
Children After Parental Divorce: What They Have The Future.

Creating a family, no one thinks that marriage can be short-lived, after a while the relationship will come to naught, and will have to be divorced. If yesterday the quirks of the beloved husband seemed to be nice pranks, and the whims of the wife were taken for granted, then after a while, two native people become strangers to each other.

Cohabitation of two people can be called a family only with a big stretch, but a woman and a man sacrifice themselves for the sake of common children. Is it justifiable to do this, how do the children themselves perceive this situation, and how will the divorce of their parents affect them? We will try to answer these questions more fully.

Of course, it is up to the last one to try to save the relationship, but if the family is left only on paper, and the child and adults are in a state of constant stress, think about the fact that children after the divorce will feel much better and grow up full-fledged individuals.

Many parents, solving their own problems, do not notice that their kids are willy-nilly involved in the discussion of very childless issues that can plunge them into a state of deep stress.

How do children survive the divorce of their parents and what do they feel?

Psychologists rightly note that both mother and father should be honest with their children, regardless of the age of the latter. It is clear that the three-year-old and the twelve-year-old teenager are explained the situation in different words, but the essence of the narrated should remain the same in both cases.

The reaction of children to the divorce of their relatives for him can be completely different and directly depends on the age of the child and the general mood in the family. But no matter how hard it was for adults, the focus should be on the child.

For a child aged 2-4 years, the divorce looks like leaving one of the parents' homes and the baby can not understand the reasons for this situation. In this case, it is necessary to tell your son or daughter as accurately as possible why the second parent will now not live with his family, but at the same time, it should be emphasized in every way that mom or dad will not forget about her baby and will continue to love him.

Divorce and preschool children (5-7 years) is a completely different problem compared to the first case. Here the child is already clearly aware that one of the parents will live separately and even to the extent of his development understands that mom and dad ceased to love each other. A parent leaving the family should understand that the child needs his support and communication, and therefore one should see the baby as often as possible.

Adolescents are already perfectly aware of what a divorce is, but such children may become withdrawn after a divorce, they often rude to the parent with whom they stayed, they often have a significant drop in overall school performance. In order for such a child to come to, it may take quite a long time, and during this entire period the teenager needs increased attention from both parents. At the same time, it is advisable to observe closely with whom your son or daughter is friends, because children after the divorce try to make themselves known, and often do it in protest form. The point is that if mom or dad did not allow bringing a friend or girlfriend into the house, now this character can appear on your doorstep. Here, in any case, you can not make a scandal and scold the offspring, try to understand it, find an approach and give advice.

Older children after the divorce of parents already objectively assess the situation and are able to respond to it as adults. True, as everyone knows, every person is individual, which means that problems can arise even with a 20-year-old son or daughter.

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