Self improvementPsychology

Daniel Kahneman and his book "Think slowly ... Decide quickly"

Daniel Kahneman today is known for his famous books. His work is remembered at once thanks to the exact style of presentation and reliability of information. A great insight is the creative approach of such an author as Daniel Kahneman. The book "Think slowly ... Decide fast" today enjoys incredible popularity. It must be read to everyone!

Biographical information

Daniel Kahneman is a famous American psychologist, the author of numerous bestsellers. He traveled a lot, repeatedly moved from one country to another. What is remarkable about Daniel Kahneman? The biography of this man testifies first of all about his outstanding personality. Among his professional interests are particularly distinguished mathematics and psychology. In the latter science, he saw excellent opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement.

Daniel Kahneman devoted his entire life to research. He received a PhD in Philosophy and Psychology. A very prominent figure in science is Daniel Kahneman. The Nobel Prize only confirms his merits.

Two types of thinking

Turning to the book mentioned above, it should be noted that its main idea is the following: there are two ways of perceiving the events taking place. Human consciousness alternates in different regimes that regulate its behavior and have a significant impact on the emotional sphere. The first type of thinking is characterized by high mental impressionability and is called rapid. It reflects the state at this point in time, is turned on automatically, instinctively.

When a person has no time to reflect, he often acts thoughtlessly, relying only on his feelings. The second type of thinking is characterized by great consciousness and is called slow. It reflects the state of a person who decided to act consistently and deliberately, without haste. The function of slow thinking is to help the individual make the right decision. About this and tells Daniel Kahneman. His books are full of incredible wisdom. These names should be known to every intellectual: "Making decisions in uncertainty," "Attention and effort," "Think slowly ... Decide quickly."

Mechanism of hasty conclusions

Each of us is familiar with the situation when we make premature conclusions based on an event. Some people, without really understanding the situation, begin to bring accusations to others. The mechanism of hasty conclusions is included when we compare similar situations with each other and draw analogies.

Not everyone can do it correctly, because the brain starts to play with us - to put forward existing hypotheses, assumptions, as well as fears and fears. Anyone first of all worries about himself and his own well-being. Being in this state, he can do stupid things, as Daniel Kahneman tells about it. "Attention and effort" is another of his amazing work. This book is no less famous. It outlines the basic principles of attention as a cognitive process, as well as the conclusions derived from author's studies.

Binding effect

In psychology there is such a phenomenon that is characterized by fixation on the events taking place. We are attached to external conditions and people who are nearby. If we are surrounded for a long time by certain circumstances, even when they change for the better, there will be a pronounced discomfort, excitement. The reasons for these feelings are in the inner nature of man - anyone wants to feel protected from all sorts of troubles. Conservative people generally do not like any surprises and try to foresee everything. However, this can not always be done. If they can not protect themselves from additional actions, then a sense of self-confidence is lost, the soul is filled with anxiety. Particularly trusting and suggestible people suffer from the fact that it is difficult for them to adapt to new conditions and feel comfort at the same time.

About the existence of this effect and says Daniel Kahneman. "Think slowly ... Decide quickly" is a book for those who have significant difficulties in making a decision, who are difficult to adapt to traumatic and unexpected events. The author says that we must learn to overcome the binding effect and act as confidently as possible. It is better to make responsible decisions with a cold head, imagine the consequences of the step taken, than constantly rush about and complain about failure. It is necessary to carefully analyze the events taking place and be freed from unnecessary attachments.

"Hind Mind" and Recipes of Success

Despite all the difficulties that life presents, a person must be able to adapt to new conditions. Otherwise, he will constantly live in experiences and destroying his inner state of suffering. Meanwhile, our minds always try to calculate the situation in advance, to anticipate possible risks and benefits. If nothing attractive is found, then the person considers the change to be unprofitable. Daniel Kahneman In the book "Think slowly ... Decide quickly" emphasizes the idea of inner freedom. On these amazing pages the author tells how not to be a hostage to an unpleasant situation, what should be done to gradually change the way of thinking. If you do not work on your consciousness, then you can fall into the trap of the mind and a great fallacy, getting out of it will be very difficult.

The recipe for success, according to Daniel Kahneman, is simple enough: you need to live in harmony with yourself, make decisions in a balanced way. The emotional component can sometimes do much harm, so feelings should not always be taken into account. Act only with a cold head, do not succumb to your own fears and depressing circumstances.

How to treat mistakes

None of us is immune from all sorts of misdemeanors. People tend at the first failure to blame others in this situation. This is categorically wrong behavior. The search for the guilty will not relieve you of responsibility, it will not help you to get out of a difficult situation. According to the author of the book, mistakes must be treated only as necessary lessons. Do not get hung up on them for too long, otherwise you will not have the strength to move on.

Mistakes should become your inner mentors, but not a permanent reproach, from which there is no escape. Any misses show the right way, you just need to be able to recognize it correctly. If you do not feel the necessary strength in yourself to change the situation, start with effective self-justification. Recognize that you made a mistake, but give yourself the right to rehab, a second chance. Then it will be easier for you to forgive other people involved in this situation.

Halo effect

How often in everyday life do we empower others with those traits and qualities of character that they do not possess. This behavior is peculiar to every person. At the subconscious level, we aspire to attribute to others motives and behavior peculiar to ourselves. The halo effect shows that it is sometimes much easier for people to cross their own interests than to be disappointed in others, especially if they are our idols, teachers or friends. Family relationships are also built on many expectations. If the person does not justify them, we are very disappointed, and above all, in ourselves.

The author of this book shows how dangerous such a shock can be to a mental state. Emotional comfort is always lost, and instead of it, only fear and insecurity fill the soul. There is no need to idealize people or circumstances, believe in yourself, in the opportunity to change the situation.

Reevaluation of events

It is necessary when certain circumstances come into our lives that we are unable to change. A person starts using defensive behavior to protect himself from additional experiences. With the help of a rational reassessment of events, a person can balance his own worldview and achieve inner balance. The main thing is to try to find meaning in everything that happens, then it will be easier to live. Acting decisively, having a preliminary calculation and not succumbing to momentary emotions - that's what the readers learn from Daniel Kahneman.

"Think slowly ... Decide quickly": reviews

This book has helped many people change attitudes toward life, look at the face of unfavorable circumstances. It shows how we ourselves create additional problems that we could avoid. Reviews about the book are only positive. The author emphasizes the idea that each person is responsible for his choice, even if he does not realize this. Avoiding change is extremely irrational, but you can take them fully armed, carefully prepare for new circumstances.

Thus, Daniel Kahneman in his book provides readers with an opportunity to analyze the events taking place, draw the appropriate conclusions. It is necessary to take into account the circumstances in which we are, but at the same time learn to not sink into them so much as not to lose the presence of the spirit.

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