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Day of health in kindergarten (senior group): script

A kindergarten can not be imagined without bright holidays, memorable entertainments. Interesting characters, colorful costumes, various attributes will help to provide an upbeat mood for preschoolers.

All kinds of children's activities can cover Health Day in kindergarten. The older group is the age when children are ready for maximum activity during the holiday. They gladly answer questions, solve riddles, participate in relay races, draw with crayons, try the basics of respiratory gymnastics.

Day of health for preschoolers

The Day of Health is a great opportunity to attract children's attention to their health in an entertaining and educational way. Teach him to take care of him, take care of him. Tell in an accessible form about the importance of physical and hygienic activities.

During the entire Day of Health should alternate the time of rest and physical activity of children. Do not break the established daily routine. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up an action plan, in which various types of activities are integrated, the play material, various forms of its implementation are prescribed.

Positive emotions are an important component of the children's holiday. You should pay more attention to fun and entertainment, reducing the time of traditional training sessions. In any case, do not allow mental, physical overload on the Day of Health. In the kindergarten, the senior group (5-6 years) is completely independent. Guys can cope with feasible tasks, independently prepare simple game material for the holiday.

Psychological features of the older group

In the older group, the center of interest in the sphere of communication is shifted. Previously, the main figure was an adult. For children aged 5-6 years, interaction with peers becomes very important. They without the help of an adult are able to establish interpersonal connections, start a game and stick to their roles until its end. There is an interest in personal qualities. Activation of sympathy and antipathy in the children's team.

At this age, imagination, fantasy becomes the basis for solving mathematical exercises, developing speech and creative activity. Continue to develop perception, thinking, attention. Speech is improved. An arbitrary memory begins to be formed.

In addition to the relay and entertainment, the cognitive part should include the Day of Health in the kindergarten (senior group). The script can be painted on time, where the first half of the day - training sessions on hygiene and health, developing cartoons. The cognitive part of the holiday must alternate with the motor activity. Arrange entertaining relay races or game with a trip to the stations of health.

The second half of the day - less saturated for psycho-physical effects. It is more expedient to spend after a quiet hour physical culture leisure or to show the performance of the puppet theater.

Goals and objectives of the holiday

The main goal of the holiday is to give pleasure to children, to introduce them to a healthy lifestyle. The day of health usually begins in the morning, with the arrival of the child in the kindergarten. Morning gymnastics, playing physical training games are prepared for the main celebration.

Depending on the weather conditions, the Day of Health in the kindergarten (senior group) is held on the street or in the building. Tasks Activities will help to prioritize the planning of the holiday.

  • Strengthen the physical health of children through exercise, games.
  • Strengthen knowledge of children about hygienic, hardening procedures.
  • Develop strength, agility, coordination of movements, orientation in space.
  • Strengthen knowledge about vitamins, healthy foods.
  • Create conditions for the joyful mood of children.
  • Develop a desire to exercise every day.

Day of health in kindergarten (senior group) Consists of a whole complex of activities. Morning gymnastics is replaced by physical exercises between classes. The holiday itself can be divided into two parts. The first (cognitive) to hold in the hall. The second (entertaining) time for a walk.

Wake up after a quiet hour to begin with the gym, which is spent lying in bed. After a mid-day snack show a performance with the participation of a puppet theater or arrange a dance party with elements of step aerobics.

Decoration, attributes

The decoration of the Health Day must begin with the entrance to the building of the pre-school institution. It can be stretching "Happy Health!", Garlands of flags and balls. You can decorate the promenade of the senior group with sultans (stick them into drifts or lawns, depending on the season).

Prepare a welcome stand in the garden hall about the event plan. For parents who want to visit certain moments of the day, it is necessary to paint all the compound holidays in time.

In the group itself to issue a wall newspaper with a list of tempering procedures, recommendations of doctors, a set of exercises for morning exercises. Decorate it with photos of children and their parents participating in any sporting events.

To choose a video about the organization of a food in the senior group. Children can independently tell their parents about the benefits of products. You can add children's drawings on the topic of health. Prepare interesting crafts, and at the end of the day give out prizes to all participants of the holiday.

Day of health in kindergarten (senior group) Should remind the children and their parents about the importance of physical health, careful to him.

Preliminary work

With the introductory conversation, you should start preparing for the holiday. Tell the children about what health is, what it's for. Recall all the hygienic, preventive, tempering measures that are known to children.

Active holiday can be called the Day of Health in a kindergarten (senior group). Vitamins, proper nutrition are already, basically, familiar information for children. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the organization of relay and moving games. Proverbs and sayings about health can be prepared for the celebration. Learn poems, make crafts or draw pictures.

In the menu, reflect the main theme with the appropriate names of the dishes. For example, "Healthy Cutlet", "Juice for ruddy cheeks", "Vitamin salad".

Work with parents

Great importance in kindergarten is given to working with parents. Be sure to post information about the upcoming Health Day. Promoting a healthy lifestyle among parents, participating in some activities will teach them to pay more attention to their well-being. Care for the health of adults and children is elementary corrective gymnastics, physical exercises, self-massage, hardening procedures.

It is necessary to familiarize parents with the rules and time of the celebration. Their participation in the Day of Health is the best gift for children. Discuss with the parents gifts that will be awarded after the holiday. Those who wish can together with their child make an article or learn a verse for the holiday.

Day of health in the senior group in the winter

In winter, fabulous characters can come to the group immediately after breakfast. They organize gay questions, riddles, physical education. Then they invite the children to the hall to celebrate the Day of Health.

In the decorated hall you can hold sports competitions, relay races with all sorts of attributes: balls, dumbbells, hoops, soft modules. Moving games on the holiday alternate with rest, during which a fabulous action takes place. Perhaps the emergence of negative characters, which should be instructed on the path of truth and purity.

On the street, during a walk, the Day of Health continues. In the kindergarten (senior group) in the winter must always check with the temperature of the air. Each preschool institution, depending on the region, has its own temperature regime. Usually in the senior group you can walk up to -17 °.

On the street you can spend the relay race on a sleigh, a ski race. Build together a snowman or other fairy-tale character, decorate the group slide.

Day of health in the senior group in the spring

If the holiday is held in the spring period - you can divide the group into 2 teams. Children themselves (in preliminary work and with the help of an adult) choose the name, commander, emblem. Then the Day of Health in the senior group in the spring Will take place in the form of a quiz. Questions on the topic are interspersed with dance gymnastics, mobile games.

In the hall to hold relay races for the teams:

  • Throwing pouches of sand;
  • Build a pyramid of modular cubes;
  • To plant onion, garlic;
  • Obstacle course.

For every victory or correctly guessed question the team gets a bonus. The results are awarded prizes. Usually teams are given about the same surprises, so that children do not take offense.

Day of health in kindergarten (senior group) in the spring It is better to spend indoors. Temperature fluctuations, strong winds can spoil the most fascinating holiday. In the late spring, when it is already warm, you can put vegetables, greens on a group bed in time for the Day of Health.

Day of health in the senior group in the summer

Summer is a great time for Health Day. At this time, children are as much as possible on the street. Therefore, immediately after breakfast, you can hold a grand opening of the holiday in the building of the kindergarten. Cognitive cartoons, poems and songs about health, funny characters with riddles can start the Day of Health.

In the summer, it is most convenient to design a scenario in the form of stations, for which children will pass during the day. For example, the beginning of the holiday in the hall is the station of Doctor Degasnik, where you can learn about bacteria and microbes.

On the street it is best to arrange several stations at once, where children will play. For example, "The Kingdom of Balls and Hoops", the station "Gymnastic", "Riddles of Neboleyka", "Questions of Dr. Chistyulkin."

Health Day in the senior group in the fall

A warm, quiet autumn is a good time for a hiking trip with parents. Preliminary it is necessary to check up territory for a garbage, dangerous subjects. It is not necessary to go to the forest, it is better to prefer a park or a grove in the city.

There to arrange interesting competitions, outdoor games. Take a dry ration, tea in a thermos bottle, hygiene products. Such trips do not last long - about 2-3 hours children and parents are resting in the park. Here much attention should be paid to the organization. Conduct a preliminary discussion with parents about the clarity of compliance with the rules of the joint campaign.

Discuss the clothes and shoes of children, discuss with the administration of the kindergarten the route of the event, prepare a first aid kit. Games and entertainment are held along the way, during a halt, on the way back. If the movement of the group is carried out by private transport (a bus is ordered), then the songs and counters can also sound during the trip.

Gifts for children

Gifts at the end of the celebration are a prerequisite. Then the day will be remembered with souvenirs, which will add a joyful mood and a sense of celebration. It can be designers, sets for creativity, coloring.

End the day with a good holiday table with parents. Where will there be salads and desserts from vegetables and fruits. And also compotes, lemonades, juices. And also useful sandwiches with carved figurines of vegetables and greens.

A photo session can end the Day of Health in a kindergarten (senior group). A photo for the memory will decorate the group. A collage of pictures is suitable for a wall newspaper or information corner of parents.

Recommendations for holding a Health Day

  1. All competitions, quizzes, exercises should take into account the age characteristics of children.
  2. It is obligatory to alternate the motor activity with rest or quiet games.
  3. Do not overload the psychophysical state of children.
  4. Conduct a preliminary conversation with children about the rules of the Day of Health.
  5. Attributes should not contain sharp, pricking elements to avoid injury.
  6. The venue (hall, site) should be safe for children.
  7. Observance of the obligatory regime moments of the preschooler's day.

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