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Coat of arms of Crimea: photo, history and description. Find out what the flag and the coat of arms of Crimea look like
Crimea is a unique and unique land, "an order on the chest of the planet Earth," as one of his researchers said. Tourists, getting here for the first time, are surprised how in such a small area the whole variety of nature could fit. After all, there are mountains and rocks, and the seashore with pebble beaches, as well as noisy waterfalls and dozens of beautiful caves.
However, in this article, it is not about the natural beauties of the Crimea, but about its symbolism. You will find out what the Crimean flag symbolizes, and also what semantics the Crimean coat of arms carries in itself. Pictures of the main symbols of the republic are also represented here. We hope you will be interested!
The flag and the coat of arms of Crimea are the main symbols of the peninsula
Any country, republic, region or city has its official symbols - a flag and a coat of arms. They have developed historically, and, more often than not, reflect (show) the identity of a particular locality or territory.
A flag is called a rectangular cloth, which has a certain coloring. As a rule, these are bands of different colors and directions (less often patterns or drawings). There is even a whole science that deals with their study - veksillology .
The word "herb" (herb) is of German origin and literally means "inheritance". The fact is that originally the coat of arms served as a distinction for a particular kind, and this symbol was passed down from generation to generation, by inheritance. Later it was used as symbols of cities or countries. Science, comprehensively studying the arms, is called heraldry .
Now it is worth familiarizing with what is the emblem and flag of the Republic of Crimea. What is their semantics?
Coat of arms of Crimea: photo and description
The basis of the modern Crimean coat of arms is the Varangian shield. It depicts a mythical creature - the griffin, which looks to the left and holds a blue pearl in its claw in a silver shell. Above the head of the griffin is a rising yellow sun, and the shield itself is framed by two Greek columns on both sides. Below the shield borders the ribbon (in traditional colors of the Crimean flag, which will be discussed below) with the inscription: "Prosperity is in Unity".
It should be noted that the coat of arms of the Crimea, in its modern form, was issued in 1991, and approved at an official level in 1992. In March 1995, it was legalized by the Ukrainian authorities through the adoption of the law "on the Autonomous Republic of Crimea."
As is known, in March 2014 the territory of the Crimea was annexed to Russia. At the same time, the local authorities of the republic decided not to change the already existing symbolism of the peninsula, having adopted the corresponding law in June of the same year.
This is the story that the modern coat of arms of the Crimea experienced. You can see the photo of this symbol below:
The meaning of the arms
Next, we will talk about the semantics of this symbol of the republic. The coat of arms of Crimea - what does it mean?
It is known that the griffin has long been used in the heraldry of the Northern Black Sea region. So, this mythical creature was present on the emblems of the ancient Panticapaeus (now Kerch), as well as Chersonesos.
The coat of arms of the Republic of Crimea is basically a shield of red color. And this is not accidental, because chervleny color is a reminder of the heroic and sometimes tragic fate of the Crimean people. It is not by chance that the presence of the pearl is in the griffin's paw. This is a direct hint at the uniqueness and uniqueness of the Crimean land.
The connection of Crimea with Ancient Greece is also shown on the coat of arms - with the help of two columns along the edges. But the sun above the shield symbolizes the dawn and bright future of the region.
Historical Coat of Arms of Crimea
As a rule, the symbols of countries and cities often change over time. And the Crimean coat of arms here is no exception.
It is interesting to see how it has changed throughout the history of the peninsula. After all, at various times on its territory there were various state formations. And the coat of arms, respectively, also changed.
The coat of arms in the times of the Crimean Khanate
This powerful state formation existed for more than three centuries: from 1441 to 1783. At the same time, it occupied not only the peninsula Crimea, but also Kuban, as well as almost the whole southeast of modern Ukraine. The capital of this state at different times were the Old Crimea and Bakhchisaray. Only in 1783 the territory of the Crimean Khanate was annexed by the Russian Empire. A little later this annexation was recognized also by the Ottoman Empire.
The emblem of the Crimean Khanate can be considered the emblem of the dynasty of the Girey - a sign of the Tarak Tamga. By the way, today it is a national symbol of all Crimean Tatars and is depicted on their flags. It is known that this sign was minted on coins during the Crimean Khanate, and also applied to some public buildings.
It is curious that today there is no single interpretation of this sign. According to one of them, a tamak-tamga symbolizes a balanced balance.
Coat of Arms of the Taurian Gubernia
After the annexation of the Crimea by Russia in 1783, an administrative unit of the Russian Empire was established on its territory, the Tauride Gubernia, which officially existed between 1802 and 1921. Its center (capital) was the city of Simferopol, which immediately began to develop rapidly. By the way, the toponym "Tavrida, Taurida" was brought to the peninsula by the ancient Hellenes, even during the colonization of the Crimean coast.
How did the coat of arms of the Crimea look like in those days, in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? On the golden shield in the center was a two-headed eagle of black color. On the eagle's chest was another one, a small shield with a cross (the one that the Greek emperors had sent to Ancient Rus).
Above the shield of the emblem crowned imperial crown - a symbol of royal power. Okaymlyayut its yellow oak branches, which are intertwined with a blue ribbon. As you know, this coat of arms was officially approved on March 8, 1784, when the province itself, in fact, did not yet exist. The image of this Crimean coat of arms is shown below:
The coat of arms of the Crimean ASSR
The next stage in the history of the peninsula is associated with the arrival of Soviet power. In 1921, the Crimean ASSR was established on its territory, which existed until 1992. The capital of the republic was the city of Simferopol. Until 1954, Crimea was part of the RSFSR, and then was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR.
What did the Crimean coat of arms look like at that time? It should be noted that it had two versions: the first - from 1921, and the second - from 1938. The only difference between them is in the inscriptions. So, originally on the Crimean coat of arms there were inscriptions in the Crimean Tatar language, and in 1938 they were supplemented by the Russians.
The coat of arms of the Crimean ASSR looked as follows: in the center - a red shield, on which was depicted a sickle and a hammer - the central symbol of the Soviet system. At the same time he was illuminated by the rays of the sun rising from below. Below, under the shield of the coat of arms, the main slogan of the country was inscribed: "Workers of all countries, unite!" On both sides of the shield of this coat of arms edged the golden ears of wheat: seven on the right and left.
The flag of the Crimean ASSR also looked simple and laconic. In the upper left corner of the solid red cloth there were only two inscriptions: "RSFSR" and "KrASSR" (under the first inscription).
Flag of the Republic of Crimea
Now we should talk about another symbol of the Republic of Crimea - its flag.
A flag is an obligatory attribute of any territorial formation. At the same time, it should reflect and accurately show the identity of a particular city, region or state. What does the modern Crimean flag mean and what is its history?
The date of birth of this flag is September 24, 1992. In 1999, it was re-approved, but already as the official flag of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea as part of Ukraine. After the Crimea joined Russia in March 2014, the republic's authorities decided not to change the flag of the Crimea.
The flag of the Republic of Crimea is a rectangular cloth, consisting of three horizontal stripes of unequal thickness. Above the flag is a blue strip (1/6 of the entire thickness of the canvas), in the center - white (the thickest, occupying 2/3 of the thickness of the canvas), and from below is a red strip (1/6 of the entire thickness of the canvas). This kind of Crimean flag is the standard. The authors of this symbol were A. Malgin and V. Trusov.
What semantics does the flag of Crimea carry in itself?
It is believed that the red band at the bottom symbolizes the heroic and dramatic past of the peninsula, and the blue on the top - its iridescent and promising future. At the same time, the widest band in the center is the present Crimea. The authors did not accidentally make this strip the widest, hinting that all the events that occur in the life of the peninsula are very significant for his future destiny. And the Crimea itself awaits a great future.
Thus, the flag and the coat of arms of the Crimea are the most important symbols of the republic. They reflect the whole essence of the uneasy but very bright history of the Crimean people.
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