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Complex analysis of the poem. Nekrasov, "Shkolnik": characteristics, main idea and impressions

Realism and not a word of lies - this is the main feature of Nicholas Nekrasov's work. Traveling the expanses of his native state, the poet managed to see a lot: deep sorrow, need and unbending strength of the Russian spirit. In his poems, these realities are clearly displayed. Each line of the works is filled with pain and sadness, but behind them is a hope for a better future. Talk about the features of the poet's work can be long, but for clarity, it is better to analyze the poem Nekrasov "Schoolboy".

Analysis Plan

Analyze the lyric work is necessary, drawing on the plan. This will greatly simplify the work. Most often, the following characteristics are used to analyze the poem:

  1. When, by whom and under what conditions the composition was written.
  2. What is the product about? It is necessary to describe the main theme, the idea and the plot.
  3. Artistic means. It is necessary to indicate what artistic methods the author used to express the main idea.
  4. Vocabulary and composition. Here it is indicated which vocabulary is written verse: colloquial, journalistic, etc. Also worth mentioning is the number of lines and stanzas.
  5. The image of the lyric hero.

Now you can begin to analyze the poem Nekrasov "Schoolboy". 4 class, in which they begin to study the work of the Russian poet, can also cope with this task, following the plan.

The poet and his creation

The works of Nekrasov differ in depth of content and are filled with incredible power. His poems often describe the difficulties faced by the common people and the poet himself. So, in 1856 Nekrasov created the work "Schoolboy" (his first publication was in the magazine "Library for Reading" - No. 10).

1856-th year can be called a turning point in the poet's activities. Nekrasov was able to defeat a serious disease, published his own collection of poems, and the magazine "Contemporary", the issue of which he was engaged, again began to gain popularity. In addition, Alexander II comes to power, and serfdom becomes a little freer. At this time, and created a poem "Schoolboy", which tells of children who want to break out of poverty and go their own way.

Theme, idea, story

Analyzing Nekrasov's poem "Schoolboy", you can designate the main theme of the work: the issues of education, which reflects the lyrical hero. The main idea of the verse is the image of the road, which embodies the life path.

The plot is based on the meeting of the lyric hero with a simple peasant child. He was poorly dressed and carrying a book with him. Seeing her, the lyrical hero starts to talk about the benefits of education, in particular that it's hard for ordinary people to send their child to school. But, nevertheless, his speech is optimistic, the lyrical hero encourages the boy, saying that everything started from a difficult path. He sets Lomonosov as an example, and says that for those who are not afraid of labor in obtaining knowledge, "a dream will come true".

In conclusion, the hero appeals to his homeland, which has not yet exhausted itself and is capable of giving birth to talents, that in the future they will learn respect and honor.

Artistic means

Continuing to analyze the poem "Schoolboy" Nekrasov according to plan, we will pay attention to the artistic means that the poet used. In the first quatrain, creating an environment in which the lyrical hero is located, the author uses the metaphor of a "cheerless road". To describe a child with a book, Nekrasov uses epithets: "dirty body", "barely covered chest", "bare feet". Also many epithets can be found in the following lines, for example, "native Rus" or "Arkhangelsk muzhik."

In the last lines there is an antithesis - opposition. Those who seek knowledge, the author contrasts with people who do not show interest in anything. He describes the first Nekrasov as "good", "noble" and "strong", the latter as "pompous," "stupid," and "cold."

In the work you can find an allegory - "a dream will come true". Also there is a rhetorical figure - an appeal, which stresses the excitement of Nekrasov: "Do not be ashamed!", "Well, let's go, for God's sake!".

Vocabulary and composition

In his work, Nekrasov widely used popular speech, so in the poem "Schoolboy" and there are such words as "dad," "do not be afraid," and others.

Performing the analysis of the poem by Nekrasov "Schoolboy" according to the literature, it is necessary to indicate the number of lines, stanzas and determine the poetic size. So, the poem consists of 10 stanzas. Conditionally they can be divided into 3 blocks:

  1. Description of the journey of the lyric hero.
  2. The main part that consists of the monologue of the hero.
  3. Appeal to the Motherland.

Analysis of the poem by Nekrasov "Shkolnik" showed that the work has the size of a four-legged chorea, and the stanzas consist of a quatrain with a cross rhyme.

Lyrical hero

At this point, and ends with a comprehensive analysis. From the analysis of Nekrasov's poem "Schoolboy" it becomes clear that the lyric hero is the author himself, describing his trips by the country. The work is based on Nekrasov's reflections on the plight of his people, but he is sure that among the simple peasants there are many talents. He wants to support the children that they want to learn and choose a different fate than their parents. The lyrical hero, and along with him Nekrasov himself, calls not to be ashamed of poverty, because hard work will be rewarded.

About poetry

Nikolai Nekrasov is a famous Russian poet, recognized as a classic of Russian literature. At one time he became famous as a revolutionary democrat, and his morality and ambiguous actions still cause many controversial opinions. Nekrasov became known for such works as the poem "Grandfather Mazai and the hares," the poem "Frost, Red Nose" and "Who Lives Well in Russia".

All his works were devoted solely to the problems of the Russian people. He vividly described the tragedy of the peasantry and the beauty of the surrounding world. Folklore diversity and the richness of the folk language were widely used in the poet's works. Thanks to this reception, Nikolai Alekseevich managed to expand the boundaries of Russian poetry. The poet can rightly be considered a pioneer who did not hesitate to use in his poems a combination of elegies, lyrics and satire, which had a significant impact on the further development of literature. Even analyzing Nekrasov's poem "Schoolboy", you can see this distinctive characteristic.

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