
Dental calculus and its treatment

Probably, every person wants to look good, and many even diligently strive for this. A beautiful smile is undoubtedly one of the constituent parts of an excellent image. But on the way to this can become tartar, the reasons for the formation of which lie in the wrong actions in the performance of the daily morning toilet.

Dental stone is a hardened accumulated food particles, the products of vital activity of various bacteria, the upper layer of cells covering the oral cavity. It can be located above the gums and under them. In the first case, it can be easily seen independently, but if the stone is under the gums, then for its detection requires special dental equipment. It is very important to identify and remove tartar in time, as it can lead to serious diseases of the teeth and gums.

One of the most common causes of tartar is insufficient cleaning of the surface of the teeth from plaque. Soft plaque is quite simply removed with an ordinary toothbrush, but if you do not do it carefully enough, it will turn into a dense formation, that is, dental stone, which is almost impossible to remove yourself in a week or a half. Typically, such stratifications affect teeth that do not take a very active part in the process of chewing food, thereby reducing the likelihood of natural cleansing. Also, the reason can be the use of mostly soft food or a violation in the metabolism.

If tartar has been found on teeth , treatment should be started immediately. To do this, you need to contact a specialist in the field of dentistry, which will help get rid of the scourge, wherever she was. As a rule, doctors use special instruments for cleaning: either manual or ultrasonic devices. In the past, dental hooks were used for such procedures, but they did not always cope with the task to the end, moreover, they did not bring any pleasure to patients, but rather the reverse. To date, this method has been abandoned completely, preferring to work with ultrasonic devices. They generate certain fluctuations, by means of which various removable attachments quite gently remove plaque. Perform these manipulations in two ways: by touching the attachment directly on the surface of the affected tooth, or by cleaning with a powerful jet of water. The advantage of the second method is that when working from water, oxygen is released, which also disinfects the surface. Moreover, the probability of complete removal of tartar is very high, since both the gum and root are simultaneously treated. Sometimes, if the stone is in a very neglected state, it is softened by special means. At the end of the cleaning procedure, teeth are usually polished.

There is an opinion that removing tartar is not entirely harmless, since such a procedure can damage enamel. It really was possible in those days when doctors used hooks, moreover, they did not work very carefully. In modern dentistry, when using ultrasonic devices such concerns do not make sense, since the nozzles are less sharp than the hooks, and also in the case of a strong touch to the tooth surface, the device ceases to generate oscillations. When polishing teeth used compounds, similar in consistency to toothpaste, so they do not carry any threat of enamel.

Sometimes patients do not want to go to the dentist to remove tartar, arguing that it will reappear with time. In this case, the recommendations of specialists are reduced to acquaintance with the elementary rules of oral care.

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