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Compatibility of aquarium fish

Creating and decorating an aquarium is a very exciting process that requires creative thinking and certain knowledge. At the initial stage, one of the most important moments, which will have to be given great attention, is the compatibility of aquarium fish.

Choosing new tenants for a reservoir, it is necessary to know the features of their natural habitat. It is inadmissible to settle in one aquarium of marine and freshwater fish, since they come from completely different environments. But even fresh water can be as radically different, having different rigidity, acidity, temperature and other characteristics. In addition, they are flowing and standing, overgrown and clean, illuminated and submerged in semi-darkness. All these indicators must be taken into account, since they determine the compatibility of aquarium fish.

The next important factor is the behavioral features of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Together, you can keep fish that have similar habits and vital needs. It is better if they are of approximately the same size, because larger species, even if they are peaceful, often absorb small fishes by taking them for fodder. It is not necessary to focus on common aquariums in pet stores, where often absolutely incompatible fish are kept. As a rule, these are young, not yet grown up to the age of territorial conflicts, and, moreover, in a state of stress. Having mastered the new house and reached maturity, the fish will begin to show their disposition and find out the relationship. Compatibility of aquarium fish - this is a very serious issue, so decide on the choice of pets better in advance, carefully studied the special literature.

It is necessary to clarify information about the features of their behavior during spawning. Representatives of some species fiercely defend their masonry, becoming aggressive and often causing harm to neighbors passing by. Acquiring such pets, it is desirable to acquire a special spawning aquarium, which will be young parents. In order for the reservoir space to be used most fully, it is desirable to combine fish in it, living in different layers of water.

Speaking of compatibility, as a concrete example, you can consider several popular species. Sumatran barbs are beautiful schooling fish that look great in the aquarium. But they have one drawback - they bite the veil tails and long fins of their neighbors, regardless of their size. Therefore, with guppies, scalars, vealechvostami, gold fish, they should not be planted to avoid trouble. Spectacular cockerels are fighting fish, which in no case can be kept with herbivorous. Moreover, the males of this species, seeing each other, will fight to the death, therefore in the aquarium there should be one male surrounded by several females. Melancholic scalyards, on the contrary, themselves often become victims of more active and aggressive fish. A lot of problems can arise with such popular inhabitants of aquariums as goldfish. Their compatibility with representatives of other species is a big question. They have a peaceful character, but they are terrible sluts, and they are also herbivorous. Therefore, a very complicated ecological situation develops in the reservoir, and if we take into account the temperature requirements, it turns out that no other species can be settled to gold.

The main recommendations for the selection of aquarium inhabitants include a table of aquarium fish compatibility, which will help make a preliminary choice. But a more specific solution should be taken, based on the volume and interior of the aquarium.

Compatibility of aquarium fish is a very interesting topic, having thoroughly studied which, it is possible to create a balanced and harmonious body of water with healthy and beautiful inhabitants.

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