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"Diary of Kolya Sinitsyna": summary and reviews

The author wrote the story "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyna" in 1950. A fragment from it with the subtitle "From Kolya Diary" Nikolai Nosov published in 1949 in the almanac "All the year round." Below we will get acquainted with the fun story "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn". The brief content, we hope, will interest the young reader, and he will read it completely.

How did Kolya get a journal

When the school year had ended and Kolya had only five students in the report card, he decided to keep a diary and write down everything interesting that would happen to him. But the failure - the first three days nothing happened, and there was nothing to write about.


The pioneer link gathered to decide what useful work can be done in the summer. Nobody could offer anything. Everyone went to think about it at home. Only Kolya had no useful thoughts. The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn did not fill up with interesting and useful information. The summary of his thoughts is only unnecessary rubbish.

Meeting with the jun.

Walking, Kolya met a familiar young man who was going to take their mug. From nothing to do, Kolya went with him and learned a lot of interesting bees from life. After that, he came to collect the link, and it turned out that no one had thought up an interesting and useful thing for everyone. Suddenly Grisha Yakushkin proposed to make a hive. Everyone immediately became interested and went to find out how the hive is made and where the bees come from. It turns out that the beehive is not very complicated, and you can make it yourself, and the bees need to buy a whole swarm and settle in a new dwelling.

All this information was included in the diary of Kolya Sinitsyn. The summary will show how the guys were going to make a beehive. Someone brought ticks, someone sawed, someone nailed, someone hammered. The children received boards from the school. All actively and unanimously worked for two days, and the beehive turned out to be famous. Only the bees they did not have.

Searches of a bee swarm

It turned out to be a difficult affair. A wild swarm, as it turned out, must be searched in the forest. A friend of Koli invited him to his dacha in Shishigino to Aunt Pole, where there is a forest, but my mother did not let go. In the end, my dad allowed the trip. Three boys - Kolya, Sergei and Pavlik - went to Shishigino. The dacha was closed, Aunt Poly was not there, and the guys made a hut to spend the night in it. At night, the hut collapsed, and in complete darkness it was necessary to rebuild it.

The bees have not yet fallen into the trap. On the second day, the guys accidentally, after a series of adventures, got on the apiary. All this is recorded in the diary of Kolya Sinitsyn. A brief summary of the later story is that the beekeeper took pity on the pioneers and promised, by the evening, when the heat subsided, to give them a young swarm that was about to fly out of the hives. In the evening, the boys received not only a swarm, but also an explanation of how to care for honey bees, how to collect honey, how to make a smoke, so that bees do not scatter, and many other useful knowledge.

They returned home, and it turned out that they did not live with Aunt Polya, but made themselves a hut in the forest. Each mother scolded her son well, but the boys forgot about the bees and found in the morning that on the balcony their trap was open, and the bees flew. Yes, in addition, they still bitten the guys. These bites were so bad that the boys lost interest in beekeeping.

The package arrived

The bees arrived as a parcel, but the three boys refused to deal with them. All the link went to put the bees in the hive, and they stayed at home playing checkers and letting paper pigeons off the balcony. So they spent four days and were very bored. This idleness described Kolya Sinitsyn's diary.

Author Nicholas Nosov, an active and a great inventor, understands how boring was the guys alone, and why they still ran to school to look at the bees. Then they returned home and made themselves grids so that the bees could not bite them, and there was no boredom anymore.

Experiences due to photography

The pioneer came to the apiary and photographed everyone. Kolya was very worried about how he would turn out, because in life he believed that he was beautiful, and it was bad in the photo. Two days passed in meditation and excitement on this topic. Indeed, when he saw himself with his mouth open, he was very upset, and the boys began to reproach him, that he stupidly messed up the card. Only Galya comforted him and explained that Kolya smiles beautifully. Kolya in his diary was thinking about beauty, boasting and stupidity. Thinking a little calmed him. Adult readers, when they reread Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn, the reviews give the warmest - they return to childhood.

Drinking bowl for bees and experiments with them

From the old barrel, the guys, diligently diluting it, made a drinking bowl. Oh, and they put them in an old barrel of water, until it swelled, probably a hundred buckets. And then they brought a little honey on the glass and watched the bees fly up and carry it to the hive. When they marked the bee with paint, it turned out that the same bee always flies. But they were told that bees can communicate information to each other.

The guys took the glass with honey and spread them on colored paper. Then the bees began to arrive very different. Now it became clear why the flowers have different colors. To insects noticed them and flew to them and pollinated. These experiments took several days. Guys during these days even learned how the bees air a beehive on hot days.

It's been more than a month since the link began to deal with the hive. Everyone has learned that the time has come for July, the bees will work, collecting honey from the lime tree, and besides, inside the hives there are worker bees and guards who do not let the bumble bees steal honey. And in order to know the life of these insects, it is necessary to have a hive with glass walls.

Observations of bees

The teacher Nina Sergeevna took out a beehive with honeycombs from the beehive and showed everyone how the bee eggs look, then - like a baby, and told that later pupae are formed from the baby, and then bees. The old swarm with the uterus, which is busy with laying eggs, flies out of the hive. Here, the beekeepers catch him and put him in a new hive.

In addition, directing the light of the mirror to the hive, the boys saw that the bees were dancing. The teacher explained that the dance means that the bee has found a lot of honey and offered to see if the lime blossomed. The work of the bees on the apiary began to boil. They continuously carried honey and loudly buzzed. All the lime trees were covered with bees. The teacher told me that about 100,000 bees can live in the swarm.


About the apiary at school printed in the newspaper. And then young beekeepers began to receive letters, in which they asked how to make a hive and how to care for the swarm. The guys wrote detailed answers.

The new swarm

And then, like a black beard, a swarm flew out of the hive. The boys rushed to catch it, and then to do for it a new hive. In it have planted the caught bees. So the apiary grew. The bees assiduously collected honey for the winter, and the children watched with delight. Suddenly the weather deteriorated, and the work of the bees slowed.

It was the end of July. It was necessary to prepare a place where the hives will stand in the winter. It was a deep pit. The guys dug it out and lit a fire in it to dry the walls well. Then they scraped away the ashes and began to dream how they would grow up and start bees. It turned out by thinking that an engineer, a pilot, a driver, a driver would find time for this. We almost completely read Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn. The summary of the chapters should be completed with the latest information.

Letter from collective farmers

It was written what schoolchildren do on the collective farm, helping the elders. But they do not have apiaries. But now they are sure to get it. Here the diary-diary of Kolya was already completely written down, and the story ended with Nikolai Nosov (the author).

Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn: Readers' Comments

Readers are happy to plunge into a cloudless childhood. "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn" (reviews about the book you can meet the most enthusiastic) - a kind and naive work in which the common cause strengthens friendship. N. Nosov told about bees very interesting.

The author ("Diary of Coly Sinitsyn") deserved his reviews thanks to unobtrusive humor and warmth flowing from the pages, the most kind. Some regret that now our children do not have such a childhood, with fictions and entertaining matters.

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