HealthDiseases and Conditions

Cheshut eyes, what to do? What should I do if my eyes fester?

Causes of eye discomfort. Spring is a wonderful time, but only not for people prone to allergies. Because of the fine pollen that gets from the flower into the eye, tearing may occur, itching may appear. Then the question arises, itchy eyes - what to do? The most important and first thing to do is to find out exactly the cause of such a condition. Because the eyes can begin to itch not only through the fault of plants, but also from wearing lenses, applying drops to the eyes, the effect of dust, and in women - from the use of cosmetics.
Finding the cause of discomfort, namely it causes itching in the eye area, you need to neutralize the source, the cause of the allergy. If it's a lens, then it's better not to wear it; If it's cosmetics, then you need to give your eyes a break from it; And if it is pollen of flowers, then try to be fewer on the street.
And, of course, if you are still thinking about what itchy eyes are - what to do, it is better to visit an experienced doctor. Only a specialist in this field will give an exact answer to the question of what allergies originated from and how to cope with it. The doctor can prescribe the use of eye drops in combination with the tablets that suppress allergies. Traditional medicine can also become an effective tool. Decoction of cornflower, clover, raspberry, plantain will help cope with itching. But all the procedures that are being done must be discussed with the attending physician in order not to do any harm.

Complication of allergic reactions
When irritating the outer shell of the eye, not only the itching of the eyes may appear, but also their festering. Then already to the first question: itchy eyes what to do, and one more will be added, namely - what to do if the eyes fester. A disease that causes fainting is called conjunctivitis. It often affects children, but it can also occur in adults. The cause of conjunctivitis are bacteria and viruses that get into the eye, act as an irritant.
The disease can in some cases be contagious and transmitted to another person. Therefore, do not use general handkerchiefs, towels until full recovery. In principle, this disease is not serious, so do not worry much, but if the problem is left without attention, then the situation may worsen and entail serious consequences. So, what to do if the eyes fester? It is necessary to visit a doctor.
Cosmetic problem
Another problem with the eyes can be the problem of bruises under the eyes. So, the bruises under the eyes - what to do? It is imperative to find out the cause of this phenomenon. There are a lot of them, starting from serious health problems, for example, kidney disease, and ending with banal overwork or lack of sleep.
The exact cause can be determined only by a doctor, having conducted a series of studies and analyzes. And on their basis to draw a conclusion. But if you do not worry, you can just try to sleep well and rest. Scientists say that for a complete recovery of the body need to sleep at least 10 hours a day, but because of the rapid flow of everyday life is not always possible. The way out can be the daily routine, that is, the body must get used to go to bed and get up at a certain time. Well, on weekends, be sure to rest.
Let's sum up the results
So, if my eyes itchy what to do? Be sure to visit a doctor and determine the source of the allergy. A doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, which in a short time will help to cope with the discomfort caused by the disease.
And if you are wondering - bruises under the eyes, what to do? - the first thing that is necessary is to have a good rest and surround yourself with only positive emotions. If the measures taken do not help, then go to the doctor, take the necessary tests. And already on their results, further treatment will be built.

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