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What is the spiritual and moral guidelines of a person? What is their role in human activities?

The question of what is the spiritual and moral guidelines of a person is the basic problem of such a science as ethics. It is from the point of view of the category of good as the highest value and one must consider them.

In ethics, the question of what is the spiritual and moral guidelines of a person, what is their function, is solved with the help of definitions of the concepts "spirituality" and "morality."

Let us consider these concepts in more detail.

The phenomenon of spirituality

The concept of spirituality involves two interpretations: secular and religious.

From the point of view of the first of these, spirituality is the desire of a person to embody in his life higher values such as good, beauty and truth, to realize oneself through love to the world around him and reach the ideal.

From the point of view of a religious position, spirituality is understood as a deep connection between a person and God, achieving unity with him and initiating the process of "deification" of a person's personality.

At the same time, both secular and religious positions suggest that the source of spirituality is conscience, which is interpreted as a sense of the connection between a person and God (religious position) or a sense of inner harmony and justice (secular position).

The notion of morality

The concept of morality presupposes a more specific interpretation. Usually, this phenomenon involves a part of the universal human culture, which contains universal moral values, moral norms, rules of behavior, knowledge, beliefs.

On the question of what spiritual and moral orientations of a person are, one can answer in the following way: these are spiritual and moral indicators that include such values as conscience, love, good, sense of duty, beauty, striving for truth, thirst for justice, striving for justice Ideal.

The Importance of Spiritual and Moral Reference Points

We have established that the spiritual and moral guidelines of a person are his values and beliefs. These are attitudes of personality, through which it can not transgress. They regulate a person's conscious activity and help him to find his place in the world, being a kind of core of his consciousness.

In fact, the decency of a person depends on how important these guidelines are in his life. For example, not everyone can commit acts of theft, treason or betrayal, because not all people are allowed to do their conscience, in other words, their spiritual and moral guidelines.

And a certain part of people are called "people with a burned conscience", they are capable of unseemly acts because they do not see in them the degree of evil that really exists there. These are people with lost spiritual and moral landmarks.

What is the spiritual and moral guidelines of man: the golden rule of morality

An important role in the formation of the spiritual and moral orientations of man is played by the rule formulated in ancient times, which is usually called the "golden rule of morality." His description can be found in the oldest texts, as well as in the texts of the New Testament.

It reads as follows: "Do not deal with other people as you would not want them to do to you."

This rule is very simple. However, if people who knew about him really embodied him in their lives, there would be much less evil, injustice and misery on earth. The whole trouble is that many of us, following the sad words of one of the apostles, know where the good is, but they do not follow it, they know where the evil is, but they do the atrocities.

Spiritual and moral education

Speaking about the spiritual and moral orientations of a person, one can not help saying that it is necessary to organize spiritual and moral education.

About how to educate such a noble person, thought of the teachers of antiquity. And today on this topic written a lot of work.

As a rule, they are reduced to the fact that parents and teachers are advised to instill spiritual and moral guidelines for children with their life example. After all, if the parents tell the child to act fairly and honestly towards the people around them, but in their behavior they are far from ideal, the child will also inherit their bad example, not paying attention to their noble words.

Strategy of education

There is a basic state document called the "Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation for the Period until 2025".

This document proposes a list of spiritual and moral values, determines their role in the process of cultural development of our country, provides a concept of what is the spiritual and moral guidelines of a person, what is their role.

This strategy was created by a group of leading Russian scientists.

The spiritual and moral guidelines of a person, their role in human activities are described in sufficient detail. We give only a short list of such values as humanism (or philanthropy), honor, justice and conscience, will, faith in good, personal dignity, the desire to fulfill one's duty, including the moral, the love of one's family , The Fatherland and the people.

As we see, this list of basic spiritual and moral orientations includes in the first place those values that are essential for the formation of the personality of a citizen and a person. Their development in people, of course, will contribute to the harmonization of social relationships and the construction of a more just society.

Thus, we tried to answer the questions about what is the spiritual and moral guidelines of a person, what is their role in people's activities. Without spiritual and moral values, the world would turn into something terrible, and the living would envy the dead. It is these qualities, living in the hearts of people, that keep the world from the chaos and dominion of evil.

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