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Cicatricial deformity of the cervix: causes and treatment. Cervix after delivery

Cicatricial deformity of the cervix is a dangerous pathology. In modern medical practice, such a disease is diagnosed relatively rarely. Deformation encompasses the cervical and vaginal canals: the structure and length of the cervix change, resulting in a shift in the organs of the reproductive system. Against the background of pathology, the risk of developing malignant diseases increases, so in no case should you ignore the problem.

How does scar deformation of the cervix develop?

Through the cervix passes the so-called cervical canal. Its walls are covered with cylindrical epithelium. It is here that specific mucosal secretions are developed, a cork is formed, which protects the uterus cavity from penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

Sometimes, as a result of injuries and inflammatory processes, damage to genital tissues takes place, followed by scarring. The structure and length of the cervix changes, and the cervical canal is turned and displaced into the vaginal cavity. As you know, the environment here is acidic, and for normal functioning of endocervix an alkaline reaction is necessary.

Changes in the acidity of the environment provoke the development of inflammatory processes, as a result of which the supply of epithelial cells of the cervical canal is disturbed. The chemical composition of the produced mucus is broken, which makes the tissues more susceptible to infection.

The main causes of pathology

If large children are born, then this is very good. At least in the people there is exactly such an opinion. But doctors do not agree with this. The birth of a child weighing more than 3.5 kg is already considered potentially dangerous, because in such cases the probability of injuries is high. Gaps and other damage to internal genital tissues require suturing.

Quite often, the cervix after the birth is not completely restored, it causes scars. Scar tissue is different from healthy structures - it is rough and inelastic. A large number of cicatricial structures deforms the cervix, which is fraught with dangerous consequences.

Risk factors include not only complex births. Scar formation is possible after abortion and diagnostic procedures if cervical tissue has been damaged in the process. In some cases deformations are congenital. To the list of the reasons it is possible to carry and serious hormonal failures.

What symptoms should I pay attention to?

Cicatricial deformity of the cervix often occurs without any symptoms. In most cases, pathology is accidentally detected during a planned gynecological examination. Nevertheless, the appearance of some violations is still possible. Their characteristics include:

  • Malfunctions of the menstrual cycle.
  • Increased volume of menstrual flow, sometimes up to bleeding.
  • The appearance of dense, stretching vaginal discharge is white.
  • Aching pain in the back and pelvic region (sometimes they become quite intense).
  • Some patients report soreness during intercourse.

Symptoms of these can not be called specific, because the same clinical picture can be observed with various diseases of the pelvic organs. Nevertheless, in the presence of violations it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

Possible complications

The change in the acidity of the environment increases the susceptibility of internal genital tissues to infections. Cicatricial deformity of the cervix increases the likelihood of developing endometritis, cervicitis and endocervicitis.

In turn, these inflammatory diseases can lead to keratinization and atrophy of epithelial tissues of endocervix. Against the background of this pathology, erosion of the cervix often develops. The presence of deformities adversely affects the reproductive functions of the body. Violation of tissue trophism leads to malformation of cells - there is a possibility of malignant degeneration and development of cancer.

Effective methods of diagnosis

Diagnosis of this pathology is rarely difficult. Cicatricial deformity of the cervix is detected during examination with the help of gynecological mirrors. The doctor can notice the displacement of the cervical canal, the eversion of the mucous membranes, the presence of scar formation.

Additionally, colposcopy is prescribed. During the procedure, the gynecologist can assess the degree of change in the folds of the cervical canal. As a rule, a biopsy is performed - sampling of tissue samples for further laboratory analysis. The study makes it possible to detect cancer cells. Additionally, smears are taken to determine the composition of the bacterial microflora.

In some cases an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is performed. With congenital deformations, the patients are given tests to determine the level of hormones.

Treatment of scar cervical deformity

Scheme of therapy is made individually, because it is necessary to take into account the patient's age, her hormonal status, the number of scar tissue, the presence of concomitant diseases. The goal of the treatment is to restore the structure of the uterus, to normalize the reproductive and protective functions of the reproductive system.

Drug therapy is appropriate only if the ailment is associated with hormonal failures or inflammatory processes.

Then the doctor decides on the method of removal of scar tissue. If the lesions are small, then sparing destructive methods are used. Scars are removed by cryodestruction (freezing with liquid nitrogen) and diathermocoagulation (the affected tissues are affected by high-frequency currents). Vaporization by a laser beam is also considered effective.

Operative intervention: features of the procedure

In some cases, a full surgical intervention is necessary. If the patient is a woman released from reproductive age, the doctor may recommend trachelectomy. During the procedure, the cervix is completely excised, and the uterus itself is hemmed in - this prevents it from falling into the vagina.

Young patients are prescribed an operation, during which only scar tissue is removed. It is considered safer to excise with a laser beam, since the risk of complications (infection, appearance of new scars) in this case is much lower.

When removing a large number of affected tissues, patients need another operation - the plastic of the cervix. The procedure is aimed at restoring the normal form of organs.

Cicatricial deformity and pregnancy

What if the cervix was deformed after delivery? The presence of changes in the structure of the genital organs does not mean that a woman can not conceive. But in subsequent pregnancy, cicatricial deformity of the cervix affects negatively, as the probability of spontaneous interruption increases. In addition, there is a risk of infection of the fetus, because pathogens against the background of this pathology easily penetrate the vagina into the uterine cavity.

Nevertheless, pregnancy is possible. The decision on the need for treatment in this case is taken by a doctor. Future mothers are recommended to carefully monitor the health, eat right, avoid physical exertion, adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and give up sexual intercourse.

Often women with scar deformities even give birth naturally, although they sometimes can not do without Caesarean section.

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