Health, Diseases and Conditions
Your kidneys are aching. What to do and how to treat them?
Kidneys are a pair of organs that are attached under the sixth rib from the back. The kidneys are located in the human body in such a way that they are maximally protected from the adverse effects of the external environment. But, if you are taking ARVI and sore throat, do not follow the rules of personal hygiene or violate the diet, it can cause inflammation of the kidneys and genitourinary system.
Recently, people have complained about kidney problems. What if you feel pain in the lower back? How to diagnose this disease? Most importantly, do not make a diagnosis yourself. Necessarily need to see a doctor: urologist or nephrologist. He, on the basis of the results of tests and ultrasound, will give you the right treatment.
Symptoms of kidney disease are as follows:
• swelling. The face and legs are very swollen with kidney disease. Most of this is noticeable in the morning, by the evening the intensity of edema subsides.
• pain in the kidneys. In chronic disease, it is painful and monotonous. If the kidneys are very painful, and the pain is almost intolerable and harsh, it means a blockage of the duct.
• problems with urination . Usually it's pain, rezi and frequent urination.
• fever , sometimes discoloration and weight loss.
• with a slight tapping on the ribs from the side of the back, a strong, intolerable pain appears in the kidneys.
• after exercise, the intensity of pain is increased .
These are the symptoms that clearly indicate that the kidneys are aching. What to do in such a situation, we already said: urgently to go to the doctor. Now we will consider a number of diseases in which the kidneys, the causes and consequences of these diseases are ache.
The most common disease is pyelonephritis or inflammation of the renal pelvis. The pain is usually not strong, but monotonous and exhausting. Chronic kidney failure is a violation of the kidneys from three months or more.
Kidney cancer . Perhaps the most terrible diagnosis for those who have kidney problems. What to do to determine this disease? Usually, with this disease in the lumbar region, you can grope for a small compaction, often there is blood in the urine. A person feels a decline of strength and lethargy, sometimes without cause, the temperature rises. A combination of these symptoms may indicate this dangerous disease.
With nephroptosis, the kidneys can not be sick at first. Then the urine begins to stagnate, while analyzing it reveals a large content of red blood cells and proteins, and kidney pain gradually intensifies. A strong inflection of the ureter often leads to the onset of renal colic. If the kidney pain is very strong, there may be a suspicion of benign tumors: adenoma and fibroids.
Sometimes kidney pains indicate the onset of urolithiasis . As a rule, this disease is difficult to confuse with something. If there is sand or stone, then when urinating the patient feels sharp, very severe pain. In the urine, blood may appear. All this is accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, chills and frequent urination.
There is also a disease, like hydronephrosis . This disease also occurs almost without symptoms. The patient can only feel occasional unpleasant, painful back pain that quickly passes. Sometimes patients complain of a kidney colic. At an early stage, it can be detected only by an x-ray or ultrasound. But at the last stage the kidney increases so much that it can be groped through the front wall of the abdomen.
Diseases of the kidneys are very difficult to treat, and some just calm down for a while, and then renew with renewed vigor. Since the discovery of kidney disease , you need to avoid drafts, overwork, dress warmer and carefully monitor your health. Do not prescribe yourself a cure if your kidneys are badly hurt. What to do and how to treat the disease, can only be decided by a qualified doctor.
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