Hobby, Needlework
Crochet toys
Recently, special popularity among young mothers began to win toys crochet. This way you can create truly unique masterpieces that will please any small child. They are bright, beautiful, soft, safe. Especially popular crocheted toys, outwardly reminiscent of the heroes of your favorite cartoons. All children, without exception, are happy to play with miniature smeshariki, dolls, bunnies.
Many mothers get their favorite characters, because they are sure that they will not be able to make the same toy for their baby by themselves. And in vain! It only seems at first glance that it takes a really great job to make exactly the same Kopatych or Drakosh. If the mother is familiar with the basics of this type of needlework, then without problems will be able to cope with this task. Because it will not be particularly difficult to make toys with a hook, the description of which is written in sufficient detail and understandable even for a beginner needlewoman.
It is always given not only the sequence of tying out the rows, but also specifies which yarn must be purchased and in what quantity. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the number of the hook. This will directly affect the density of knitting and the size of the future toy.
If the hook is too thick, then it is likely that in the future the filler will shine through. Such a toy will not only have a very unaesthetic appearance, but it can also be unsafe for the child. After all, it can happen that during the game the filler will be pulled out and, possibly, even eaten. To prevent this, it is necessary to perform work using the hook of the same number, which is specified in the description. This will ensure the optimal density of knitting. Due to this, as a result, toys will be obtained by hook, completely repeating the appearance of the sample.
Having prepared the necessary tools, you can start working. For this, we must first carefully study the description. In particular, it is worth paying close attention to the sequence of knitting the crochet. Most often all the necessary components are initially made. Torso, legs, hands are tied, if they are, of course. Then overhead parts are made, to which one can include eyes, ears. After this, you can proceed to assembly by sewing together the components. The remaining pieces are then sewn to the finished figure.
It is worth noting that, as a rule, the trunk or head, having a three-dimensional shape, is filled with filler directly in the manufacturing process, and not after. Therefore, by attaching two thirds, you can begin to give the toy the necessary contours.
As you can see, it's quite easy to make toys with a hook. Once you try it once and it will all work out! Who knows, maybe after untying the first hero for his baby, this lesson will become the favorite hobby of a young mother who, in the course of time, will even begin to bring quite a perceptible income! After all, many are eager to purchase such interesting toys for their children.
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