Food and drinkRecipes

Delicious curd casserole with a manga

Cottage cheese casserole, recipe with manga and raisins

Ingredients for casseroles:

Curd - half a kilogram; Melted butter - 3 tablespoons; Sugar - a couple tablespoons; Two eggs, half-glass semolina, half-glass raisins, 10 grams ground crusts, sour cream-glass, fruit syrup-half glass, vanillin and salt to taste.

Preparation: through the meat grinder, skip the cottage cheese, pour in melted butter, sprinkle semolina, add egg, whipped with sugar, salt and vanillin. With a wooden spatula, stir the mixture well and attach a well-washed raisin to it. After oil the frying pan and sprinkle it with breadcrumbs, so that the cottage cheese casserole with the mango is not burnt and could easily separate from the mold.

Lay the curd mixture in a mold, flatten its surface and, greasing with sour cream and the remaining butter, put in a heated oven to bake for half an hour.

To the table the cottage cheese casserole with a manga is served hot. It can be poured with sour cream and fruit syrup.

Casserole with cottage cheese

In this recipe, the leading role is played not by cottage cheese, but semolina, which, of course, will be a distinctive feature of this option to taste, but not in value. In addition, this option will appeal to those hostesses who like to experiment with products.

Ingredients for curd casseroles:

Semolina - half a glass; Milk - half a cup; Yeast - 3 g; Granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons; Cottage cheese - 300 g; A glass of sour cream; egg; To taste vanillin and salt.

Preparation: milk is poured semolina for swelling and left for a couple of hours. Yeast is mixed with sugar (half a spoonful) and added to the swelling mixture. For the mass to rise, it is put in a warm place.

Baking tray grease with butter, a thin layer of a mixture of semolina and yeast poured into a mold, level the surface and bake in the oven. After the casserole is covered with a ruddy crust, curd mass is spread on it , which was previously well rubbed and mixed with egg and sugar. The surface is again leveled, sprinkled with oil and sent to bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

How to serve the casserole to the table? Cut it into pieces of square shape and pour sour cream.

How is the cottage cheese casserole prepared in the microwave oven?

The peculiarity of this dish is that it is cooked very quickly, it has an original taste and thus it takes much less mangies - for half a kilogram of curd comes manki only a couple of spoons of manga.

The composition of the products for such a casserole is the same as for the recipe "curd casserole with a manga and raisins", only instead of raisins and fruit syrup candied fruits will be used, and semolina grains take literally a couple of tablespoons.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients in a blender to a consistency of homogeneous mass. Add candied fruits, preferably finely chopped. In the glass form, lay out the curd mixture, having previously oiled the form with oil, and send to a microwave oven for 25 minutes at a power of 700 watts.

Easy dietary dish of cottage cheese is ready!

Roll of cottage cheese

Another version of the original dish of cottage cheese. The dough turns out very tender.

You will need: a half-kilogram of cottage cheese, flour of about a half cup, margarine two hundred and fifty grams, soda (half-spoonful), kefir (two tablespoons), a little salt.

Soda dissolve in kefir. Rub cottage cheese with a soft margarine, add the remaining ingredients. It is necessary that the dough was steep. Put the dough in the refrigerator for about forty minutes. Roll out four pieces for rolls. Put the filling - grated apples or thick jam. Form rolls and bake on a greased baking sheet. Sugar powder will decorate ready rolls.

Cottage cheese casserole with a manga is an incredibly tasty and very satisfying dish. Therefore, this dish will always help you out when there is not enough time for cooking, when there are financial difficulties, when you need to sit on a diet. In all these cases, the cottage cheese casserole with a manga will become a real salvation for the hostess.

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