
Complivit. The composition of various vitamin complexes - for different periods of human life

There are so many different vitamin complexes on drugstores! From different manufacturers, different in composition and price. Some clients of pharmacies prefer to buy and buy only imported complexes of vitamins and trace elements, and there are consumers buying only Russian drugs, not trusting foreign producers. And then there is even not so much a question of price, just there are people who trust Russian companies that produce medicines more. Among such clients who are accustomed to Russian vitamins, Compliment, the composition of which is balanced and successfully selected to meet the needs for vitamins and trace elements among the adult population.

Complivit is produced by the oldest pharmaceutical company of Pharmstandard-UfaVita. First in the line of compliments was just a few drugs - a compliment and a compliment-asset, a few later appeared complimentary Mom and complimented Ophthalmo. Now the line of vitamin complexes is complemented by the compliment Calcium D3, the compliments of Iron, Magnesium, Diabetes, Radiance and others. And it is quite obvious that a compliment, the composition of which is calculated for an adult, will differ from the one that is complimented by Active - a multivitamin-mineral complex designed for schoolchildren and teenagers. Each kind of compliment finds "its" buyer. So, the compliment Mama was created taking into account the increased needs in vitamins and minerals of women during pregnancy and feeding of the child.

There is a compliment, the composition of which consists of only two active components - a compliment of Calcium D3, each tablet containing 1.25 g of calcium carbonate and colcalciferol (vitamin D3) - 200 MU (5 mkg). It is designed for people suffering from osteoporosis, or just in periods when there is a high body need for calcium, for example, in rehabilitation after fractures of bones. Quite recently, there was a compliment for Calcium D3 Baby - granules for the preparation of a vitamin drink, which very young children drink with pleasure for the prevention of rickets.

Among the preparations there are vitamins complimentary, the composition of which does not contain sugar, and they can be safely taken by people suffering from diabetes. This, first of all, compliments Diabetes - a complex of vitamins and microelements, specially created to meet the needs of vitamins in this disease. And also there is a complex of vitamins with a reduced sugar content, whose composition is identical to the traditional compliment, and compliments Calcium D3.

It is necessary to tell separately about the compliment Ophthalmo, the instruction on which application contains a detailed description of each component of the preparation, how it affects the vision of a person. In its composition, in addition to the basic vitamins and trace elements that improve the metabolism of the eye, there are zeaxanthin and lutein - carotenoids, necessary for the normal functioning of the retina. And I must say that the reception of this complex effectively improves the trophic processes occurring in the eyeball, improve visual acuity in the twilight. These vitamins are created for people who have vision problems. And also for those who spend quite a lot of time at the computer, whose professional activity is connected with the vision tension.

Complivit, the composition of various complexes of which is created taking into account different needs in human vitamins in different periods of his life, invariably enjoys popularity. All components of the complexes are synthesized in one enterprise, so the company is always confident in the quality of its vitamin complexes. And an important fact: the price for all types of vitamins is fairly democratic with high quality of drugs.

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