given 1 tablet each 2 or 3 times a day. If it is necessary to cure the child, then the pills "Diclofenac" (50 mg) are prescribed from the calculation of 2 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. That is, if the boy weighs 25 kg, then he needs to drink one pill. In the treatment of dysmenorrhea, the doctor prescribes these tablets at a dose of 50 mg per day for three days. Subsequently, this dosage can be increased.

Restrictions on the use

"Diclofenac sodium" - tablets, the instruction to which must be necessarily read by the patient. The product has contraindications. So, you can not prescribe these pills in the following situations:

  • Children up to 6 years;
  • Girls who are in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy;
  • Women who feed babies with milk;
  • People with a ulcer in the stomach or intestines;
  • Patients with hepatic or renal insufficiency;
  • Patients with bronchial asthma;
  • People who are allergic to the components of the drug.

The drug "Diclofenac Acry": tablets. Instructions

As it became clear, the tool described in this article has several varieties. One version of this popular drug is the drug "Diclofenac Acry." Tablets, instructions for use which should always be in the package, round, light brown, biconvex, with a roughness. Some patients think that the drug "Diclofenac Acry" and its popular substitute have differences. In fact, these are identical medicines, which have the same composition and dose of the active substance. True, there is one difference between these means, and they are producers. So, "Diclofenac Acry" - tablets, instruction on the use of which is always understandable, - is produced by the Russian plant JSC "Akrihin". At the same time, the pills to which the article is devoted are made in countries such as India, Poland, and Ukraine. True, the Russian Federation also produces these tablets. The cost of pills "Diclofenac Acry" in the amount of 20 pieces (100 mg each) is approximately 45 rubles. And for a known substitute for these tablets in the same dosage and amount will have to give about 35 rubles. It turns out that the drug "Diclofenac Acry" is more expensive.

Take the pills inward, after breakfast, lunch or dinner. They can not be picked, you just swallow and drink it with water. Dosage for men and women - 1 tablet per day. With gynecological problems, namely dysmenorrhea, you can increase the dose to 2 pills a day. The maximum daily dose for other diagnoses is 150 mg of the drug.

German variety of medicine

Another popular substitute for the drug, referred to in the article, can be called the drug "Diclofenac Ratiofarm." Tablets, instructions for the use of which is deployed and intelligible, are produced in Germany. The difference between these pills is that in their composition of the active substance - diclofenac - only 50 mg, while in tablets to which the article is devoted, it is twice as large. Pills "Diclofenac Ratiofarm" for 20, 50 or 100 pieces in a package are packaged.

You can prescribe this drug to children from 6 years old, as well as adults. For boys and girls under 14, the daily dose of this drug should be 2 mg per 1 kg of body weight. For men and women, the dosage is different: 1 whole or half of the pill up to 3 times a day. The frequency of taking pills depends on the severity of the disease, so only the doctor can correctly prescribe this drug in the right dosage.

The cost of tablets "Diclofenac Ratiofarm" in the amount of 20 pieces will cost 60 rubles. This is somewhat more expensive than the common Russian analogue.

Serbian drug

A special form of medication, which is discussed in the article, are tablets "Diclofenac Retard." The instruction to these pills says that they are long-acting. Such tablets slow release from the body the main substance - diclofenac. If the usual Russian pills help to quickly stop pain, then the drug "Diclofenac Retard" allows you to save the effect for a longer period. And also this drug reduces the frequency of the use of the drug.

What is the difference between the drug "Diclofenac Retard" from the Russian medicine, which is increasingly preferred by patients? The use of a popular remedy will be justified with prolonged therapy. And tablets «Diclofenac Retard» basically doctors appoint at chronic painful syndromes.

The cost of this Serbian drug is about 40-50 rubles for 200 pills of 100 mg each. It is inexpensive, given the fact that the medication is imported from abroad.

How and when to take long-acting pills?

"Diclofenac Retard" - tablets, instruction for the use of which is written in both Russian and Serbian languages. They are prescribed by the doctor for various ailments of the musculoskeletal system. Pills need to be swallowed, you can not chew them, bite them. Take the pill during or after a meal. In day you can drink only 1 pill. But there are cases when the doctor appoints 2 tablets a day. This happens with dysmenorrhea or migraine attacks. The drug "Diclofenac Retard" - tablets, the instruction for their use does not deny the parallel use of other drugs of similar effect. They can be drunk with a similar medicine, which was considered in the article earlier. This is done in one case: if a person drinks 100 mg of prolonged action, but he needs to increase the daily dose to 150 mg. Then the doctor can additionally appoint 1 regular pill (50 mg) of the drug "Diclofenac". But the patient can not make a choice in favor of this treatment scheme alone.

Late responses of patients

On the Internet, people leave their feedback about the use of tablets "Diclofenac" and its varieties. Some responses are positive, others - negative. Many women and men say that they recommend the use of Diclofenac sodium for curing arthritis and osteochondrosis. These pills are still a serious drug, which has its own indications and undesirable effects. Not all people are suitable for this medication. However, those patients who were satisfied with it note that the effect of tablets is stunning. They instantly relieve pain in the joints. Also people like that the price of the drug "Diclofenac" is low, and this is in our time strange, because effective drugs are now expensive. Also, patients note that it is not difficult to acquire this remedy, because it is sold in each pharmacy. Despite the fact that tablets "Diclofenac sodium" have a lot of positive feedback, yet people advise taking them only after consulting a doctor. And if there is no acute need for the use of this drug, it is better to do without it or replace it with weaker medicines.

Disapproving responses from people

"Diclofenac" - tablets, the instruction to which warns the user about possible side effects, - has negative feedback from patients. Despite the fact that no one doubts the effectiveness of this drug, some people still were unhappy with the effect of this medication. Thus, some patients note that the tablets "Diclofenac" strongly affect the stomach. And indeed it is. And the instructions, by the way, mention the effect of the drug on the stomach, intestines.

In this, perhaps, the only drawback of this tool.

Opinions of doctors

Doctors refer to this drug and its varieties ambiguously. Although they do not deny the effectiveness of Diclofenac tablets, they still try not to prescribe them. After all, these pills really negatively affect the stomach, intestines. In this regard, doctors advise changing tablets to ampoules. However, it is necessary to do injections only under the supervision of a doctor. Also, some doctors give advice to patients: if a person is still treated with pills, then after he took another pill, you should drink a glass of milk. Then there will be no pain in the stomach and intestines.

Negative point in the use of tablets "Diclofenac", according to doctors, is that they are sold without a prescription, although the instruction states that the medicine should be dispensed only on the instructions of the doctor. And after all some people on the advice of relatives or friends decide to buy these tablets on their own, determine the proper dosage themselves, swallow these pills, and then it gets even worse. As a result - a lot of negative reviews on the Internet. To prevent this from happening, and the medicine was started to be trusted, people should be literate, careful in using this or that drug. And take any medicine you need only after consulting a doctor.

Analogues of the drug "Diclofenac"

Replace these popular tablets with the following drugs: Bioran, Diklak, Naproksen, Voltaren, Flotak, Ortophen, Naklofen. These medications are more expensive than the drug "Diclofenac". Nevertheless, they can also be used as a means of therapy for arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis.

Harmless substitute

"Diclofenac" (tablets) analogues are more safe, and a vivid example can be considered the drug "Naproxen". These pills are prescribed for rheumatism, arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, dysmenorrhea, fever for infectious and inflammatory diseases.

The composition of the drug "Naproxen" pleases. Thus, the active substance is naproxen sodium, and additional elements are povidone, talc, microcrystalline cellulose, water, magnesium stearate.

There are also side effects of this medication, however, the list is not as large as that of Diclofenac. Undesirable manifestations here can be: nausea, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, headache, depression, impaired concentration, rash on the body.

This medicine is also produced in the Russian Federation. The cost of tablets is slightly higher than that of Diclofenac, but still they will be affordable to any Russian. So, for 30 pills you need to give an average of 150 rubles.

The medicine "Naproxen" is not as popular as its analogue, therefore, there are few reviews about it on the Internet. But those responses that are available suggest that this is an excellent alternative to Diclofenac tablets, which have side effects.

Voltaren tablets

This drug can also easily replace "Diclofenac". The composition of "Voltaren" in tablets is as follows:

  • The main element is diclofenac sodium (50 mg).
  • Other components are magnesium stearate, povidone, sucrose, silica airgel, alcohol.

Tablets "Voltaren" can be prescribed to the patient in such cases:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, spondylitis, extraarticular rheumatism;
  • Pain after surgery or trauma, which is accompanied by inflammation and edema;
  • Dysmenorrhea, adnexitis;
  • gout.

The list of side effects of this tool is small. Thus, when using "Voltaren" tablets, the patient may experience such undesirable manifestations as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, epigastric pain, dizziness, and a rash on the body.

People speak about this medicine positively. In rare cases, you can find a bad response about this drug. And the side effects of taking the drug "Voltaren" - a rarity.

This drug is produced in Switzerland. The cost of 20 tablets "Voltaren" - about 300 rubles. This, of course, is several times more expensive than the pills "Diclofenac", but you need to take into account the fact that the medicine is imported from abroad. And the effectiveness of the "Voltaren" tablets is proved by numerous reviews of people on the Internet. Therefore, the drug can be a worthy substitute for its Russian counterpart.


In this article, we examined in detail the rules of administration, which dictate to the drug "Diclofenac" instructions for use. Tablets, reviews of which are often found in various forums dedicated to health and medicine, although they have side effects, are still used in the therapy of many ailments. This tool has several varieties, each of which has its own instruction and features. A good substitute for tablets "Diclofenac" are such drugs as "Voltaren" and "Naproxen."

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