Food and drink, Recipes
Chicken legs in the oven with rice: recipe, cooking tips
Many modern women have to combine careers with housekeeping. Therefore, most of our compatriots prefer to feed their families with multicomponent dishes baked in the oven. Such food is not only tasty, but also very useful. After reading today's article, you will learn how to cook rice with chicken.
Shins with rice: a set of ingredients
This fragrant dish is prepared from the available products available in almost every home. In addition, the process itself is so simple that even an inexperienced hostess can cope with it. To make you get really tasty and mouth-watering chicken legs in the oven, the recipe of which does not require special culinary skills, you should have at your disposal:
- 300 grams of long grain rice.
- Eight chicken drumsticks.
- Bank of canned corn.
- 500 milliliters of broth.
- Two carrots.
In addition, you will need a small amount of vegetable oil, salt, ground pepper, a few cloves of garlic or one medium bulb. Those who do not like corn, you can recommend to replace it with canned green peas.
Technology of preparation
To get you really delicious chicken legs in the oven, the recipe of which you will learn from today's article, you must strictly adhere to the following sequence of actions.
Wash and peeled vegetables are cut or grated on a grater and fry until cooked in a small amount of sunflower oil. A dry long-grain rice is poured into the greased baking dish. There also send roasted vegetables and canned corn (peas). With the last ingredient, the excess liquid is drained and washed under running water.
All carefully mixed, salted, peppered, filled with chicken broth, top spread shins, covered with foil and sent to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. After forty minutes, the form is opened and baked again. After a quarter of an hour, the chicken legs in the oven with rice will acquire a beautiful golden hue, after which they can be served to the table.
Alternative: list of products
It should be noted that all the ingredients necessary for the preparation of this original dish can be purchased at any supermarket. Before you begin the process, you should make sure that your arsenal has:
- Two packs of Hawaiian blend.
- Packing chicken thighs.
- A glass of low-fat cream.
To make a delicious and friable rice with chicken and vegetables, the recipe of which is considered in this article, it is desirable to add the above list with a tablespoon of mayonnaise, vegetable oil, salt and spices.
A saucepan of boiling water is sent to the Hawaiian mixture and cooked for no more than two minutes. At the end of this time, it is thrown back to the colander and left to allow the glasses to excess liquid. After that, the assorted vegetables are laid out in a baking dish, greased with vegetable or butter. There also send pre-washed and flavored hips.
To ensure that you get delicious and nutritious chicken legs in the oven with rice and vegetables, you also need to prepare a sauce. To do this, mix mayonnaise, sour cream and cream in one dish, season with salt and spices. The resulting sauce is evenly poured into the contents of the baking dish and sent to the oven, preheated to 220 degrees. After forty minutes the dish can be served to the table.
Chicken stew with rice and vegetables
To prepare this dish, you must stock up all the ingredients in advance so that you do not have to quickly run to the store for missing food. Make sure that your kitchen has components such as:
- Chicken meat weighing up to one and a half kilograms.
- Three cloves of garlic.
- 300 grams of rice.
- Vegetable oil.
- 350 grams of tomatoes.
- Salt.
- 400 grams of sweet Bulgarian pepper.
- A pair of large bulbs.
- Ground pepper.
To get a crumbly and fragrant rice with chicken and vegetables, the recipe of which we are now considering, we must strictly observe all the recommended proportions. Vegetables are prewashed with running water and dried with paper towels. Peeled onions and peppers cut into strips, and tomatoes - small cubes. As for garlic, it is passed through a press or crushed with a knife.
In a heated frying pan, greased with vegetable oil, send onions and fry until golden brown. After that, chicken pieces, garlic, tomatoes, salt, pepper and stewed in a lid for a quarter of an hour are added to it. Fifteen minutes later, rice is sent to the contents of the frying pan. Pour all the boiled water and leave to cook on a small fire until ready for cereals.
Chicken legs in the oven with rice: a list of products
It should be noted that the dish, cooked according to this recipe, will be very satisfying, tasty and juicy. In order for you to get it right, you need to find in your kitchen:
- Six chicken legs.
- A glass of rice.
- 400 milliliters of hot water.
In order for the chicken baked with rice to become more fragrant, the above list of ingredients should be supplemented with Italian herbs, honey, Dijon mustard, soy sauce, olive oil, curry and mango.
Process description
The main secret of this dish is covered in marinade. For its preparation in a bowl mix mango, honey, soy sauce, curry and mustard. After this, they send him pre-washed and dried chicken legs and leave for one hour.
At the end of this time, the meat is spread on a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable oil, and fried on all sides. So that you get the fragrant and juicy legs of chicken in the oven with rice, they are added to the well-washed rump and sent to bake. Five minutes before the meal, the dish is salted and sprinkled with herbs.
Festive option
Appetizing toasted chicken with crumbly rice, laid out on a beautiful dish and decorated with fresh tomatoes, olives and radishes, will become a real decoration for a family dinner. To prepare it you will need:
- Large bird carcass.
- One onion.
- Two glasses of rice.
- One carrot.
Additionally, your kitchen should have vegetable oil, a mixture of peppers, table salt, purchased Worcestershire sauce and fresh vegetables.
Before you cook rice with chicken, the washed carcass is marinated. For this, it is salted, rubbed with a mixture of peppers and sauce, tightly closed and left for a day.
After 24 hours, fried onions and carrots are added to the slightly boiled rice. The resulting mixture is salted and peppered to taste. This stuffing is stuffed with a missed chicken, chewed with toothpicks, put into a sleeve and sent to bake for 50 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. The prepared dish is decorated with fresh vegetables (olives, cherry tomatoes and radishes) and served to the table.
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