Education, Colleges and Universities
Rules for the formulation of a list of literature for coursework and diplomas
The requirements for the design of literary sources are established by GOST 7.1-2003. This is the main normative document operating in the territory of Russia. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully study how to best design a particular source. After all, in this case everything will depend on what a particular resource is, how many authors worked on its creation, and what part of the book or magazine was involved in the process of preparing a particular job. Therefore, having decided to issue a list of literature in the course work, be sure to read this document.
It is worthwhile to note that in the text of the work a link to a particular source is necessarily given, more precisely its serial number in the list of literature, which is traditionally given in all works after the conclusion. It is also necessary to specify the page number with which specific information was taken. Therefore, when making a literary survey, be sure to carefully outline where and when you have been taken certain data. This will greatly simplify the subsequent design of the abstract or course work. After all, regardless of the specialty of the student, a list of references is always given. It is especially important to do this when writing research papers. Here the rules for registering the list of literature must be observed especially carefully. After all, this will depend on the reliability of the information you receive and the significance of the work as a whole.
It should be noted that the rules for the design of the list of literature allow two possible versions of the numbering of sources. The first and most common is the way in which a sequence number is assigned according to the sequence of links appearing in the text. If such an option is inconvenient for the design of a particular job, then all sources can be arranged in alphabetical order. However, it should be taken into account that in this case the link installation will have to be performed at the very last moment, since in the case of the appearance of new data, the probability of having to correct the existing numbering is great. The main thing here is not to get confused, since very often, when defending course work or graduate work, the members of the commission check the reference to the source with the information contained in the text of the protected work. And since all of them are specialists in this field, they most likely know perfectly well what is going on in a particular book and can thus monitor a student who violated the rules for registering a list of literature.
The GOST 7.1-2003 mentioned above is mandatory for execution. However, in individual scientific institutions, one can issue its own normative document, the so-called enterprise standard. That's it, he most often sets the rules for the design of coursework . Therefore, before you start to make out the work, it is necessary to check with the head of the availability of this document. If this is not available, the rules for registering the literature and the work as a whole will meet the requirements of GOST, which operate throughout the country.
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