
How to use activated charcoal for weight loss

Activated charcoal is one of the very simple and affordable medicines. It has important and useful properties. It is produced in the form of simple tablets, powder and capsules. Make the drug from highly porous materials, rich in carbon: wood, coal and peat. This composition allows the use of activated carbon for weight loss, because it has a strong absorbent capacity, removing toxins and waste products of the intestine from the body.

Charcoal was used as a filter for water by the Hindus in the 15th century. At the same time, the Egyptians cleared their wounds. In England, in the middle of the 19th century, coal was widely used for water purification. Already in the last century coal was used in respirators.

Due to the high degree of absorbency, the powder of the preparation is able to neutralize up to 60% of toxic substances in the gastrointestinal tract. But activated carbon is practically powerless against the action of strong acids and alkalis. With such poisonings, only washings and special antidotes can help.

But the drug is able to detoxify the body from the products of decay, which were not withdrawn from the body in time, which makes it possible to use activated charcoal for weight loss. Passing through our digestive system, he empowers the body with energy, while removing all unnecessary.

This simple medicine not only cleanses our body, but also rejuvenates it. Slow down the processes of development of cellular changes, which are associated with aging. Regular use of it helps to work kidneys, liver, adrenals. Scientists conducted special studies that showed that activated charcoal increases a rather significant life span. In any case, this was the result of the animals that participated in the experiments.

Reducing the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, as scientists have found, has an unusually beneficial effect on the heart and liver, increasing their efficiency, and, accordingly, the metabolism of the whole body. In turn, the increase in metabolism just allows you to argue that activated charcoal for weight loss is very effective. In addition, under the influence of this remarkable tool, the work of the brain improves, which again slows down the aging process.

When different viruses start to multiply in the human body, the products of the decay of their vital activity are poisoned. It is from this that we feel bad with diseases of different viral infections. Activated carbon helps to effectively remove these degradation products, improving health and helping the body cope with the disease.

There are some features of the drug in various situations. If a person uses activated charcoal for weight loss, then we can offer such reception schemes.
The first scheme assumes an accurate calculation of the daily intake depending on the weight of the person. That is, the daily dose is calculated in a ratio of 1 tablet (0.25 g) per 10 kg of weight.
The second scheme is more categorical and offers as a daily dose a package of the preparation (10 tablets) regardless of weight.
Both schemes give an idea of how to lose weight with activated charcoal and recommend not taking a single daily dose, but breaking it into 3 to 4 receptions, depending on the diet. In all cases, take activated charcoal for weight loss should be 1-2 hours before meals, washed down with a glass of purified water. Purification with activated carbon assumes alternation of intake (10 days) and rest (10 days). This cycle can be repeated three times.

Striving to lose weight with activated charcoal, do not forget that activated charcoal can interfere with the action of medications, which simultaneously takes a person. Therefore, it is desirable that the difference in time between doses of different drugs is at least two hours.

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